
gotthicksix:Would love to see them go at it!


Would love to see them go at it!

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kleynn:Mother finished yesterday ! Well, the last level was so long argh. I’m gonna play Earthboun


Mother finished yesterday ! Well, the last level was so long argh.

I’m gonna play Earthbound probably now

Sorry for the bad quality my computer is still messing with colors so I had to edit on my phone to get the right one….

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mood & feel*


along with this picture,,

opened an antique display cupboard of my mother’s at home,,

picked out her old set of classic florals tea set from Italy 1992,,

looking like a real size toy set i used to play with my dollie when i was little*




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Mom has the best ass, cant get enough of it when she walks through the door

The best ass

taboo-mom-son: Moms attire for going out when Dad is away is very different but I like it..!! Mom is


Moms attire for going out when Dad is away is very different but I like it..!!

Mom is signalling something

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mommy-son: oedipussywrecks: I love when Mom wears leggings and g-string panties out in public! She s



I love when Mom wears leggings and g-string panties out in public! She seems to enjoy all the men staring…including me!!


Just fucked mom 3 times hard …. can’t believe I want more before the trip

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The Rainbow in My Clouds


In 1979 Dr. Maya Angelou became my mother. No, she never suckled me at her breast and no, she never cradled me in her arms, but how did she become my lifeline? A literary umbilical cord formed between she and I, and until her recent death, it has never been severed. To be honest, I’m not even sure if death alone could cut the cord that exists between the two of us. Yes, her earthly body has been abandoned for an ancestral form somewhere in the sky, yet, I still feel her warmth, her gentleness and her mothering spirit.

Don’t get me wrong; I had a mother. Two mothers, to be exact, but for what I experienced the summer of ’79, the mothers I had were not prepared to support me in the way I needed. Their words were empty and their capacity to understand my suffering had not matured to a level that made them capable of feeding my starving soul. So, in stepped Dr. Angelou with her memoir I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.

When I tell people Dr. Angelou’s book saved my life, I am not exaggerating. That summer, my innocence was stripped away from me, and no one but Dr. Angelou had the words to express all that I was feeling: “Could I tell her now? The terrible pain assured me that I couldn’t. What he did to me, and what I allowed, must have been very bad if already God let me hurt so much” (I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, 1970). ‘How did she know?’ the eleven-year-old me wondered. How did she know that I, too, felt like a caged bird? How did she know that I couldn’t tell anyone either? And how did she know I, too, felt abandoned by the heavenly God that was supposed to protect sweet little innocent girls like her and me?

Along with reading, writing became my savior too. Seeing the beautiful brown image of Dr. Angelou on the back of her book cover was enough to validate the writer who was bubbling up inside of me. Through writing, I could rewrite the past, the present—even the future. I could create giants with Old Testament fury who annihilated those monsters that stalked the earth for helpless young princesses who bore a striking resemblance to me. I could reverse all of the past atrocities done to the meek long before they had the opportunity to inherit the earth.  Reading and absorbing Dr. Angelou’s poetry allowed me to be brave and wise enough to revisit how I viewed myself.  One poem in particular that reorganized my image of the self was “Phenomenal Woman” (1978):

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.

I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size  

But when I start to tell them,

They think I’m telling lies.

I say,

It’s in the reach of my arms,

The span of my hips,  

The stride of my step,  

The curl of my lips.  

I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman,  

That’s me.

There isn’t a woman alive who has ever read those words out loud and didn’t strut around knowing Dr. Angelou wrote those words especially for her. As a result of Dr. Angelou’s bodacity and unapologetic usurping of the mainstream’s idea of what is beautiful, I started writing poetry that showed my appreciation for those parts about me that society deemed unappealing. I wrote poems celebrating my broad nose, my nappy hair and my ample butt. I wrote myself out of bad relationships and unfulfilling jobs. I rewrote society’s reflection of me so that when I looked in the mirror I saw the woman Dr. Angelou wrote about.

Dr. Angelou’s death has left me breathless, but I am finally starting the process of resuscitating myself again through her wonderful and magical words as well as the knowledge that as long as I have a memory of her and her empowering prose and poetry, she will forever remain the rainbow in my clouds.

Angela Jackson-Brown is a writer and poet who teaches Creative Writing and English at Ball State University in Muncie, IN. She is a graduate of Troy State University, Auburn University and Spalding University’s Low Residency MFA in Creative Writing Program. Her work has appeared in literary journals, such as: Pet Milk, Uptown Mosaic Magazine,New Southerner Literary Magazine,The Louisville Review,Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal,Blue Lake Review,Identify Theory,Toe Good Poetry, and94 Creations. Her short story, “Something in the Wash,” was awarded the 2009 fiction prize by New Southerner Literary Magazine and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in Fiction. Her debut novel, Drinking from a Bitter Cup, was published by WiDo Publishing on January 7, 2014. She is currently working on her second novel.

Family toque macaque. One of the females is looking warily. by lv96ernqfe

Family toque macaque. One of the females is looking warily. by lv96ernqfe

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During pregnancy, eating real food is more important than ever. A nourishing, real food diet will not only help the baby grow, but it will also set him or her up for a lifetime of healthy eating.

There’s nothing like finding out you’re pregnant to encourage better eating habits. After all, your body is going through big changes, and both you and baby need a full dose of vitamins and nutrients to stay well and strong. But what counts as healthy food for pregnancy? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Here are 5 of the best foods to eat when pregnant, and why.



What it’s got: Whether you like them fried, scrambled, hard-boiled or served as an omelet, eggs are the gold standard for prenatal protein. They also happen to be a great source of folate, iron, and choline.

Choline is critical to fetal brain development and reduces the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. But to reap the benefits, you’ll have to eat the whole thing, since choline is contained in the yolk (so forget the egg-whites-only order). Bonus: Give baby a brain boost by buying eggs fortified with omega-3s.


 This crunchy (and convenient) snack is full of healthy fats (including those brain-boosting omega-3s we mentioned earlier), protein, fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

 Plus, noshing on nuts will help make a dent in the 350 milligrams of magnesium you’re supposed to get now that you’re preggers.


 If you’re not a big meat eater (or one at all), beans and lentils are great sources of protein and iron, as well as folate, fiber, and calcium. And beans (especially baked ones) are also bursting with zinc.

: Beans boast a bunch of the baby- and mom-friendly minerals found in animal products, so they’re a great option for vegetarian and vegan moms-to-be. Beans are also rich in zinc, an essential mineral that’s linked to a lower risk for preterm delivery, low birth weight and prolonged labor.


What it’s got: Down a glass of OJ in the morning to fill up on folate, potassium and, of course, vitamin C.Why it’s good for both of you: You’ve probably heard a lot of buzz about folate and folic acid (the synthetic form that you get in supplements and fortified foods), and with good reason:

It’s a necessary nutrient for preventing certain birth defects early on in pregnancy, and for ensuring a healthy pregnancy after that, so try to get the recommended 400 micrograms a day


 especially Greek yogurt is particularly beneficial for pregnant women.

It contains more calcium than most other dairy products. Some varieties also contain probiotic bacteria, which support digestive health.

People who are lactose intolerant may also be able to tolerate yogurt, especially probiotic yogurt 

Taking probiotic supplements during pregnancy may reduce your risk of complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, vaginal infections and allergies 

What you eat during pregnancy affects your energy and well-being.

It may also directly affect the health and development of your baby. Since calorie and nutrient needs are increased, it’s very important that you choose nutrient-dense, healthy foods. Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal, but it’s important to gain it in a healthy way. This benefits you, your baby and your health after the pregnancy.

This list should be a good start towards a healthy, well-nourished pregnancy.

According to Save the Children’s report, “State of the World’s Mothers 2015: the Urban Disadvantage”

According to Save the Children’s report, “State of the World’s Mothers 2015: the Urban Disadvantage”, Finland is the 2nd best place in the world for mothers. Great :)

If you want to see the full report, you can download it after registration here: http://www.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.8585863/k.9F31/State_of_the_Worlds_Mothers.htm?msource=wenlpstw0514

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It’s summer. Your mom’s favorite time of the year. She gets to help the neighbour out cleaning his car, while giving your friends a nice show. All at the same time.

Hi everyone !
Long time no see.

I have been inactive mainly because of studies and work. Me and gf also live together now.

Anyway, i’m keeping this short.

I might get back to writing captions and stories if you people want it. Make sure to like and tell me that you want it.

Also check my content see if it’s too ur liking (even though some are censored cause of tumblr. I might head to Bdsmlr, i’ll let you guys know)

Also, if you wish to swap hot pics/gifs and dirty chat about moms, gfs, anything dm me 18+ only !

Hope you all have a great day and stay safe !….and remember it’s time to let our hot moms enjoy summer <3

Your mom always wanted to be a professional model. You’ve seen her photos when she was younger and she sure had the body and the looks for it. 

Alas, she had you, a mistake she regrets (she should have used protection) and had to quit her dream and take her of her unwanted child. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you, just that she resents you (even thought nothing is your fault and it’s 100% hers)

Your mom, obviously wanted you to follow photography at school but nevertheless you decided to to follow biology like the nerd you are. 

Every morning your mom to her mirror after you left to school :

“Dammit ! That little shit !!! He steals my dream away and now he doesn’t even try to make it true again ! Biology, fucking biology…..who fucking cares about biology ?! ……damn it…..i love him i do….it’s just…..i hate him a little bit too….*sigh* I should of never gotten drunk and fucked his father in the woods…guess the weed didn’t help either *giggles*….i do miss having fun like that though…..Damn look at the time, got to go to work since a girl can’t rest when her son’s dead bit dad leaves her alone with her little burden.” 

At 5pm every afternoon your mom went to pick you up at school.

You get in the car:

Mom - How was your day son ?

Son - It was great mom ! Today we worked on the Cnidaria family, which is basically the qualification for jellyfish….

Mom - Yeah yeah cool whatever you say son…*i just don’t fucking care*

Your mom turns on the car and starts driving out the parking lot.

Mom - Who are they ? The football team ?

Son - Yeah that’s them. They always make fun of me and the rest of the biology class. But it’s ok because we study something that will actually help this world not just show of muscles. Right mom ?

Mom - Uh ?! Oh yeah sure… *Mmmmm them hunks can’t help the world but they sure could help a milf out mmmm*

While driving up 1 bloc from your school your mom sees a guy with lights and cameras.

Mom - How about him? Who is that guy ?

Son - Oh him? He’s Garry. He is the school’s photographer. He’s dream is to be a professional photographer. At least that’s what he says to the teachers. Between us he’s always bragging about how he will be a playboy photographer and photograph the hottest women and that he will become so famous that women will end up begging him to be photographed.

Mom - Really ?!

Son - Yes mom ! He is such a douche with no respect for women. Don’t worry mom i’ll never be like that !

Mom - Yeah….i’m sure you won’t……what was his name again ?

Son - Garry.

Mom - Mmm *Gary uh ? You’re my ticket to my dream !*

A couple of days pass and you see your mom has been shopping a lot lately but you didn’t think to much about it. Besides your exams were coming and you needed to focus on those.
One rainy friday afternoon you come of school and could find your mother anywhere. You thought she must have some delay so you decided to wait.
Your mom was actually 1 bloc away waiting for Gary to pass by.

Your mom lowers the her left window.

Mom - HEEY ! HEEY YOU ! You Gary ?
Gary - Yes ma'am that’s me.

Mom - You want your dream come true ? 

Gary - What do you m…

Mom - I’m a women begging you to get photographed isn’t that what you want ?

Gary - Oh fu…yes yes it is !!!

Mom -Then get in the car put the equipement in the back. Today we both get lucky !

Gary - Yes ma'am !!!!

(20 mn later back at your house)

Mom - Ok now that u rubbed some oil on my body, i’m going to wear this. Then we could try some bikini or lingerie shots what do you think ? 

Gary - Yes definitely ! You sure know a lot about this !

Mom - Well i didn’t forget everything from back when i was younger haha.

Gary - I can see that ma'am haha. So then just relax and do your poses since you know more about that then i do. I’ll make sure the lighting is good and work the camera and the shots.

Mom - This a good start ?

Gary - Mhm sure is ma'am !

Mom - No need to be so formal Gary. Make me feel young again. Call me, babe.

Gary - Mmm as you wish babe. Now show the camera some love……there you go !

(Back at your school under the rain)

Son - It’s been almost 2 hours now where is she ?! I better call her make sure she is alright.

(phone rings but no answer)

(Back at your house)

Gary - That’s the stuff babe ! Pop that booty out over those sexy soles. Just like the viewer enjoys…

Gary sees the phone ringing. Your mom keeping the pose just looks back and asks :

Mom - Is it him again ?

Gary - Uh? yeah yeah it’s him wait don’t move let me just *turns off phone* there *thows phone to the side* no more distraction. Now, give it to my baby….mmmmm yes that’s the stuff ! Imma make you a star ! *and boy is the gonna look good on my resume*

Son - Damn her phone is turned off. Guess i’ll walk home…i don’t even have an umbrella….sucks…

1 hour later you finally get home.

Mom answers the door.

Mom - Oh it’s you….

Son - Why didn’t you come and get me mom ?

Mom - Yeah sorry mom was busy you see. 

Son - Well, let me in.

Mom - Mhm yeah…mom isn’t really done yet love. How about you go play outside or something ?

Son - It’s raining mom ! Besides what are you doing anyway ?!

Mom - I’m just helping Gary with his photograph career which in return is helping me with my modeling career. And we were just about getting to the part where…well mommy’s gonna have to….hum…let’s just say Gary is about to find out how lucky he got. But don’t worry your little head about that. Here these are the keys to the garage stay there, read about your jellyfishes and all that. Mommy will come get you in a few hours.

*Slams door on your face*

Son - Mom ? MOOOOM ??!!

Thank you for reading !

Because of the new policy, porn gifs/pics are not allowed so what happened to the mom is entirely up to your imagination Or you can always pm me and we can swap gifs/pics of what we think happened !
Hope you guys enjoyed ! Take care.

Your mom was single for a long long time. 

You didn’t mind although you did want her to be happy. You weren’t a fan of having a ‘’step dad’’ but if that’s what she wanted you would accept it.

One day, to your surprise, she told you she was going on a date. You were ok with it…..until she said he was younger then you. You didn’t believe her until this 19 year old pulled over in front of your house and your mom got in the car with it.

All evening you were pissed off, full of rage. There you are 22 years old a Saturday night, with nothing to do and a guy 3 years younger gets to go on a date with our milf mom !

You decided to just jerk off, convince yourself that nothing was going to happen and fall asleep.

Until next morning you receive this pic of your hungover mom from an unknown number saying:

‘‘Yo, your mom was INSANE last night haha finally got to score a hot milf. My friends wont believe it. Good thing i got them pics though haha In the world there are those who eat hot moms and those that have hot ones so thx for your sacrifice i sure enjoyed the meal lol
Peace out’’
