#multigender lesbian



Multigender Lesbians- whatever you label your gender or attraction as you’re all rad af! Keep being you!


shout out to lesbians who are men in some way! demiboy lesbians, masculenby lesbians, genderfluid lesbians, bigender lesbians, nonbinary men lesbians, agender man lesbians, transmasc lesbians, trans men lesbians, lesbians who are on the edge between or are both butch and trans men, lesboys, lesbians who are also gay men, and any other variety of lesbians who fall under this!

your complex gender and orientation identity is something to be celebrated, and youre a shining example of what being queer is all about- proudly being uniquely yourself and breaking out of the bounds of societal norms! were queer and were not here to be easily digestable to others or water ourselves down, were here to unabashedly be ourselves and make others get used to it, were not going anywhere!
