#kurosaki ichigo

My annual IR-redraw - version 2021!2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

My annual IR-redraw - version 2021!


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Rukia calls Ichigo “Kisama,” which is an incredibly rude second-person pronoun (and mostly limited to media) in modern Japanese. But in older times, “Kisama“ was a second-person pronoun indicating great respect, and it’s been established that Rukia’s knowledge of casual Japanese is very out-of-date. This leads me to believe Ichigo thinks Rukia is affectionately calling him a bastard (once they become pals), while Rukia thinks she’s just being respectful.

I think I understand now. Orihime and Chad are airheads who are actually super smart and Ichigo and Ishida are smart people who are actually just clowns

I know it’s a sad moment because we find out who killed Ichigo’s mom, but Grand Fisher is such a dumb name. He sounds like a small town fishing champ going through a midlife crisis

Ichigo’s just got a haunted stuffed animal and his shinigami pal hiding in his closet. How has nobody in his family noticed anything

Fellas… I know from some Google search spoilers that Ichigo ends up with Orihime but as of the first season he really comes off as… not straight.

Orihime, who‘s implied to be the prettiest girl in school, has a really obvious crush on him and he just does not care. He’s deeply disturbed when he learns Kon kissed a girl with his body. He HATES that people think he and Rukia are dating. He has yet to view girls in a romantic light (which is weird for a shounen protag). Maybe I’m just to eager to claim him as ase or mlm but idk bro :/

When Ichigo gets his body back after Kon is jumping around on buildings n stuff he must be mad sore

pulvisetsumbra:Favorite animanga @animangacreators↳ BLEACH; a summarypulvisetsumbra:Favorite animanga @animangacreators↳ BLEACH; a summarypulvisetsumbra:Favorite animanga @animangacreators↳ BLEACH; a summarypulvisetsumbra:Favorite animanga @animangacreators↳ BLEACH; a summary


Favorite animanga @animangacreators

↳ BLEACH; a summary

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ಌꦿ▒⃟꩓᪵῾ེ⃔⃠kurosaki ichigo - bleach

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–IH has been obvious since the pilot chapter. Ichigo and Orihime had mutual romantic feelings for each other in the bleach prototype, Kubo’s original plan for bleach. Here’s a post on it.

–If you really, truly want to argue that Ichigo and Orihime “barely had any moments!” luckily, I was insane enough to create a masterpost with links to every single IH moment in the manga (which had to be split in half because it literally broke due to having too many links on it). Part One is here,Part Two is here. It has over 377 links. Say what you will, but IchiHime has the most moments and screentime of any other pairing by a landslide.

–The amount of focus that was put on Ichigo’s desire to protect Orihimespecifically is MASSIVE. It was made more than apparent how much Ichigo cared about Orihime and how important she was to him, by the level of focus that was put on Ichigo’s protectiveness over her, specifically. It’s something that singled her out as special and set her apart from the others, time and time again. It was consistently emphasized in the manga, and, conversely, so too was Orihime’s desire to protect Ichigo specifically. Their mutual desires to protect each other was a recurring theme. I’ve made a masterpost on this too, which you can find here. Warning, it’s long.

–Ichigo is open and receptive to Orihime’s displays of her feelings for him in positive ways. The fact that she cares about him so much doesn’t bother him in the slightest. In fact, he likes it. Here’s another link.

With that out of the way, let’s get to it

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kurosaki ichigo
20 years with Bleach! Has it been that long? Can’t believe it..

20 years with Bleach! Has it been that long? Can’t believe it..

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