#mr pennycrumb


Puppy Love

Parings: Five Hargreeves X wife!Reader

Warnings: none just fluff!!

Ask: Mayb reader and five have been together for a while maybe theyr married and (ok this is just my hc but i hc him as ace) but he still wants a family with u so u guys decide to adopt a puppy together and at first hes not completely down with the idea cuz hes never had a pet before but you comvince him to ‘just go look’ and when he sees this small  puppy hes immediately like 'this onei like him' and just like how he would be with this new little puppy you name mr pennycrumb or penny like the puppy he has in the comics because if that goddamn dog isnt in the nxt season im gonna riot no cap but he gets so happy seeing reader with the puppy like from all the years jn the apocalypse and all the stuff hes done all the murder, he feels sorta like he doesnt deserve to be happy and have the person he loves the most by his side with his new little pup but reader assures him she loves him, that hes a good man despite everything and hes gonna be a great father to you guys new pup

A/n: This was so fun to write, I hope you like it!! 

You loved Five, truly, with all of your heart. There was just one problem in your relationship. Five was asexual, and you had your heart set on a family. Of course, you were fine with your relationship; you were more than fine, actually. You loved your relationship with Five more than life itself. He was your husband after all, the light of your life, the reason you woke up every morning. The only issue was that you both wanted to start a family.

And so, that morning when you both sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee, you proposed an idea. “Five, honey?”

“Yes dear?” Five said.

“Have you ever considered getting a pet?” you asked.

“Not really, why?”

“I think we should get a dog.” There, you said it. You were nervous to propose the idea because you were unsure of how he’d react.

“Y/n… why do you want a dog all of a sudden?” Five said.

“Well, I know we were thinking about maybe adopting kids someday, and I feel like this might be a good first step,” you explained.

Five smiled. “Sweetheart, I love you, but I don’t know if this is such a good idea.”

“Oh come on! Can’t we just go look?” you insisted.

“Alright, we’ll go look.”

“Okay! Let’s go!” you said excitedly.

“Now?” Five asked, his eyebrows raised slightly.

“Yes now!”

Five laughed. “Okay then!”

You and Five got dressed and left the house to go to the dog shelter.

“Five!! Look at all the puppies!” you said.

Five smiled at you. How could he not? Your smile was just so contagious. A worker came up to the two of you and said, “Hello! Are you looking for a dog?”

“Yes, we are!” you confirmed.

“Great! Come with me!” the worker said. She led you and Five to a large, fenced in area where about a dozen puppies were playing together.

“Would you like to go in and meet them?” the worker asked.

“Yes, I would love to!” you said.

You and Five were let into the play area with the puppies, and a few of them instantly swarmed around you. You bent down to pet them and a couple jumped up on you, licking your face. You laughed. “Five, look how cute they are!”

Five smiled, knowing his wife was cuter than any of those puppies. Although, one dog in particular did seem to catch his eye. It was a small dog, golden in color, and it was fighting with another dog for a chew toy. The puppy must have noticed Five observing it because it left the toy for the other dog and trotted over to him. “Hey there,” Five said, squatting down to let the dog smell him. Instead the dog immediately jumped on Five, almost knocking him over. “That’s one cute puppy,” he muttered with a smile.

You made your way out of the crowd of puppies to Five. “And who is this?” you asked.

“Y/n, I want this one,” Five said.

And just like that, you left the dog shelter with a perfect little puppy in your arms.

“What are we going to name him?” Five asked.

“Mr. Pennycrumb,” you replied.

Five chuckled. “You sound like you’ve been planning this out.”

“No, I just looked at him and came up with it,” you said.

“Well Mr. Pennycrumb it is then,” Five said. He pecked you on the lips and smiled. “I’m so glad we did this.”

“I told you,” you said, returning his smile.

The next few weeks were probably the most hectic weeks of your life. Since getting the puppy was such short notice, you hadn’t had time to prepare anything, so you were frantically buying food and toys for Mr. Pennycrumb.

After everything was situated, Mr. Pennycrumb had to adapt to the new environment he would be living in. You made every effort to make the puppy feel at home, even going as far as to turning a guest bedroom into a playroom for him.

“Y/n, darling, I love how much you love Penny. I love him too, but don’t you think you’re going a bit overboard?” Five said.

“No, of course not! Maybe you’re not showing enough love for him,” you said teasingly.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that Mr. Pennycrumb needs some time with his dad,” you said, scooping the puppy up and placing him in Five’s arms. The dog reached up and licked Five’s face before curling up in his arms and making himself comfortable. Five smiled at the dog and leaned over to kiss you gently.

After that, the two, now three, of you were happier than ever. Adopting Mr. Pennycrumb truly was a perfect idea.

Five entered the living room to find you sitting on the floor with Mr. Pennycrumb laying in your lap. You were cooing at the puppy, carefully stroking his soft fur. You looked up to see Five staring at you.

“I don’t deserve this,” Five said.

“What do you mean?” you asked, clearly concerned.

“I mean you. I don’t deserve a wife like you. Or a dog like Penny. I just can’t believe this is my life,” Five said.

“Oh Five. You’re a great man, a great husband, and now a great dad. I love you more than anything,” you said.

Five sighed, his face forming into a slightly tired smile, and he sat down next to you. Five laid his head on your shoulder and mumbled a few simple words that meant the world to you. “I love our family.”

(Spoilers!) In The Umbrella Academy: Dallas issues #3-6 and onward, Number Five adopts a dog after averting the apocalypse, whom he names Mr. Pennycrumb, takes with him to assassinate JFK and feeds ice cream.

Number Five holds a smiling puppy in his arms as he says "Gentlemen..."ALT
Number Five bends down and holds out a spoonful of icecream to Mr. Pennycrumb the dog.ALT
Number Five grins and stands on a stage, clutching a small, smiling puppy in his arms.ALT
Mr Pennycrumb and Number FiveMr Pennycrumb and Number Five

Mr Pennycrumb and Number Five

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