

7/10 today and surprise, surprise! 3 in 1 multi! 2 new and 1 dupe! Did not see that coming! If I get Nelliel 8-10, I’m gonna cry happily!

“What you want to protect is not what I want to protect … What I wanted to protect was… youIchigo.”


When your master wants to protect everyone but himself… I love Tensa Zangetsu so fucking much, the character development in Bleach is phenomenal and the sheer conflict he felt must have been awful. Even in the anime, you would see him walk off in the distance but then turning back to face Ichigo - every wave of attack he landed on his master had some hesitation and slight pause at least once.


So I tried to portray that here! His Zanpakuto has Iris flowers flowing out. The three petals of an iris flower symbolise wisdom, faith and valour whilst the flower itself is a symbol of guidance. The many hands represent Ichigo asking him to literally “lend him a hand in battle” but each hand has a different circumstance when help was asked. All these hands are reaching out for Zangetsu but he is somewhat hesitant to grasp them because… he doesn’t want Ichigo to be hurt in battle, but he also doesn’t want him to be hurt AFTER the battle when he sacrifices everything for the Final Getsugatensho. Poor Zangetsu…


I dont see a lot of people taking the fact that Mugetsu canonically isnt a real maid and just plays dress up as one and running with it for content

and as the ceo of mugetsu and gengetsu content i shall be the change i wanna see in this world :) pretend-maid demon kid meets real maid she instantly starts looking up to


I dont see a lot of people taking the fact that Mugetsu canonically isnt a real maid and just plays dress up as one and running with it for content

and as the ceo of mugetsu and gengetsu content i shall be the change i wanna see in this world :) pretend-maid demon kid meets real maid she instantly starts looking up to
