#multiple boobs

The Devil’s In The Details“…And here we are!” The dark robbed woman holding

The Devil’s In The Details

“…And here we are!” The dark robbed woman holding Mary’s shoulder exclaimed with a nervous excitement as they reached the large bonfire where everyone had gathered.

“I uh, didn’t realize it was a costume party.” Mary scanned the crowd of people, the firelight casting light in a way that made the pointed hoods obscure their faces, though she could feel the eyes watching her. “Adam never said anything about robes.”

“Yes… Adam.” The older woman waved her arm, dark billowing fabric trailing with it as she gestured to one of the figures, who gave the slightest bow. “Adam has been crucial in this year’s festivities, his recruitment techniques are the reason we were able to finally gather enough for the ceremony, he did fill you in on the details of the ceremony right?”

“Ceremony?” Mary questioned. “I thought this was a party, what is going o-”

The older woman hushed her and sighed. “Now now, I’ll explain everything. I do apologize for the cloak and dagger routine, it’s a tradition you see. Complete transparency though, this isn’t as much a party, as a ceremony to celebrate the season. We…” she gestured to the figures circling the large bonfire. “Are all here to celebrate the gifts of our dark lord.”

“D-dark lord, what the hell is-”

“Hell indeed. Now, if you could kindly wait a moment, I’ll explain. This is a dark ritual, with intent to curry favor with the dark energies from the afterlife, and yes, your participation is compulsory. Technically, a soul is only able to be given willingly, so your immortal spirit is in no danger. Physically, you will be blessed by the powers of darkness, and some sort of change is inevitable.”

Mary blinked, the speech from the older hooded figure was surreal, she sounded like she was trying to talk her into buying a timeshare, not joining them in this hellish ritual sacrifice.

“While you will physically become a demon technically… we can’t actually force you to give up your human soul. I do encourage you to relinquish your soul, but the choice is ultimately yours. Either way, you will possess wondrous new powers enough mystical power to at least be able to hide your form with a glamour, so this doesn’t need to change anything. I mean, I do encourage you to embrace the fiery embrace of our dark lord, but consider this just an introduction with benefits. Now, if you will please stand here on this platform.”

She ushered her onto a small raised stone dais, and two of the more burly hooded figures stood to either side of her in case she tried to escape. Did she really need to escape though? Maybe it was the soothing timbre of the elderly woman’s voice or the pleasant warmth of the bonfire on the cold Halloween night, but this didn’t feel nearly as demonic as it ought to.

Mary stood there in a trance, watching as the older woman read aloud from a book bound in what she hoped was not human skin, waiting as the gathering of disciples chanted back what she spoke in a feverish chorus of adoration. Eventually, the ritual seemed ready to draw to a close, and Mary was caught off guard when the woman approached her and then pushed her backwards into the fire.

It should have burned.

It should have been burning her, but other than the discomfort of landing on the stack of wood, there was no pain. In fact, the discomfort of the wood vanished rather quickly, a burning warmth engulfed her, and she felt herself lift from her physical form.

The group was silent, waiting with hushed breaths. They had never actually gathered enough disciples for this ritual, and none were sure how it was supposed to go exactly. Enough time passed that they had started to get nervous, and it was only the truly faithful who kept in bowed submission.

Suddenly the flames shot upwards, the bonfire blasting out a wave of heat the knocked those skeptical initiates from their feet and left those worshiping to bask in a moment of the warmth of the hellish flames. From the flames emerged a burning shape, and as the flames surrounding it died, the now nude shape of Mary stepped out.

It wasn’t the same Mary that had been tossed on to the fire though, Mary’s eyes burned with a red light as intense as the flames as she looked at those before her. Twin horns broke free from her tangle of blonde curls, pointing upwards to the sky like accusational fingers, and a long spade-tipped tail curled around her leg. She ran her clawed hand up her torso, dragging her claws across both sets of breasts.

The old woman had not lied, Mary could hear the group speaking in reverent tones with her large pointed ears. Grinning, Mary stretched and two huge leathery wings unfolded from behind her, she felt… powerful. She maneuvered new muscles and with a series of heavy flaps he lifted off the ground and ascended into the moonlit sky above the gathering of awestruck figures.

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My entry into the Photomanip Discord’s Magic Challenge  https://discord.gg/JVDrtwjMaybe it was clich

My entry into the Photomanip Discord’s Magic Challenge  


Maybe it was cliched, but October had always been her favorite time of the year. The cool weather and colorful leaves made for a beautiful season, and nobody paid mind to her dressing up like a witch all month. They just assumed she was a Halloween enthusiast, and while that wasn’t untrue, the steeple hat was as much a nod to her alewife ancestors as a not so subtle hint at her current profession. Her business was that of witchcraft, specifically brewing potions and tonics for various mundane and mystical uses.

Today she was enjoying a rather windy October first, glad to have the heat of stuffy late September blown out of her house and some fresh air in the old cottage. The smell of crisp morning air mixed with that of dried herbs and… milk? She stopped for a moment before recalling the business at hand, today she needed to brew up a potion that would help a local farmer’s dairy remain operational. This year had been a tough one, and if his cows didn’t stop under producing her might be forced to sell the farm. He had been a family friend for years and she still fondly remembered picking pumpkins out of his garden at Halloween as a kid. She smiled wistfully as she collected the ingredients she needed on to her table and started to measure of how much she needed of what.

As she separated and mixed the contents a strong gust of wind whipped through the cottage. A small opened pouch of a powder was blown into her face and she launched into a sneezing fit. Her sneezes were so violent she accidentally overturned the half completed potion she had been at work on and it’s contents splashed over her chest.

Her breasts tingled and her back hurt immediately, her eyes went wide when she realized that potion was less inert at this stage than she had imagined. The potion was clearing having some sort of effect on her and she could give a few guesses at what was going to happen. There was a sharp pinching feeling below her breasts followed by a dull ache and some pressure, she reached down and even through her clothing she could feel… was that a nipple? She felt the other side and there was a second one, slowly she lifted her shirt and groaned loudly at the sight of all four of her breasts. As soon as the fabric was lifted her breasts almost sensed the room to grow and started to swell, she tried in vain to hold them still, to push them back, but her hands rapidly filled with soft boob flesh.

As she struggled to contain her expanding bosom she didn’t notice that her nose had stayed pink from her sneezing, and the color had spread until the entire front of her nose was a rosy color. It also looked wider, thicker, from the bridge to the tip it was taking on a rather broad shape. Her ears had begun to have pins and needles, a numb feeling like they had fallen asleep and if she hadn’t been so concerned by the increasingly large and heavy breasts in her hands and arms, she might have noticed how large her ears were. They had become round and large, a light layer of fuzzy hair, fur really, had grown over them and was the same color as hers.

Her back still ached like she had slept on the ground, and the only thing that stopped her fretting over her huge breasts and there decidedly teat like nipples was the cracking and popping as her spine suddenly lengthened. She grit her teeth and saw stars, not so much in pain as just blindsided by the intense sensation. She leaned against the table to balance herself as new vertebrae formed and a long thick tail grew out from above her ass which had also grown a bit thicker and more plump. As she slowly began to process her surroundings once more she noticed the long swaying tail. It was as thick as her wrist and she could feel the weight of it as it moved. She ran her hand down the length and shivered as she felt her hand caress the new part of her for the first time. Soft skin, soft fur, a tuft of black fur at the end… she stopped touching it when she heard the sound of something dripping onto the table. It was the splatter of milk… she looked down at her chest and saw that she had indeed achieved a rather potent amount of milk production, just not for a cow. Her breasts felt almost painfully full, heavy and hot as they still swelled with milk. She tugged and pull at her many nipples trying to milk herself faster than she produced the cream, trying to do anything to stop the pressure.. at least from getting worse. Currently it actually felt a bit nicer than she was ready to admit. Tugging her four teats and spraying fine jets of milk into a nearby bucket made her face red and her loins ache.

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Twice the Lady At first she just thought she had pulled a muscle or two while working out, it didn&r

Twice the Lady

At first she just thought she had pulled a muscle or two while working out, it didn’t happen often, but sometimes she overdid it. Her upper body was just so stiff and sore, she had already tried using some ice packs back at the gym, and nothing had looked swollen so she took a hot shower when she got home.

The hot water did make her feel a little better, but as she dried off she started to get strangely drowsy, and even though it wasn’t late she decided to try and sleep off some of the soreness.

As she tossed and turned in her sleep something strange began to happen, her shoulders cracked and popped and with a great strain something shifted as two short stubby shapes fought for a position with her arms. The shapes lengthened, gaining size as they took on a structure similar to her arms. Muscles stretched and contracted as they reached a size matching her original arms. The new arms even had stubby hands, whose fingers lengthened until they took matched her original pair. She gripped the bed with all four of her arms, the strain of her changing body had caused it to break out into a sweat and she moaned heavily as she moved under the covers.

Under the covers other changes had been going on, at first it had been just two spots of intense sensation on her chest below her breasts, but as her arms grew in muscles formed beneath her breasts, and then plumped as fattier flesh soften the shape. The win points of near pleasure looked red and swollen, slowly gaining detail as they softened to a lighter pink and the entire shape started to look quite similar to the shapes above them. It wasn’t long before she had a second pair of breasts that matched her original pair in everything but size. The lower pair was just slightly smaller, but as one of her four arms cupped the newly formed breasts she cried out in shock, gasping as she awoke to quite the strange predicament.

A few disbelieving moments in front of the mirror induced some rather stern pinching to try and wake herself to no avail. She moved her arms somewhat ungainly, getting used to how it felt to control all four of them separately. Once she had a handle on how to move them, she let her gaze drift down to the four shapes that jiggled and moved as she tried out her quartet of limbs. She had four breasts now, four large breasts… she cupped on in each hand and let out a soft sigh, they felt good, better than they had any right to feel, and she couldn’t help but to massage them a little.

When she eventually went back to the gym it caused quite the stir, it wasn’t every day you saw a four armed, four breasted woman working out. The gym’s owners contacted her once they heard about the unique patron of their establishment, and soon she had a personal trainer and a deal signed where she would promote the gym for free access and the best help they could provide. It was some extra cash for her, and being a gym rat, she loved the extra time she got to spend working out. All the time in the gym showed too, she hadn’t been a slouch when it came to staying in shape before, but the high protein diet and workouts left her with a rather stunning body, and truly feeling like twice the woman she had been before.

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