#ms paint

‘Rising Sun’ + ‘Daytime Moon’.  Microsoft PaintI wanted to do a sun-themed companion piece to an old‘Rising Sun’ + ‘Daytime Moon’.  Microsoft PaintI wanted to do a sun-themed companion piece to an old

‘Rising Sun’ + ‘Daytime Moon’.  Microsoft Paint

I wanted to do a sun-themed companion piece to an older drawing, and I really liked the way they looked side-by-side. :)

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‘Blow.’  Microsoft Paint.A repost from a few years ago!  I still really like the overall color and d

‘Blow.’  Microsoft Paint.

A repost from a few years ago!  I still really like the overall color and design of this piece in particular. 

My husband and I are in the process of moving (which is both exciting and a little daunting!), so there hasn’t been a lot of time to make personal art on the side, lol.  Maybe I’ll be able to make something fun soon.

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A New Chapter.  Microsoft Paint.It’s been a handful of months since I last posted!  Life has been fuA New Chapter.  Microsoft Paint.It’s been a handful of months since I last posted!  Life has been fu

A New Chapter.  Microsoft Paint.

It’s been a handful of months since I last posted!  Life has been full of a wide variety of changes that have kept me from drawing (or at least posting drawings).

One significant change is that I’ve gotten married. :) 

I’m still reeling at the wonder of being the wife to someone so kind and wonderful, and I’m still getting used to describing myself as someone’s wife.  In the meantime, here’s a drawing to celebrate this transition.

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Beauty Within.  Microsoft Paint.I wanted to draw a celebratory piece before Black History Month cameBeauty Within.  Microsoft Paint.I wanted to draw a celebratory piece before Black History Month came

Beauty Within.  Microsoft Paint.

I wanted to draw a celebratory piece before Black History Month came to a close!

I’m reminded that when I was a little girl, I had several qualms about my blackness.  I resented my wooly hair and broad nose; it seemed that people who were a lighter shade were almost always more beautiful.  Over time, though, I came to realize that I was beautifully and wonderfully made - carefully crafted and melanated by God Himself.  He intentionally weaved the kinks and coils of my hair and the breadth of my lips.  The history and culture that preceded me was a valuable one that I did not need to resent.  I came to understand that all shades and hues are equally wonderful, and mine was no exception.

I hope and pray that any other little boy or girl who feels inadequate because of their skin comes to realize just how beautiful they are, and just how loved they are by the One who made them.  

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My Champion.  Microsoft Paint and Pixlr App.For Valentine’s Day, I drew a portrait of my fiancé.  He

My Champion.  Microsoft Paint and Pixlr App.

For Valentine’s Day, I drew a portrait of my fiancé.  He is the most selfless, kindest, sweetest, and funniest person I know; he is easily my best friend.  I cherish every memory we’ve made thus far, and I look forward to our future to come.  

I see a ton of flaws in this piece, but he seems to like it a lot.  He’s about a head taller than me, but happened to be leaning on my shoulder in the photo that this is referenced from.

Between school, work, and wedding plans, I’ve found less time to make art, but I will be sure to make some soon.  In the meanwhile, please be safe, God bless, and be sure to guard your mental health.  <3

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Risqué.  Microsoft Paint.My first post of the New Year!  In less this two weeks, this year has alreaRisqué.  Microsoft Paint.My first post of the New Year!  In less this two weeks, this year has alrea

Risqué. Microsoft Paint.

My first post of the New Year!  In less this two weeks, this year has already proven to be textbook worthy.  I hope and pray that you all are managing your mental health in the midst of these times.

This drawing is actually a cropped version of a photostudy that my fiance suggested I draw.  The reason why it’s cropped is because the full version is quite the departure from my usual work - not so inappropriate that it would be flagged in most places, but risqué enough that it would stand out awkwardly on this page (which several of my family members have access to).  Still, I was proud of the study, and I at least wanted to show a fragment of it.

Please continue to be safe, and God bless.

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Little Space Ranger.  Microsoft Paint.A digital drawing that I started a few weeks ago, but only fin

Little Space Ranger.  Microsoft Paint.

A digital drawing that I started a few weeks ago, but only finished recently!

I’ve been in love with the stars since I was a child, and though I never went on to study them, they still fascinate me.

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Retro-grade.  Microsoft Paint. I asked my boyfriend to give me ideas for the background and hairstylRetro-grade.  Microsoft Paint. I asked my boyfriend to give me ideas for the background and hairstyl

Retro-grade.  Microsoft Paint.

I asked my boyfriend to give me ideas for the background and hairstyle for this one.  He is very proud of himself.

I’m alive!  I hope and pray that everyone who sees this is doing well.  My first semester in graduate school has fortunately come to a close, and I’ve been able to enjoy this most recent time with those I love dearly.  It cannot be overstated how grateful I am to be able to be safe and sound (as well as to have those classes finally, finally behind me).

As always, please continue to keep yourselves safe.  Social distancing saves lives.  Wherever you are, please be sure to nurture your mental health and wellbeing, even in the small ways.  Reach out to loved ones if you can.  

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Better Together.  Microsoft Paint.An idea I’ve been wanting to draw out for a little while now.  In

Better Together.  Microsoft Paint.

An idea I’ve been wanting to draw out for a little while now.  

In the midst of of pain and injustice, things work altogether better when we work together. <3 

(What would their names be?)

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Rose Garden.  Microsoft Paint.(Those are actually peonies.)A project that was fun and involved a lot

Rose Garden.  Microsoft Paint.

(Those are actually peonies.)

A project that was fun and involved a lot of learning!  There were several different colors across her face, but I realized that simpler shading suited the face best.

Hope you all are doing well!

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Brown Beauty.  Microsoft Paint.Not one of my favorites!  As you can tell, I could not decide what diBrown Beauty.  Microsoft Paint.Not one of my favorites!  As you can tell, I could not decide what diBrown Beauty.  Microsoft Paint.Not one of my favorites!  As you can tell, I could not decide what di

Brown Beauty.  Microsoft Paint.

Not one of my favorites!  As you can tell, I could not decide what direction I wanted to go in.  Nevertheless, this was great fun to draw, and good practice.

Praying that you all are staying safe in the midst of these stressful times.  Please stay healthy and mindful of the well-being of others.

Please let me know if you have a favorite out of the three!  

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Daytime Moon.  Microsoft Paint.A drawing that I wrestled with on account of some conflicting color s

Daytime Moon.  Microsoft Paint.

A drawing that I wrestled with on account of some conflicting color schemes.  It was a fun way to cool down from the mild confusion of online classes.  I seem to be preferring blues as of late. 

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Recovering Dreams.  Microsoft Paint.A drawing that didn’t quite go in the direction I anticipated, b

Recovering Dreams.  Microsoft Paint.

A drawing that didn’t quite go in the direction I anticipated, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

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Still Dreaming.  Microsoft Paint A semi-quick drawing to get into the swing of things.  It’s a

Still Dreaming.  Microsoft Paint

A semi-quick drawing to get into the swing of things.  It’s an homage to this ancient drawing.

Like many others, I have been meditating on recent events, and I have been thinking about what it means to be black in America.  As a black American, my heart aches to see the emergence of the justice that my ancestors, brothers, and sisters have been so direly deprived of.  As a Christian, I also want to understand what Christ-like forgiveness and love looks like without being flippant, passive, nor quick to disregard evil.  It is so easy to succumb to feeling like one is doing too little, or to be fueled by (warranted) rage and sadness.  I currently lack the words to communicate these thoughts clearly, but I hope that you consider helping in the cause:  blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/.

God bless.  Our lives - black lives - matter.

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Pink Lemonade.  Microsoft Paint.Wanted to go a different route with colors and experiment a bit!  AlPink Lemonade.  Microsoft Paint.Wanted to go a different route with colors and experiment a bit!  Al

Pink Lemonade.  Microsoft Paint.

Wanted to go a different route with colors and experiment a bit!  Although I never personally wear pink, it is (obviously) one of my favorite colors to make art with.  Her hair was initially something more natural looking (with a purple undertone), but I couldn’t resist.

Hope you are all safe and happy!

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To The Moon and Back!  Microsoft Paint. Something drawn for my sweet boyfriend!   I opted for a more

To The Moon and Back!  Microsoft Paint.

Something drawn for my sweet boyfriend!   I opted for a more paper-cutout-esque style as I wanted something quick and cute. I ripped the planets from an older drawing of mine, and for a particular reason; two years ago, I joked that the way to my heart was through a conversation about the gas giants.  It just so happens that my significant other studies them, and has even worked with NASA.  God has a sense of humor!  I’m learning that I know much less about space than I thought, lol.  

He’s a sweetheart, and I love him to bits.  I hope this drawing alone meets everyone’s quota for sappiness.

The original file name was “PDA”.

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Loved.  Microsoft Paint.A personal drawing between tasks.  Life has been turned absolutely upside do

Loved. Microsoft Paint.

A personal drawing between tasks.  Life has been turned absolutely upside down - classes online, restaurants closing, empty shelves where toilet paper once sat.  This is one of those moments where I am confronted by the fact that I am extraordinarily blessed, and that there are many things I ought not to take for granted.

It’s also been a forced sabbatical of sorts - a realignment of priorities.  And a time of unexpected joys and blessings.

I drew this because I was feeling overwhelmed by the friendship I’ve been shown by housemates and friends over the last few weeks.  I also drew this because - well, I’m a little lovesick.  I’ve recently started a relationship with someone absolutely lovely, and the whole ordeal has been filled with a ton of new feelings and questions - a trust exercise with God.  I’m still learning how to feel comfortable with feeling so happy.  

But that’s enough chatter!  Stay safe, regularly wash your hands for 20 or more seconds, and God bless!

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It Gets Better, Microsoft Paint.A drawing that I’m not particularly fond of, but wanted to finally fIt Gets Better, Microsoft Paint.A drawing that I’m not particularly fond of, but wanted to finally f

It Gets Better, Microsoft Paint.

A drawing that I’m not particularly fond of, but wanted to finally finish after having it sit on my laptop for an eternity and a half.  I could write a lengthy post about the things that have transpired over the last few weeks - let’s not mention oronacay irusvay - but I’ve opted to keep this brief.  

Stay well, stay safe, please wash your hands regularly and cover your mouths when you cough, and God bless!

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