

Listen, I’m 22 years old.. 23 in December and I’ve been open with my friends about my gender identity since I was 16. I’m a trans man, that uses he/him pronouns only.

I spent so long getting comfortable with my gender identity that my sexuality was pushed to the wayside. I didn’t figure out I was solely MLM until I was one and a half years into a relationship with my now best friend. Our friends had shipped us together in school and we both thought like we /had/ to be together, which in turn confused both of us. I’m happily MLM and in 2018 a year after we broke up she told me she’d solely WLW. Shipping real people isn’t a good idea but that’s not the point of this post.

The point of my post is that it’s taken me a very long time to wrestle with what I’m comfortable with gender wise as a man. And I’m at the point where I’m comfortable with myself, (other than the fact I’m not on T and I haven’t had too surgery but those are future plans bc unsafe environment atm). I like flamboyant 70’s fashion and how my mullet looks after I put my hair in rollers. My hair, is at the longest length it’s been since I had it all cut off when I was 16.

The point here is that if any younger transmascs are struggling with figuring out ‘what they’re allowed to do in order to be a man’ I just want to point out that you can do whatever you damn well please. You’re your own man. If you want to wear a skirt, you go ahead and fucking rock that skirt. If you want to wear make up, do the best damn eye shadow the world has seen. If you want to wear pastel colours and flower crowns don’t let anyone stop you, serve us a complete look. I used to feel guilty about buying Lush products and taking bubble baths, but let me tell you now that shit is delightful and if I had endless amounts of money it would be a daily occurrence. So, if you want to take a bubble bath, take that damn bubble bath!

I’m telling all the transmasc kids this because I wish someone had told me when I was younger that doing certain things doesn’t make me any less of a man. If I can stop some kiddos thinking it’s wrong to like what they like because they’re supposed to be a man, then I’m gonna try.

Take this as a message from your Internet big bro ✌
