#muscle bull


Mike Thurston, the Muscle Bull

And here is the fourth February(!) story written for the semi-famous patron! If you want your own personalized and private stories, then consider becoming my Patron!

There was no denying that Mike Thurston was top dog at the gym he worked out at. Besides the gym giving him special access to all facilities for free thanks to all the promotion, he had an alpha air around him that told people that he was not to be messed with. Unfortunately, this went to Mike’s head, and while his cocky personality didn’t change, he knew that he could afford to get away with more and more shit at the gym. “You’re such a fuckin’ pansy,” he commonly told male gym goers when they picked up the lighter free weights from the lower racks. “My grandmother could bench press more than you, nerd,” whenever someone didn’t put any weights on the bench press bar, and so on. 

And Mike wasn’t just demeaning to the weak people in his gym. It was no secret that he hated gay people, especially those Instagram sluts who loved to show off their bodies. While a strong case could be made that Mike was just another one of those guys as well, there was no denying that the f-slur was dropped at least once a day, and usually more. Mike used his privilege at the gym so that no one else was in the locker room, shower, or sauna at the same time at him, as he didn’t want to give any gay guys the pleasure of seeing his nude body. And while he mostly kept these complaints to himself, some of his friends knew how much he hated women and those with disabilities working out at his gym too. 

One of those friends was Jimmy. Despite being straight and a bodybuilder himself, he wasn’t as “alpha” as Mike and the other guys in his friend group were. Even he didn’t mind a little bit of gay bashing, but when Mike started talking about those other groups, he knew that he had to do something. No one ever disagreed with Mike, even though his friend group could easily take him in a fair fight. However, it would probably be the whole friend group against Jimmy if he decided to speak up, so he looked for different options. Surprisingly, there were a whole lot of different options for humiliation and revenge once he got on the dark web. 

Funnily enough, he found exactly what he was looking for through an ad. This company, Muscle Bulls, was looking for models/employees. They had to be insanely muscular, even bigger than someone like Nick Walker, and they had to be dumber than a bag of rocks. While they of course accepted applicants who did fit their criteria, they got most of their models through a curse that they supplied, for an additional cost. Jimmy knew just how fuckin’ humiliating it would be for Mike, and so he bought it. 

The curse was thankfully in English and all Jimmy needed to do was read it while holding something of Mike’s. It could be something as simple as his water bottle with some of his hand sweat on it. Mike admittedly did look at Jimmy weird as he was muttering something to himself while grabbing Mike’s drink. He brushed it off when he got some liquid down his throat and went back to working out. Jimmy then explained to the guys that he needed to take it easy today, doctor’s orders, and would do some light cardio on the treadmills, giving him an excellent vantage point of the whole gym. 

As he had hoped, it was only minutes after he turned the treadmill on that he heard Mike demeaning another gym goer. “That’s not how you fuckin’ use the machine! Are you a fuckin-” Mike did say something after that, the r-slur. He got a bit more looks from the other people working out than usual, but everyone knew not to mess with him. However, the curse had started to take effect. It was a bit difficult to notice outwardly right now, but Mike’s clothes had gotten just a bit tighter on him and he was dumbed down by an IQ point or so. Imperceptible changes right now, but it wouldn’t be long before Mike was just another dumb muscle bull. 

After showing the person how to use the machine, he went back to his own workout. Unfortunately for Jimmy, other than that one instance, Mike kept to himself mostly, really pushing himself. Eventually, he did finish, and walked to the locker room. Even Jimmy and the other guys in the friend group couldn’t follow him there, since he had told them he couldn’t be sure that they weren’t “closet homos.” Jimmy wasn’t going to put his ear to the door or the wall to figure out what Mike was saying to himself, but he got his answer when the bodybuilder walked out without a shirt on. 

This wasn’t too odd for someone like Mike or most of the muscular guys who worked out here, but from the waist down, he was wearing business clothes, including pants that were seemingly painted on his massive legs. He quickly made his way out of the gym and to his car. Jimmy happened to notice his button-down peeking out from the top of his bag, likely not fitting. It was a mutual understanding between the guys of the friend group that after Mike stopped working out, you had to do so too. Therefore, Jimmy and the guys converged in the locker room and changed before heading to Mike’s place. 

When they arrived, Jimmy couldn’t be too sure if Mike had demeaned or belittled anyone else at the gym while driving home or being at home. The sweats that he was wearing were also quite tight, most of the guys shocked that they didn’t tear as Mike walked around. Mike wasn’t as angry as Jimmy thought he would be. “Fuck, guys, my pump was fuckin’ amazing today! I can barely fit into my clothes now! I don’t know what the fuck I did, but I’m sure as fuck doing it tomorrow too!” The rest of the guys, excluding Jimmy, didn’t know how to break it to him that something was wrong, and even his best pump shouldn’t have caused him to grow that massive. 

Unfortunately for Jimmy, he would miss the next gym session later that night. He had a date with his girlfriend that he could not afford to miss, but thankfully he was close enough to one of the guys who agreed to text him whenever Mike demeaned or belittled someone, for a cost, though. He had silenced his phone during the date, missing texts about Mike bashing weak people, fat people, a few women, and even a poor 13-year-old kid who tried to lift more than he really should have at his first time at the gym. It was luckily during dessert that Jimmy’s phone went off. “It’s Mike,” he said to his girlfriend. 

She let him take the call, since Mike did help to provide a good portion of Jimmy’s income. He answered the phone while walking to the front door. “Yeah, Mike, what’s up?”

“Jimmy, I, like, need help. I working out gym and clothes break. People laugh and say dumb. You smart. You help?”

“Yeah, I’ll be on my way.” Jimmy ended the call, but he didn’t go to the gym just yet. He knew that even in Mike’s dumbed-down state, the effects of the curse meant that he would still belittle and demean guys until he was speaking unintelligibly. He enjoyed dessert with his girlfriend but told her to drive home by herself. He did need to attend to the Mike thing now, but he would make it up to her later that night. He called an Uber and made his way to the gym as the friend group was sending increasingly frantic texts to him. Once he was dropped off, he ran into the gym and towards one of the back corners, where the group had made a semi-circle protecting Mike. 

There was no denying that he was a muscle behemoth now. His underwear remained in tatters beneath him, and it looked like very few clothes would fit him now, definitely not any that people at this gym had handy. The guys were also really worried because of how Mike was acting. He had a vacant look in his eyes and seemed out of it. “He kept saying your name before he got this bad,” said one of the other friends as Jimmy stepped towards Mike. To everyone’s shock, Mike actually looked at Jimmy and struggled to get out even these two words: “Me bull.” Everyone but Jimmy laughed at him and joked that it was true. 

However, Jimmy admonished them and pointed out that something was wrong with Mike. He offered to take him to the hospital, which the guys agreed to. He wasn’t going to be taking Mike to the hospital, though. He had requested that his Uber be a minivan or something with sizable trunk space. He also tipped the driver heavily as he drove the musclebound brute back to Jimmy’s house. He was able to get Mike into the garage without the neighbors noticing, and then he called up the Muscle Bull guys. 

After a quick video chat with their newest acquisition, they sent out a team to bring him to their private facility. Jimmy was paid handsomely for help in securing another Muscle Bull, and it wasn’t long before Jimmy became aware of a PSA floating around some corners of the web. Apparently, it involved a lucid Mike who implored guys like him not to make fun of their fellow gym goers, no matter the reason, or they could end up like him. Surprisingly, the PSA worked, and most cocky alpha gym bros kept to themselves from now on. But for those that just couldn’t seem to keep their mouths shut, Muscle Bulls wasn’t far behind.
