#mr quinn




The assassin you sent after me is part of my found family now


hardison, flipping on the lights in his living room to find quinn sitting on his couch, beat up as hell and slowly disappearing under a pile of meg’s toys:

quinn: relax i’m not even getting any blood on the upholstery this time

hardison: you know what. i’m not even gonna ask how you got in, i know better than that. what’s with the toy army

quinn, shrugging: i dunno, she just wanted me to have them

meg, trotting up to plunk another excessively slobbery plush on quinn’s lap: :3


hardison, flipping on the lights in his living room to find quinn sitting on his couch, beat up as hell and slowly disappearing under a pile of meg’s toys:

quinn: relax i’m not even getting any blood on the upholstery this time

hardison: you know what. i’m not even gonna ask how you got in, i know better than that. what’s with the toy army

quinn, shrugging: i dunno, she just wanted me to have them

meg, trotting up to plunk another excessively slobbery plush on quinn’s lap: :3


Eliot/Quinn but they’re both being punchy little men who don’t have soft feelings and look, Eliot doesn’t know quite what Quinn has seen and done but nobody gets out of their business without hurting one way or another. He’s hardly in a position to judge. So when Quinn is on day three without sleep and he’s jumping at the slightest sound, let’s just say Eliot recognises what bad dreams can do to a man. In the safehouse that night he sneaks into Quinn’s room - Quinn almost punches him out instinctively but Eliot ducks, grabs his arm, pretty much tackles him bodily onto the bed and pins him there, the most aggressive big spoon in the world, and just grits out “look, man, I got your back. Alright? I’m behind you, I’m watching the door, ain’t nobody coming in that I don’t want to come in. Got it? Get some damn rest”. Quinn wants to say something mocking but it’s the best night’s sleep he’s had in years


Eliot/Quinn but they’re both being punchy little men who don’t have soft feelings and look, Eliot doesn’t know quite what Quinn has seen and done but nobody gets out of their business without hurting one way or another. He’s hardly in a position to judge. So when Quinn is on day three without sleep and he’s jumping at the slightest sound, let’s just say Eliot recognises what bad dreams can do to a man. In the safehouse that night he sneaks into Quinn’s room - Quinn almost punches him out instinctively but Eliot ducks, grabs his arm, pretty much tackles him bodily onto the bed and pins him there, the most aggressive big spoon in the world, and just grits out “look, man, I got your back. Alright? I’m behind you, I’m watching the door, ain’t nobody coming in that I don’t want to come in. Got it? Get some damn rest”. Quinn wants to say something mocking but it’s the best night’s sleep he’s had in years


I love the fact that not only did they (of course!) bring the Old Nate painting with them when they abandoned Nate’s apartment, but Eliot even found a place to hang it in the Batcave (supervised by Quinn) rather than just parking it in a corner or something.


I love the fact that not only did they (of course!) bring the Old Nate painting with them when they abandoned Nate’s apartment, but Eliot even found a place to hang it in the Batcave (supervised by Quinn) rather than just parking it in a corner or something.




hardison and quinn will not have “conversations” in “real life” but they absolutely play mmos together

quinn has good wifi for like 3 days a month and those 3 days are spent killing orcs with alec in absolute silence. and then they DO NOT TEXT afterwards. scheduled silence. parallel play

theyre stuck in the van doing recon for quinns annual tag-along with the crew and alecs trying to make small talk like “so uh. ever heard of gw2. cause there  was this cool update” and quinn in an absolute monotone is like. “ive never willingly perceived a videogame”

4 hours later he has an account and theyre building him a character while alec infodumps abt the lore 10/10

#HARDISON MY BELOVED #and quinn the funky lil dude :) #finch the quotation marks here are killing me #quinn just plunks down a laptop in front of hardison one day #and says ‘explain to me world of warcraft’ #and hardison pauses for a moment before saying #‘not on that computer cmon lets get you smth with actual power’ #and then they are besties and never physically talk again :) [tags via @be-gay-do-heists]Y E A H


i feel like quinn will make it the problem of Everyone in a Ten Mile Radius if he’s forced to wear denim for a con, he’s in crisis, he’s never experienced this level of hardship in his Life, but if he gets shot during the same con he’s just like. “this is honestly so annoying”

#i am THINKING about quinn being very “i don’t even like you people” and then very casually taking a bullet for nathan ford#like. yeah. hello. why are you all panicking. eliot was too far away it was a Favour To His Friend Eliot <3#“ur losing a lot of blood” blah blah blah u think this is BAD? u think he is little baby?#little baby hitter cant take a bullet? boo hoo boo hoo? the disrespect. unbelievable etc (tags via @darkfinch)


Proficiency in both ranged and deranged combat
