

Two Anacondas Trapped in the Frame - Akio Ohmori, 2004

“And we will survive”

Artist: Archil Nizharadze

Pintura llamada “Demonios en el árbol” realizada en 1933 por un famoso pintor llamado: Franz Sedlacek, una verdadera obra de arte.

Unpacking Mona Lisa at the end of World War II (1945)

A.F. Vandevorst installation for Arnhem Mode Biennale 2011

“A girl sleeping in a hospital bed in her A.F. Vandevorst dress. But here, the girl as well as the mattress and pillow are made out of candle wax. Once lit, what starts as a perfect image will slowly melt and perish during the biennale.”

Undine Rising from the Waters, 1880’s, by Chauncey Ives (1810-1894)

“Douleur” - Tomb of Robert Didsbury in the Montmartre Cemetery, Paris.

“When I found you, my heart found a home.”

— Seabird, Falling For You

Artist: Brian Kirhagis

Some knowledge is only accessible through pain

The sculpture was originally designed by André Masters of Masters & Munn
