#must do

siccmagicc:~ a tarot spread made for checking in on a friendship, can be used for relationship readi


~ a tarot spread made for checking in on a friendship, can be used for relationship readings as well ~

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Protection Against Nightmares

Protection While Travelling

Empath/Emotional Protection




Circles, Shields & Wards


Tech Magic




[part 1]


✨ Meta-what? ✨

Let me tell you something, the way you think directly influences your reality by controlling the way you feel and behave. 

So, if you think 60.000-70.000 thoughts per day and 90% of those thoughts are the same as the day before and you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny your life is not going to change very much. That’s because same thought leads to the same choice, same choice leads to same behavior, same behavior leads to same experience, same experience produces the same emotion. The act of becoming conscious about this process, to begin to become more aware of how you think, how you act and how you feel it’s called metacognition. The more conscious you become of those unconscious states of mind and body the less likely you are going to go unconscious


✨ OK, but how can I change my thoughts? 

You need to start introducing metacognition into your life. It might seem confusing or too difficult but it’s really not. Here is how I do it!

If you want to change your thoughts you first need to see what are your thoughts patterns right? It only makes sense, you cannot work on bettering something if you don’t know what are you working with. 

So, lets grab pen and paper (or whatever you prefer) and answer this questions, make a list with as many sentences as you can (I’ll give some examples too so it’s easier for you). 

  • What are my beliefs about the way the world works? 

 “You can only get what you want with extremely hard work” , “Money is evil”, “Boys only like girls who look like models”, “The world is a dangerous place”…         

  • What are my beliefs about myself/my life?

“I can’t afford what I want”, “I’m unlucky”, “When things get too good then there’s always something that ends it”, “I’m not worthy of love/friendship/attention/money…”, “I give more than I get”, 

  • What are my beliefs about love?

“Love doesn’t exist”, “Relationships are difficult”, “Love doesn’t last”, “I don’t get attention and love from the people I want”, “I don’t want a boyfriend/girlfriend”

Leave an empty space after each sentence as you’ll be adding things to it.

✨ Now what? 

Now comes a very important step! Recognize that these aren’t your thoughts. How? By simply thinking when/why you started thinking like this. Write the source of each statement next to it. 

“Relationships are difficult” This thought comes from seeing my mom struggling with her relationships. 

“When things get too good then there’s always something that ends it” this is a self-defense mechanism, when something went too good and I felt like my life would change I’d sabotage myself in order to keep the stability of my life.

You get the hang of it right? Well, now I want you to write a positive sentence for each limiting belief. A trick I like to do is to write the limiting belief in black pen and the affirmation in blue. 

“Relationships are difficult” becomes “Relationships are easy”

“When things get too good then there’s always something that ends it” becomes “I’m always surrounded by good things” or “Happiness is forever”

Here’s an example of how all the work you’ve done so far would look

“Relationships are difficult”This thought comes from seeing my mom struggling with her relationships.

“Relationships are easy”

“When things get too good then there’s always something that ends it” this is a self-defense mechanism, when something went too good and I felt like my life would change I’d sabotage myself in order to keep the stability of my life

“I’m always surrounded by good things” 

 “Happiness is forever”

✨ And now? 

It’s time to collect every single affirmation you’ve written and write it down in a list form. As you’re writing it make sure you’re saying them out loud and feel every single word and feeling that it evokes. Once you have your personal list, write it down on your phone and/or laptop too. 

Make sure to repeat those affirmations at least twice a day. I recommend saying them/reading them in your head after waking up, while you’re commuting somewhere or anytime in the middle of your day, and right before going to sleep. Do this for at least a week and I guarantee you’ll see a noticeable change in your thoughts pattern and your attitude! 



Learning how to banish an entity is a very important skill to know in case you come across an entity that you want to send out of your space, and is a good way to protect yourself from spiritual entities that may come to try to do harm to you. There are many ways to go about banishing an entity, and in this post I will be going over a couple of them. I will also be giving tips that may be helpful. This is not an extensive guide by any means, but it’s definitely a stepping stone to understanding the processes that coincide with the banishment of entities.

Protecting yourself:

Protecting yourself is very important especially when you feel a presence that should not be in your space. Through the act of putting up shields you will help protect you’re so against them by putting up a wall of energy between the two of you, and by putting up wards anything that’s already on the inside out. This will give you time to come back to yourself, so that you can focus on what you should do next in order to deal with this entity. These shields, and wards do not have to be elaborate, and should be something you can call upon quickly when your safety is in question from spiritual forces. Practices like casting a circle, or the psychic bubble of light are very good for this, and will go through the process of keeping the entity at bay, while you can focus on what to do next. A simple way to put up a shield is to simply focus your energy around you, by visualizing it flowing off of your body much like mist, or light well thinking that you are protected, this will send your energy out from yourself forming a shield around your body through the power of your intention.

Learning more about the entity:

Learning more about the entity can teach you a lot about its reasons for wanting to hang around you in the first place, and will also help you decide if this entity is malevolent in any way towards you, or is just an entity that is naturally there, and not aggressive. Knowledge is power, and by you locking onto some of its key features such as its spiritual appearance, and it’s personality along with any other information you can gather from it, you will be able to interact with it more effectively. Knowing what you are dealing with before you deal with it can help the banishing process go more smoothly by allowing you to have the upper hand on it by knowing your enemy, or can help you realize that you don’t need your guard up around this entity, and can let it be, or ask it to leave.

Talking it out, and asking it to leave:

If the entity isn’t immediately aggressive you could always go through the process of talking to the entity to figure out why they are hanging around. They may just be passing through and not know that they are trespassing on your space, and you may be able to go through the simple process of asking them to leave. All you would really need to do in order to do this is to enter a meditative state, so that you would be able to hear, and recognize their communication with you, then you would just have to have a normal conversation with the entity. In this conversation you should figure out what their purpose for being in that space is, and see if you guys cannot come to a civil agreement. You may be able to ask it to leave, or it may just be allowed to hang around if it is not causing problems, but that’s all that really depends on the conversation that you guys have. If you cannot communicate with spiritual entities psychically you can always go through the process of using a divination process to divine their answers.

Demanding that it leaves:

If negotiations fail, and you have gone through the process of talking to it, or you feel that it will not listen to you, then it is time to demand it to leave. Through the power of your will, intention, and assertiveness you can force the entity out of your space by demanding out loud that at leaves. This intention will send your energy to force the entity out of your space. You can also go through the process of using there name in your demands in order to connect your will to it targeting it with your energy, if you do not have its name you can always go through the process of making one up for it. By first telling the entity that it’s name is this, and then using that name in your demands to tell it to leave. During this entire process you should be strong, and assertive, and should not waver under the entity in any regards in order not to give it power, and to put your intention through. If done correctly the entity should be forced from the space from your sheer energy, and willpower.

Forcing it out with energy:

You can also go through the process of using a more energetic method by visualizing your energy as fire, or light flowing to the entity blasting it with all that you have, by focusing on this vision in your mind’s eye, while projecting your energy forward will send it out in order to manifest your desire of sending the entity out of your space. This is a much better method if you feel that you are better with visualization, and energy work, and will allow you to enter a more trance-like state, while projecting your energy at the entity.

Forcing it out with items:

Certain items have banishing metaphysical properties that can be quite helpful in sending entities out of your space. These items can be natural such as herbs, and stones, or can be more man made things such as sigil, tailsman and amulets. By bringing these objects into the proximity of the entity with the intention of forcing them out you will begin to use them. This is a good way to go to the process of banishing the entity from your space with the incorporation of other objects. You could even go through the process of hard binding the entity to an object, then getting rid of the object with the entity bound to it. This will allow the entity to be bound to something, so that that something can be gotten rid of more easily.

Here is a list of some items that can help in the banishment of entities:

  • Holy water
  • War water
  • Holy books
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Garlic
  • Dragon’s blood
  • Bloodstone
  • Black Salt
  • Salt
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Black pepper
  • Cloves
  • Jet
  • Sigil of banishment

Asking for help:

You can also go through the process of asking another practitioner for help in banishing the entity from your space, especially if you do not believe that you can handle it yourself. If you do not know any other practitioners you could always go through the process of asking a deity, or deities, or your spirit guides, or other higher power to banish the entity for you, or at least help you in the process of banishing the entity. This can help you out greatly, especially if you are not used to banishing entities, and want some extra help.

Other methods you could try for banishing entities:

  • Drawing the earth banishment pentagram in the air.
  • lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram
  • Gnostic pentagram ritual
  • Violet Flame
  • Sweeping to the east with a broom while having the intention that the entity leaves in your head.

Cleansing the area:

After the entity is all good in banished it is a good idea to go through the process of cleansing the area where they were at. This will relieve that space from their energies, and will get rid of any negative feelings, or residual energies that the entity had left there. This can be simply done through any cleansing method such as burning herbs, placing crystals in the space , clap cleansing, or any other cleansing method that you are aware of.


⚔️banishing negative thoughts ⚔️

Normally, the thing to do is use a banishment spell, cleanse, bang pots and pans together and yell, or to simply say, “Look, i know that youre moving my stuff. I recognize that its you, you can stop now.” (for a poltergeist that wans your attention) or “I have a vessel for my mind, i am alive, i am stronger than you. Leave now.” (for a malicious spirit that is, for ex., banging on the walls or trying to scare you via divination).

As some of you may know, when working with spirits you may come across one with malicious intent. Or, a poltergeist that just wont leave you and your belongings alone.

Why not use these for intrusive and negative thoughts?

When you tell yourself,

“I’m not good enough.”

“I dont deserve to live.”

“I dont add anything.”

“I’m worthless.”

“No one cares about me.”

“I’m a joke.”

“What’s the point in trying? I’ll just fail anyways.”

Treat your thoughts as things you may be able to banish.

Bang those pots together and yell out positive things about yourself.

Cleanse yourself by taking a shower, bath, a walk in the sun, etc.

Draw banishment sigils for negative thoughts on yourself.

and most importantly, tell yourself, “I have a body and a mind. I am stronger than my negative thoughts. I hear and recognize you but i wont let you discourage me, because i AM worth it. I’ll appreciate your criticism when its more constructive and less DEstructive. Now leave.”

I know it can be hard to tell yourself that, but i hope these things can help!!!!


Water: Angelite, Azurite, Boji Stones/Shaman Stones/Moqui Marbles, Calcite, Celestine, Desert Rose, Halite(rock salt), Himalayan Salt, Hematite, Jet, Lapis, Malachite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Selenite, Unakite

Salt: Angelite, Azurite, Calcite, Carnelian, Hematite, Jet, Kunzite, Kyanite, Lapis, Labrodite, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Ulexite/TV Stone

Sun/UV: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Calcite, Celestine, Citrine, Fluorite, Jade, Jet, Kunzite, Lapis, Malachite, Quartz, Sapphire, Sodalite, Super Seven, Topaz, Tourmaline

Heat: Cinnabar, Emerald, Moonstone, Sodalite, Unakite

Acid: Apatite, Sodalite

Everything: Amber, Opal, Pearl, Turquoise


Healing Witchcraft Guide⚕

Altar items/ symbols: salves, tictures, oils, honey, Himalayan salt lamp, lunar symbolism (mental healing), solar symbolism (physical healing), salts, teas, medication, cannabis, essential oil diffuser or humidifier, mermaid symbolism, snake symbolism, elephant symbolism, fresh flowers

Herbs/plants: chamomile, lavender, aloe, passionflower, lemon, rose, lemon balm, calendula, oak, echinacea, apple, potatoe, cinnamon, cornflower, comfrey, milk thistle, thyme, basil, garlic, pine, lime, eucalyptus, rosemary, cannabis, elderflower, peppermint, ginger

Stones: (any soft or round stones) bloodstone, agate, selenite, rose quartz, red jasper, garnet, jade, amethyst, pearl, moonstone, adventurine, hematite, amber

Colors: blue, red, pink, lavender, green

Deities: Eir, Brigid, Hygeia, Epione, Asclepius, Apollo, Toth, Gaia, Artemis, most solar goddesses

Essential oils/ incense: lavender, mint, lemon, orange, eucalyptus, tea tree, pine, bay, frankincense, sandalwood, dragons blood

Elements: all (water and fire especially)

Time: full moon, Monday, Sunday, sunrise

Healing masterpost (not mine)

Healing tea recipes

Healing deity guide pt. 1 (not mine)

Healing witch ideas

-infuse ice cubes with herbs or essential oils for ice packs

-make homemade healing salves, tinctures, and oils

- make some healing tea mixes and give them as gifts when someone you know isn’t well or save then for when you’re under the weather

-take a healing bath with fresh mint leaves, lavender, and rosemary

-practice physical empathy (If you’re comfortable with it)

- make a personal healing list! Healing is a very individual thing (e.g. some people think chamomile is healing while others may be allergic to it, so for them, chamomile probably wouldn’t be a healing correspondence)

-healing correspondes with all elements, and each person has an element that heals them over others. Some people associate healing mostly with fire (to kill of diseases, protection from illness), and water (cleansing from illness, soothing pain, healing in general)

  • to heal with fire, light a blue/lavender/red candle or use a heat pack
  • to heal with water, hydrate yourself, take baths, use ice packs
  • to heal with air, do some deep breathing, art therapy, or aromatherapy
  • To heal with earth, use healing herbs and plants, use crystals, make teas

- you may find oracle decks to be more helpful in healing witchcraft than tarot

-enchant first aid items like bandaids for fast healing

-take care of yourself, always. Sometimes you need to heal yourself first


Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms

It’s really common to find witchy mental illness/health related content that is catered towards specific illnesses (usually anxiety and depression). This is more catered to specific symptoms.

Witchcraft is to be used as a supplement to proper medical care, medication and therapy - not as a sole alternative!



Brain Fog + Memory:





Insomnia + nightmares:

Intrusive thoughts:

Panic attacks:


Picking (hair, skin, etc.):

Mood Swings/Emotional Balance: 

If anyone has content on a category I wasn’t able to include, or for a category that is lacking, feel free to send it my way and I’ll get a part two started for this post! Click [here] for the chronically ill symptoms masterpost. 


this is a basic and powerful banishment spell to keep a toxic, malicious person from influencing you, affecting your world, and attempting to hurt you. best done during a waning moon. you will need:

> black pepper (banishment, protection from evil)

> cloves (banishing hostile and negative forces)

> vinegar (banishing, binding, and averting evil)

> black and white candle

> paper and pen with black ink

> a jar with a lid

1. as you light your candles, recognize that the flame creates an aura of fire, will and strength. the black candle burns and summons protection from evil; the white candle burns and brings you cleansing and purifying. meditate on the flames and allow their warm auras to surround you.

2. write the person’s full name (if it’s known) on a small piece of paper. hold the paper in your hands and let yourself feel angry, hurt, sad, or whatever this person makes you feel. charge the paper with the pain this person has caused you, until you feel done. then, take your pen and scribble out the person’s name until it’s completely blacked out and opaque.

3. fold the paper up as many times as you can, and throw it in the jar. sprinkle the pepper and cloves over the paper, then fill the jar with vinegar. this mixture banishes their evil from you and drowns out their will and power to harm you. close the jar tightly. if you wish, use some black wax from your candle to drip onto the lid and seal the jar shut.

4. place your banishment jar in a dark, hidden place, like the bottom drawer of a dresser or the corner of a closet. keep it forever, or until you feel its purpose is fulfilled.


Kiss that bitch goodbye

For when someone has wronged you and you’re ready to cut them from your life.

Gather paper, a pen, lemon juice, and water.

Write down their name and how they wronged you on slips of paper.

Write down (and speak if you like) what you hope will happen to them.

Tear up paper, place at bottom of cup.

Add lemon juice “I remove all the sourness you brought to my life and any sourness you would’ve brought in any future”.

Add water and stir. “I wash away your ill-affects and ill wishes”.

Flush down the toilet.

Optional: Blow a kiss and say “bye bitch” (or other colorful language)

When we spoke from a MUST-VISITED Theme Park in the Riviera Maya we spoke from Xcaret Park Have you

When we spoke from a MUST-VISITED Theme Park in the Riviera Maya we spoke from Xcaret Park Have you been here?

Post link

Cancun and the mayan Riviera are full of hidden pleasures. Ecotourism is one of them and there are several excellent Ecological Parks and Preserves to choose from.  Each has excellent activities and most have beaches to relax on.  In addition, they have Swim With Dolphins programs and many other attractions at the parks.  

#cancun    #riviera maya    #ecoturism    #eco parks    #theme parks    #snorkeling    #must do    #mexican caribbean    #cancun adventure    