#multiplayer games



Being a Online Female Gamer and What we Face…

So my BF and I were playing a mod called Osiris something (don’t remember the name) on a video game last night called Mount & Blade Warband. He bought it for me as a gift because he is amazing, but that’s not the point of this post.

Anyway, as we played I got called the usual names like “tits” and “pussy,” and he kept apologizing to me for how rude they were being and he was worried how I was taking it. I just kept responding with the same old “it’s fine, it’s been this way forever, it’s nothing new, it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last.”

But I realized something as I woke up this morning— It’s NOT fine. Women should be able to play games and not get lewd comments all the fucking time. And although it may not phase me (I’ll admit it sure as hell phased 14 year old me when I started online gaming) it may still phase other women a lot! Being objectified for our genitalia and being told to “go save yo pussy starsword, it’s the part worth savin!” Is definitely not ok, this wouldn’t fly in real life. I just wanted to put this out there, I don’t know if there is some movement specifically against this but I feel it important to talk about. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

-MsStarSword, who is sick of saying “it’s fine.”
