


this is a basic and powerful banishment spell to keep a toxic, malicious person from influencing you, affecting your world, and attempting to hurt you. best done during a waning moon. you will need:

> black pepper (banishment, protection from evil)

> cloves (banishing hostile and negative forces)

> vinegar (banishing, binding, and averting evil)

> black and white candle

> paper and pen with black ink

> a jar with a lid

1. as you light your candles, recognize that the flame creates an aura of fire, will and strength. the black candle burns and summons protection from evil; the white candle burns and brings you cleansing and purifying. meditate on the flames and allow their warm auras to surround you.

2. write the person’s full name (if it’s known) on a small piece of paper. hold the paper in your hands and let yourself feel angry, hurt, sad, or whatever this person makes you feel. charge the paper with the pain this person has caused you, until you feel done. then, take your pen and scribble out the person’s name until it’s completely blacked out and opaque.

3. fold the paper up as many times as you can, and throw it in the jar. sprinkle the pepper and cloves over the paper, then fill the jar with vinegar. this mixture banishes their evil from you and drowns out their will and power to harm you. close the jar tightly. if you wish, use some black wax from your candle to drip onto the lid and seal the jar shut.

4. place your banishment jar in a dark, hidden place, like the bottom drawer of a dresser or the corner of a closet. keep it forever, or until you feel its purpose is fulfilled.


Can anyone help a baby witch out with how to figure out a solution for something nasty? I don’t know what it is per-say (I’ve tried to get answers but meh) all I know for sure is it’s annoying as fuck and I’m TIRED of it. 

I know I’m mostly able to put up warding when I’m feeling strong enough energetically. 

Problems I run into: It gets worse/angrier when offensive is used, and it LOVES preying on energetic vulnerability. 

I’m asking now because I’m a bit energetically spent. The other day I just put up some really taxing wards for protection because I knew me and my confidante (witchy partner) would be emotionally and energetically vulnerable and I wanted to ward off basically everything. (This place is very active with just like, nature and other types of things)

The good news? It worked FANTASTICALLY for the duration I needed it to. The bad news? I didn’t manage to design them to last and since I’m fairly drained they’re sort of getting weak which means ol’ nasty is a tap-tap-tapping on them. 

If Anyone has any advice or good references I could look up, that would be fantastic. Thank you!


So I very rarely reblog anything, but you seem to need a helping hand and that’s really what my blog is about. 

So first things first: What are we working with?

To me, this sounds like it could be a number of things but there are a few things that are more likely that others, for the same reason that a person with a cough is more likely to have a cold than diphtheria; colds are just way more common.

  1. A Predatory Natural Spirit:
    In the same way that a wild animal can be a predator, so can a spirit, and like all predators this means it needs to feed on prey. However, unlike a creature made of matter (such as a wolf or a human), it doesn’t eat the body of its prey but rather eats its energy. This doesn’t make it evil or malicious, so I would strongly advise against calling it as such: it’s just a predator, and like any living creature it needs to eat. It just happens to need to eat, basically, you. 

  2. A Malicious Human Spirit:
    Now I work mostly with natural spirits but I have known many, many people who work with human spirits and so I would consider myself at least fairly knowledgeable of them, if not actually any good at working with them.Unlike natural spirits a human spirit CAN be malicious, usually as a result of being lost and scared and angry, and so it lashes out in any way it can which often means humans living in the area have their psyches and spirits injured. This can often cause a lot more than just fatigue and mental lethargy, but can actually result in illness and disease as your body’s vital energy is drained and it becomes less able to defend and repair itself against more physical problems like bacteria and lacerations.

  3. A Psychic or Energy Vampire:
    These are essentially human beings who either knowingly or subconsciously are probing out into people’s spirits and stealing energy from them to feed themselves. They are not true “vampires” in the sense of an actual physiological need to do this in order to function, but instead are using this feeding as a means of boosting themselves and increasing their own strength. Again many (and I would argue most) psychic vampires don’t realise what they’re doing, but are often confused with just major extroverts because like extroverts they seem to become energised by having people around them. Unlike extroverts however, being in the presence of a psychic vampire will drain you of energy, mental acuity, and other faculties quite quickly. 

There are a few other things it could be, but these are by far the most likely so we’ll start with these. If that doesn’t work, feel free to ask me! 

Which is probably the cause? How can I stop it?

In my experience, it’s almost certainlya predatory natural spirit. They’re by far the most common, and thankfully also the easiest to deal with. In this case, stopping the problem is really as simple as purging the area of spirits and then keeping up barriers to stop more coming back to fill the gap. At the moment what you’re doing is essentially holding up a shield to stop the spirit from getting to you, but that’s an active process which means it uses a lot of energy and concentration. When you’re unable to actively hold up shields, such as when you’re asleep or fatigued, the spirit is able to freely attack you and slowly drain you of energy, and because you’re never pushing the spirit away from yourself even after you start defending yourself again it’ll just hang around outside your shields until you get too tired to keep them up again.

So, the best way to purge an area of natural spirits is to use banishing and exorcising herbs in all the areas where you’re usually affected (spirits tend to be tied to a specific place rather than following a person around), and then placing sigils at strategic points around the exorcised area to create a barrier that the spirits cannot cross to get back to you. The best herbs to use for banishing spirits from an area are sage, rosemary, agrimony, lavender, and angelica, but honestly starting off with just the most accessible to you is fine. I’d recommend taking a combination of dried sage leaves and dried rosemary leaves, and burning them in a pot (or using sage and rosemary incenses) before carrying the burning herbs/incense around your home in all the places that are affected by the spirits (so, all of it). 

If for some reason you can’t have an open flame, as I know some places don’t allow this, then you can instead mix sage and rosemary with water and salt in a large sealed bottle, and then leave it to sit for at least three days in a place out of direct sunlight. Then take the water from inside the bottle (leave the herbs) and using a brush “paint” the water across the lintel of all the doors and windows in your home that face the outside (so an inside door that just opens from one room to another would be ignored). There are more of these simple water spells on my blog.

After that, you’ll want to go to the most southerly, easterly, westerly and northerly points in your house (which is almost always the four corners of your home), and draw warding sigils on either the floor, walls or ceiling at that point to stop spirits from crossing the invisible lines they draw between each other. If you live in a house with space to do this, you could also go outside your house and bury four small stakes into the ground (you can bury them completely, that’s fine) that have the sigils drawn, burnt or carved into them. If you’d like to make your own warding sigils I have a post on learning the basics of sigil magick here on my blog, but if you don’t mind using a sigil someone else has already made then there’s one right here that I made last year!

How do I stop this in the future? 

Well, first off, like most novices you probably made the simple and easily made mistake that we’ve ALL made at some point or another: you didn’t cast a circle when you performed spells or messed around with energy work. A spell is basically a big ol’ beacon of power and energy into the universe, and if you don’t shield that, if you don’t protect that, then you’re going to attract predators who want to feed on that energy. It’s a common mistake, and simple enough to prevent by casting a circle before you do any spells or workings in the future! 

If you don’t know how to cast a circle, surprise surprise I’ve got a how-to on my blog. However, bear in mind that a circle doesn’t have to be physical, and it should be large enough for you to NOT STEP OUT OF IT as you perform your spell. If at any point you leave the circle during your spell, the FIRST THING you must do when you go to restart the spell is redraw the magick of the circle. If you’re using a physical circle as a focus to help the magick the physical circle doesn’t have to be redrawn, but the energy must be recast. 


I hope that helps you dear! We’ve all been novice Witches before and you’ll learn fast, so I hope this helps you and answers your question! 

For my regular followers, if you’d like to read this again in the future, I’m tagging this post with “spirits”, “spirit exorcism”, and “common mistakes”.

– Juniper Wildwalk

DAY 25 - ISOLATIONImage : The Forgotten Goddess Angstober prompts by @birdiiielle


Image : The Forgotten Goddess 

Angstober prompts by @birdiiielle

Post link






Okay, whatever’s hanging around that keeps flitting through my right eye’s peripheral vision….

Knock that shit off.

I’m going out to buy cinnamon and cayenne pepper and when I get home, your ass is SO getting booted.

Ain’t got time for your ghostie nonsense today. Nope.

Cayenne pepper, huh? I’ll have to try that mix because my salt and sage isn’t working on whatever keeps scratching at my back door while I try to sleep.

Oh honey….here, have a thing.

2 parts Cayenne Pepper
1 part Cinnamon
1 part Black Salt (equal parts salt and powdered charcoal)
½ part Black Pepper
½ part Powdered Eggshell

Shake it up, sprinkle it where you don’t want things coming in, pitch it in the corners to weed things out, toss a little on your doorsteps to keep the nasties from coming back.

Bree’s Banishing Powder. There are those who swear by it, including me.

Since Dog has spent the last two hours growling extremely menacingly at the living room corner (which contains nothing at all other than books as far as I can see) this is a timely reminder that I made a batch of this a while ago and I know I have some left :)

Go get em, bb. :)

You can add to it a consecrated chalk, powdered. Chalk is what I use to set borders, consecrated in moonlight and charged in sunlight while surrounded with my power stones (Amethyst, peridot, pink and white quartz)


Tips for when you’re considering Paganism

For my lovely friend @whoooooisthis!! I hope this helps love!

First things first, learn the basics. Cleansing, Warding, Banishing and Protection. 

Cleansing: You should cleanse when you’re having a bad day, are/were sick, after a breakup or loss, after arguments, during a major transition in life (graduation, birth, etc) and when you feel you need to. Cleansing cleans up the energy around you and keeps you safe. You can cleanse by lighting incense and passing the smoke around an object or room, bathing yourself or an object, burying an object, with salt (just don’t put it near dirt and plants!!), setting something in moonlight or sunlight (Make sure you keep track of which moon phase to cleanse on), with sound like bells or singing bowls, clapping, cleaning, burning sage or candles, using holy water or a protection spray, and touching each corner of a room and saying a prayer for each one. 

Warding:Wards are spiritual shields that keep you safe. There’s two types of wards - spacial (for spaces and rooms) and personal (for objects and the self). You will need to maintain wards by charging and clearing them. You can ward by using enchanted jewelry or objects, sigils (magical symbols with purposeful energy), energy shields, magic circles, spells, protective crystals, protection spell bottles, anointing the corners of a room and window and door sills with holy water or another warding substance. I personally like to drill holes in peach pits to wear as necklaces, they work quite well for warding. 

Banishing. There are tons of spells online that will teach you how to banish negative entities. If an entity is fucking with you, bad things keep happening or things just feel off, don’t be afraid to banish. Letting spirits know you’re not to be fucked with is incredibly important.

Protection. Light a black candle. Use salt and pepper for warding. Learn banishing and warding spells. Use protective sigils. Protection is incredibly important when concerning spirits, so educate yourself on this thoroughly. 

Now onto the fun stuff…

- Talk to things! Your house, your trees and plants, your spirit guides. You can do this out loud or in your head. And remember, even if they don’t respond, they’re probably still there. Just trust me on that

- It’s alright to forge your own unique path. I personally am Autistic and have terrible memory, so it’s important for me to forge my own craft. If something doesn’t work for you, don’t be afraid to change it. Substitutions can always be made.

- Meditate. Everyone says this, but it’s very true. Meditation not only calms the mind and body, but it opens you and your intuition/senses up to new forces

- Don’t ask for things without giving something in return. I lost my pillbox once and couldn’t find it anywhere. I walked out of my room, politely asked for it to be returned, and a few minutes later it was right there on my desk in plain sight. I left a little dish of honey out for whoever (or whatever) returned it. It’s always polite to approach with an offering and give one either before or after asking for something. You can do this with something as simple as picking a flower, always ask permission.

-  Make it an everyday thing. That doesn’t mean you have to do daily rituals or meditation sessions. Simply talking (again, in your head or out loud) to your spirit guides, practicing mindfulness and doing little spiritual things here and there are enough. This could be meditation, interpreting a potential sign you got today, saying good morning to the spirits you work with, leaving an offering (especially if you’re asking for something or something has already been done for you) and plain researching to expand your craft and knowledge. 

- Write it down. In witchcraft/paganism, almost everybody is journaling. It’s the best way to keep track of signs, experiences, feelings, omens, knowledge that may pertain to your craft, dreams, anything that might seem important. Many witches have a grimoire or book of shadows where they keep their witchy knowledge stored. These are often very personal, can be online or written by hand, and are entirely unique to you. You don’t need a 50 dollar designer spellbook. My grimoire is almost entirely online and printed out into a binder. You don’t have to be fancy.

- Research!! Keep finding white feathers? Look up what that means! You want to give an offering? Look up what nature spirits and specific deities prefer! Make sure you’re knowledgeable about what you do.

- Incorporate what you know and what you’re used to. I grew up in a Polish family in an Eastern Orthodox church. Many of the practices I learned from my family and culture have carried on into my craft. Such as knocking on wood to prevent jinxes, wearing clothes backwards to see spirits and keep them from messing with you, and little cultural tricks like stepping out of a room and asking for lost items to be returned when you can’t find something. Keep it familiar.

That’s really all I can think of for now, love. If you have any more questions, just let me know in a relog!!

lunaesteria: Crystals for Banishing[do not remove this caption]


Crystals for Banishing

[do not remove this caption]

Post link

aka the most overdue post on my blog. I have been struggling with getting a basic recipe and guide out because it’s such an important, useful, tool that can go overlooked and I want to get it right. I’ve decided to go ahead and publish the copy from the pages i’ve written on it since I’m 2 years late on my cookbook. I promise it’s coming! I have page layouts and everything - i’m sad i had to put it on pause so consider this a sneak peek and a very long post. hope you like it!

Disclaimer ⛔

The idea here is that the original recipe isn’t safe for consumption but those ingredients are what make it so effective. So it can be wise to have two different batches working. The classic which is toxic - for external work, and a modified recipe that can be ingested. Make sure you keep these properly marked and away from each other. 


As a seasoning in food
As a daily supplement 
Cleansing Baths
Floor Washes
Protection Work
Repelling negativity


The history behind Four Thieves is elusive- There’s a possible confusion of names. Richard Forthave, a man said to have allegedly concocted and sold the vinegar as a medicine. The name being transformed over time from Forthave’s to Four Thieves. Then there are the more classic tales of thieves ranging from four to four hundred, employing it as a pesticide and cologne during the plague. Regardless of it’s origins, it was highly effective. It’s prolific history has made it a staple in folklore and practices around the world to protect oneself from illness and malevolence.

One tradition I personally enjoy when crafting your own is adding a new personal ingredient to a batch. Your own contribution as a “thief” to the ever-growing folklore. Customize your vinegar to your own needs! For example, I add turmeric for it’s anti-inflammatory properties as well as it’s energetic and positive correspondences


Thieves Vinegar #1 [edible Base recipe]

-Rosemary (protection)
-SageorSage Flowers (cleansing)
-Lavender Flowers (cleansing and calming)
-Garlic (Protection)
-Bruised Cloves (Protection)
-Strong Distilled Vinegar (Cleansing)

1. Sanitize and cleanse your tools with the method of your choice. Wash and dry your herbs.
2.Take the carving tool and in the head of garlic write your name and the names of the people in your home if you so wish. You can also make this for others, using their name. Think about all negativity and unwanted energy leaving the space as protection fills the area like the aroma of the garlic.
Place the entire head of garlic in your jar.
3.Take your cloves, and give them a smash with the flat side of a knife, or use a mortal and pestle to gently crush them while keeping them whole. You can also take any heavy object to them while they’re in a plastic bag/under parchment paper if these aren’t available to you.
Maintain the same thoughts of protection as the garlic while crushing and adding the cloves.
4.Add the rosemary, sage, and any other desired edible herbs with a clear mind, thinking of a clean protected space, having the utmost confidence in it.
5. Fill jar with vinegar knowing you’re surrounded by clean, positive, and sanitary energy.
6. Let the jar work either in the sun or in any cleansed space for a week to 3 months.
7. Shake occasionally.
8. Strain and store in sanitized glass container of your choice.

✨ Thieves Vinegar #2 [edible & ornamental]

- Rosemary sprig(cleansing, purifying, healing, protection)
- 3 dried Red Chili Peppers(banishment, protection, warding)
- 5 cloves ofGarlic (protection, healing, warding)
- 11Peppercorns (banishment, protection, warding)
- Strong Distilled Vinegar (protection, cleansing, banishment)

Fill jar or bottle with ingredients in an eye pleasing manner
2.Top with vinegar
3.Display in the kitchen, the place in the home with the most activity or where you feel you need it the most

☠ Thieves Vinegar #3 [non-ingestible] 

-Thieves Vinegar #1
Your choice of ingredients like:
- Black Peppercorns, Chili Pepper, Rose, Wormwood*, Meadowsweet, Thyme, Ginger, Turmeric, Angelica*, Horehound*, Marjoram, Rue*

Follow same method as Thieves Vinegar #1

House Wash / Bath for Cleansing and Uncrossing

- 1 gallon Hot Water
- 3 tablespoons Thieves Vinegar #1 for bath or #3for home
- Psalms 23 or any protective prayer/words you like

Method for House Wash:
1. Combine ingredients in bucket with preferred house wash or alone.
2. Read prayer/words over the mixture three times to bless it.
3. Wipe down walls, floors in a counterclockwise motion, working from the back of your space to the front.
4. Listen to music you enjoy loudly and open your windows and doors. Let in as much sunlight in as  possible at the very least. Have fun and fill the space with your own positivity and hard work.
5. Be proud and say thanks afterwards.
6. Light a preferred incense to help set the tone of your freshly cleansed space.

Method for Bath:
1.Take an intimal shower to sanitize self with normal preferred products. 2.Combine vinegar with water in bath or basin.
3.Read prayer/words over the bath three times.
4.Immerse yourself for 10 minutes at the least while thinking of all negativity leaving your life and positive, protective energy covering you and the actions you can take to help facilitate that.
4a. If in a shower pour the water starting from the top of your body working your way down, thinking about the same. See all unwanted energy flow down the drain with the water.
5. When finished, air dry and dress in clean white clothes if able to. Do this during the time of day you have the most alone time.
6. Thank any spiritual guides, God, Gods, or the universe- anyone you may have for their blessing and protection and try to conserve your energy for the rest of the day.

Quick Salad Dressing [Bonus Recipe]

2 Tbs Thieves Vinegar #1or#2
6 Tbs Salad Oil
1 Tbs Dijon
3 tsp Thyme

Thanks for Reading! ✨

Beginner Banishment Spell

So you have a person/entity/habit you wish to get rid of, this is the spell to do it.


What you’ll need…



-Fireproof bowl


First cast a circle, with you and your materials inside. Call in any gods/goddesses or entities you work with.DO NOT INVITE THE ENTITY YOU ARE TRYING TO BANISH. Focus on what you’re trying to banish, visualize it being dispelled from your life. Light the slip of paper on fire and place in the bowl. Allow it to burn fully. Dispose of the ashes far away from you and your house.

Hope this helps


How to Deal With Angry Spirits (And Banish Them if You Need to)

Angry spirits are generally not very fun. They can act out, just like a living human could, though their reactions can end up being much scarier in some cases. This is a little guide on how to talk to and calm an irritable spirit, and hopefully get on better terms with them. I have also included a but about banishing a spirit if need be. (And let’s be honest, sometimes there is no reasoning with an angry spirit). There are individual steps for ease of use and reading, but if you feel certain steps don’t apply, or you feel need to be completed in a different order, feel free to move things around.

  1. Analyze the situation. Decide if you really think the spirit is angry/irritable, or if it is a new presence or energy. See if you can recognize the feeling the events or situations give off. Does it feel like a particular spirit? Is this even like them to do this? Could it potentially be another spirit, or even some negative energy or a curse? Try to really think before jumping to conclusions, because it may not even be the spirit causing havoc or making you feel angry or whatever else makes you think they are upset.
  2. Think about what you’ve done recently, in a metaphysical as well as physical sense. Do you have any new companions? Have you been ignoring the spirit lately? Have you brought anyone new into the home, ex: a child or significant other? Is there anything that could make the spirit jealous, upset, or offended? For example: did you disrupt their grave to bring them in, or even appropriate from their culture? Another thing to think about is whether or not you’ve said anything to bring about a change in the spirit.
  3. Talk to the spirit. As with most first steps, talking to the spirit can really open dialogue and help you understand their thought process. Try to remain positive, neutral in taking sides (if it involves another entity or person), and be open minded. I know some things may seem silly, you may think “well that wouldn’t upset me”. But the truth is, you’re not them. Validate their feelings and just listen for a while.
  4. Work out any problems if possible. Sometimes a spirit needs more interaction, and sometimes they just need their space. Other times they are lonely and want another spirit friend, or another companion (a human that is living). If you know the root of the problem, even if it seems silly, you’ll be able to work with them and help. Find out what’s really bothering them and work together to fix it.
  5. If they aren’t listening, aren’t willing to compromise, and are still angry, if not angrier, begin to think of other options. This could mean taking a break for a while, and inviting them back later. It could just mean making daily offerings. Try to base this off of their personality and wants.
  6. If they become belligerent and dangerous, begin planning to banish them. If at anytime you truly fear for your safety or the safety of others due to their presence in your home, it should immediately be deemed an unsafe situation. Banishing them can be hard, especially if you were once close, but you should not be in a dangerous environment.
  7. Keep in mind that some spirits are inherently angry or malevolent, whether due to their natural nature or the way they died. It’s okay to have to let go of those spirits if you can’t help them, or even feel that they want to be helped.


Banishment is usually a last resort, but sometimes it is very necessary. Here is a banishing ritual I used to get rid of a very malevolent entity a while ago, and haven’t had a problem since.

What You’ll Need:

  • Shredded Soap (I reccomend grating it, but you can shave it with a knife or whatever you think is safe and easiest)
  • Sage (I used the spice in my kitchen, it was dried and ground)
  • Moon Water
  • Gem elixir (I used a mix of rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, and hematite for this. Be cautious with hematite, as I am not 100% sure it is safe in water. I set it around the glass When making my water) (rose quartz for love and harmony in the home, clear quartz to clear away negativity, amethyst for peace and protection, and hematite to be rid of negative energy and circulate the energy through my home)
  • A spray bottle
  • Black Candle

Begin by mixing your gem elixir, moon water, and soap together in a bowl. To bless the soap and give it spiritually cleansing properties, use this chant, or direct cleansing energy into the soap:

“Soap you clean and clear away

Debris and dirt, and my dismay.

I bless you so you’ll remove

Everything I don’t approve.”

Add the sage and pour this mixture into the spray bottle. Spray around your entire house, focusing on doors and windows, ceilings, floors, and entrances. Don’t forget random spaces like up your chimney or down your vents.

Use as needed, and burn a black candle afterwards to burn away the lasting energy of the spirit.



Learning how to banish an entity is a very important skill to know in case you come across an entity that you want to send out of your space, and is a good way to protect yourself from spiritual entities that may come to try to do harm to you. There are many ways to go about banishing an entity, and in this post I will be going over a couple of them. I will also be giving tips that may be helpful. This is not an extensive guide by any means, but it’s definitely a stepping stone to understanding the processes that coincide with the banishment of entities.

Protecting yourself:

Protecting yourself is very important especially when you feel a presence that should not be in your space. Through the act of putting up shields you will help protect you’re so against them by putting up a wall of energy between the two of you, and by putting up wards anything that’s already on the inside out. This will give you time to come back to yourself, so that you can focus on what you should do next in order to deal with this entity. These shields, and wards do not have to be elaborate, and should be something you can call upon quickly when your safety is in question from spiritual forces. Practices like casting a circle, or the psychic bubble of light are very good for this, and will go through the process of keeping the entity at bay, while you can focus on what to do next. A simple way to put up a shield is to simply focus your energy around you, by visualizing it flowing off of your body much like mist, or light well thinking that you are protected, this will send your energy out from yourself forming a shield around your body through the power of your intention.

Learning more about the entity:

Learning more about the entity can teach you a lot about its reasons for wanting to hang around you in the first place, and will also help you decide if this entity is malevolent in any way towards you, or is just an entity that is naturally there, and not aggressive. Knowledge is power, and by you locking onto some of its key features such as its spiritual appearance, and it’s personality along with any other information you can gather from it, you will be able to interact with it more effectively. Knowing what you are dealing with before you deal with it can help the banishing process go more smoothly by allowing you to have the upper hand on it by knowing your enemy, or can help you realize that you don’t need your guard up around this entity, and can let it be, or ask it to leave.

Talking it out, and asking it to leave:

If the entity isn’t immediately aggressive you could always go through the process of talking to the entity to figure out why they are hanging around. They may just be passing through and not know that they are trespassing on your space, and you may be able to go through the simple process of asking them to leave. All you would really need to do in order to do this is to enter a meditative state, so that you would be able to hear, and recognize their communication with you, then you would just have to have a normal conversation with the entity. In this conversation you should figure out what their purpose for being in that space is, and see if you guys cannot come to a civil agreement. You may be able to ask it to leave, or it may just be allowed to hang around if it is not causing problems, but that’s all that really depends on the conversation that you guys have. If you cannot communicate with spiritual entities psychically you can always go through the process of using a divination process to divine their answers.

Demanding that it leaves:

If negotiations fail, and you have gone through the process of talking to it, or you feel that it will not listen to you, then it is time to demand it to leave. Through the power of your will, intention, and assertiveness you can force the entity out of your space by demanding out loud that at leaves. This intention will send your energy to force the entity out of your space. You can also go through the process of using there name in your demands in order to connect your will to it targeting it with your energy, if you do not have its name you can always go through the process of making one up for it. By first telling the entity that it’s name is this, and then using that name in your demands to tell it to leave. During this entire process you should be strong, and assertive, and should not waver under the entity in any regards in order not to give it power, and to put your intention through. If done correctly the entity should be forced from the space from your sheer energy, and willpower.

Forcing it out with energy:

You can also go through the process of using a more energetic method by visualizing your energy as fire, or light flowing to the entity blasting it with all that you have, by focusing on this vision in your mind’s eye, while projecting your energy forward will send it out in order to manifest your desire of sending the entity out of your space. This is a much better method if you feel that you are better with visualization, and energy work, and will allow you to enter a more trance-like state, while projecting your energy at the entity.

Forcing it out with items:

Certain items have banishing metaphysical properties that can be quite helpful in sending entities out of your space. These items can be natural such as herbs, and stones, or can be more man made things such as sigil, tailsman and amulets. By bringing these objects into the proximity of the entity with the intention of forcing them out you will begin to use them. This is a good way to go to the process of banishing the entity from your space with the incorporation of other objects. You could even go through the process of hard binding the entity to an object, then getting rid of the object with the entity bound to it. This will allow the entity to be bound to something, so that that something can be gotten rid of more easily.

Here is a list of some items that can help in the banishment of entities:

  • Holy water
  • War water
  • Holy books
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Garlic
  • Dragon’s blood
  • Bloodstone
  • Black Salt
  • Salt
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Black pepper
  • Cloves
  • Jet
  • Sigil of banishment

Asking for help:

You can also go through the process of asking another practitioner for help in banishing the entity from your space, especially if you do not believe that you can handle it yourself. If you do not know any other practitioners you could always go through the process of asking a deity, or deities, or your spirit guides, or other higher power to banish the entity for you, or at least help you in the process of banishing the entity. This can help you out greatly, especially if you are not used to banishing entities, and want some extra help.

Other methods you could try for banishing entities:

  • Drawing the earth banishment pentagram in the air.
  • lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram
  • Gnostic pentagram ritual
  • Violet Flame
  • Sweeping to the east with a broom while having the intention that the entity leaves in your head.

Cleansing the area:

After the entity is all good in banished it is a good idea to go through the process of cleansing the area where they were at. This will relieve that space from their energies, and will get rid of any negative feelings, or residual energies that the entity had left there. This can be simply done through any cleansing method such as burning herbs, placing crystals in the space , clap cleansing, or any other cleansing method that you are aware of.


this is a basic and powerful banishment spell to keep a toxic, malicious person from influencing you, affecting your world, and attempting to hurt you. best done during a waning moon. you will need:

> black pepper (banishment, protection from evil)

> cloves (banishing hostile and negative forces)

> vinegar (banishing, binding, and averting evil)

> black and white candle

> paper and pen with black ink

> a jar with a lid

1. as you light your candles, recognize that the flame creates an aura of fire, will and strength. the black candle burns and summons protection from evil; the white candle burns and brings you cleansing and purifying. meditate on the flames and allow their warm auras to surround you.

2. write the person’s full name (if it’s known) on a small piece of paper. hold the paper in your hands and let yourself feel angry, hurt, sad, or whatever this person makes you feel. charge the paper with the pain this person has caused you, until you feel done. then, take your pen and scribble out the person’s name until it’s completely blacked out and opaque.

3. fold the paper up as many times as you can, and throw it in the jar. sprinkle the pepper and cloves over the paper, then fill the jar with vinegar. this mixture banishes their evil from you and drowns out their will and power to harm you. close the jar tightly. if you wish, use some black wax from your candle to drip onto the lid and seal the jar shut.

4. place your banishment jar in a dark, hidden place, like the bottom drawer of a dresser or the corner of a closet. keep it forever, or until you feel its purpose is fulfilled.

Witchcraft Definitions (B)

Banishment: the practice of sending away and ridding yourself or a space of an unwanted entity or energy.

Bath Spells: a ritual in which things such as crystals and herbs are placed in or around a bath in order to obtain the properties of these items.

Binding: the ritual of restricting something. This can be done to restrict an entity from doing something of binding the entity to something.

Blue Witchcraft: a practice that incorporates healing magick and spirits.
