#my caps

Crimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David CronenbergCrimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David CronenbergCrimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David CronenbergCrimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David CronenbergCrimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David CronenbergCrimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David CronenbergCrimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David Cronenberg

Crimes of the Future (2022) // dir. David Cronenberg

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Friday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. CunninghamFriday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. CunninghamFriday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. CunninghamFriday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. CunninghamFriday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. CunninghamFriday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. CunninghamFriday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. Cunningham

Friday the 13th (1980) // dir. Sean S. Cunningham

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 Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) // dir. John Carl Buechler  Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) // dir. John Carl Buechler  Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) // dir. John Carl Buechler  Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) // dir. John Carl Buechler  Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) // dir. John Carl Buechler

Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988) // dir. John Carl Buechler

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 The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger  The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger

The Blonde One (2019) // dir. Marco Berger

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 Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike  Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike

Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike

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Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBlues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike

Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike

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Rainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi MiikeRainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi Miike

Rainy Dog (1997) // dir. Takashi Miike

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 City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!  City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!  City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!  City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!  City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!  City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!  City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!

City Hunter - Ryo Plays Cupid: Here’s to Diamonds!!

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 L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted  L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted  L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted  L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted  L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted  L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted  L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted

L.A. Plays Itself (1972) // dir. Fred Halsted

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 The Birdcage (1996) // dir. Mike Nichols  The Birdcage (1996) // dir. Mike Nichols  The Birdcage (1996) // dir. Mike Nichols

The Birdcage (1996) // dir. Mike Nichols

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 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven  A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) // dir. Wes Craven

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 Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBig Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi MiikeBig Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike

Blues Harp (1998) // dir. Takashi Miike

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike

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 Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike

Big Bang Love, Juvenile A (2006) // dir. Takashi Miike

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No No Sleep (2015) // dir. Tsai Ming-liang No No Sleep (2015) // dir. Tsai Ming-liang No No Sleep (2015) // dir. Tsai Ming-liang No No Sleep (2015) // dir. Tsai Ming-liang

No No Sleep (2015) // dir. Tsai Ming-liang

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Ringu 2 (1999) // dir. Hideo Nakata Ringu 2 (1999) // dir. Hideo Nakata

Ringu 2 (1999) // dir. Hideo Nakata

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[Note: apparently my girlfriend was upset by the fact that the previous GoT story I wrote was DaarioxDany, while she is a passionate DrogoxDany fan, so I guess this is to make amends. :P I don’t usually do fanfiction so fair warning: I dunno if I’ll do more of this. Everything else will probably be non-fanfiction. Thanks for reading. :) I’ll put it under a read more for anyone who isn’t interested.]


A thick, humid air permeated the tent as Khal Drogo looked upon his wife entering. Daenerys sat down, working on unpacking the blankets from the chest in front of her. The Khal almost looked like he was glowering at someone, but here in private with Dany, his expression softened. He continued sharpening his arakh in silence, looking up periodically as Dany moved about the tent.

She finally finished with the cloths and sat down on their bed. The mat laid low on the ground, more like a large cushioned blanket than a proper bed. Thirsty, Dany reached for a drink sitting on the nearby chest and took a few sips. “My Sun and Stars,” she said, “I think I’ll take a nap.” Drogo nodded and began to put away his sharpening tools. Dany laid down, suddenly feeling a warmth flow through her chest, as though she had swallowed a strong liquor. It was a sweet feeling, like warm honey slowly drifting down through her.

“Oh god, what was in that…” she gasped, her voice sounding light and airy. She hadn’t intended so, but it had a little lilt at the end, singsong-y with a cute tone. She rubbed her hand along opposite arm, and it felt like her sensitivity was turned up all the way. Everything felt amazing, soft… and it was making her horny too.

Inside her mind a war raged. All her intelligence seemed to be locked away, but it hardly mattered with how wet she was. “I need, like…” She tried to find the word, but when it eluded her, she gave up chase and giggled instead.

Drogo turned to her, a quizzical look on his face. His wife ran her hands over her body, as though to cover every inch of it. He leaned down on one knee in front of her, a hand resting on her leg, “Are you… alright?” Lust filled Dany’s mind, and she clasped his hands in her own: “I feel, like… so good…” She almost moaned the last word. She lifted his hand up and placed it gently on her breast, then looked up at him.

“You know what I wanna do?” she giggled.

The Khal needed no other invitation, pulling his arms around her body and kissing her forcefully. She wrapped her legs around his waist as they laid back on to the bed and teased him by gingerly running her fingers over his already-tight pants. Her dress was gone in an instant, and the clatter of a belt buckle filled the tent. “I don’t know what came over you…” Drogo muttered in Dothraki. Dany just giggled, not even comprehending his words, and kissed him again. “All I want right now… is for you to like…” she paused, smiling, “well, you know. Fuck me.”

She didn’t have to say it twice.


He watched her move about as he reclined on the couch. She was getting ready to head to a company ev

He watched her move about as he reclined on the couch. She was getting ready to head to a company event for her job. The TV mumbled on a low volume across the room. Opening his phone up, he launched the new app he had found earlier in the day. A long-lost friend had messaged him online out of the blue, telling him he had to try it “on someone.” That sounded ominous, but the randomness of the message had grabbed his attention, so he downloaded it.

A colorful menu filled the screen, pack with hundreds of sliders, numbers, and options. It was staggering the amount of choice he had here, and it was all related to… the mind? At the top was a flashing icon, which pulled down a menu showing people on the same wifi network – in this case, him and his girlfriend. He tapped her name and the options populated with her info. Everything was there: her age, her height, her IQ, and there was a “personality” tab too.

He looked up, seeing her walk into the bathroom, then set to examining the options. Looking at the “personality” tab, he tabbed on several of the choices, while his girlfriend examined herself in the mirror…

[Sexy Secretary] *tap*

Oh god, I hope Jim from marketing is there. Even though he’s new he’s doing well… and he’s incredibly hot. I wonder how he’ll look in a suit? I can’t wait. Maybe he’ll even –

[Nympho] *tap*

– fuck me hard in the employee bathroom. Jesus, I’m just thinking about it and I’m getting wet. If I don’t get fucked tonight, this whole evening will be a major disappointment. Maybe I should forego panties…

[Model] *tap*

…but only if I can’t find any that match this outfit. I have to look my best, otherwise I might not even bother going to this damn thing!

[Horny Housewife] *tap*

…but then again, I could just stay home. I mean, it’s not a mandatory event, plus I really should clean. And, I haven’t made dinner for my boyfriend in a long time – supper and sex would be the perfect treat for him –

[Bimbo] *tap*

– but like, oh my god, maybe we could just like, skip the whole dinner thing and just get straight to fucking. I could sneak into some, like, really cute lingerie and surprise him. I bet he’d love that!

[IQ -15] *tap*
[Happiness +10] *tap*
[Sex Drive +10] *tap*

Mmm, almost as much as I love fucking him! I just love being… promisc– promi… like, super sexy and cute for him. God, I don’t know if I can wait…

She snapped a selfie first, admiring her outfit in the mirror, then pulling her top open. Perfect.

Ok! Time to go tell him I’m not going to this, like, stupid event, in the most fun way possible!

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She wasn’t quite sure why she was doing the dishes. They didn’t really need done that ba

She wasn’t quite sure why she was doing the dishes. They didn’t really need done that badly – it was just a few cups. But she had the sudden urge upon walking past the sink to take care of them.In fact, she had a lot of feelings coming over her recently.

First had been at work: she had been given a pile of paperwork to file away like always, but somehow struggled with finding the right folder to drop it in. The folders were in alphabetical order, she thought, why is this so difficult? It was like her train of thought kept getting interrupted as she paged through the folders. She eventually found the correct one and was delighted with herself, giggling happily at a job well done. She had never been that happy about work before.

Second? She was typing her thesis for school at home when her boyfriend had passed by the door shirtless. This wasn’t exactly an uncommon sight, but somehow it pulled at her hard than she had expected. She could barely concentrate on her paper after that, and not until they fucked later did she feel relief. It had probably just been a while, she told herself.

Third: general forgetfulness. She had never been this ditzy before – in fact, she prided herself on keeping an orderly booklet full of appointments and tasks to accomplish each week. Now, the booklet was full of little drawings, doodles around the page’s edges, and anything thatwasn’t related to her schedule. She had gotten a cute pink cover for it, though!

Sighing, she continued to scrub. Maybe a vacation was in order. Her boyfriend stepped into the kitchen, giving her a squeeze, “hey babe, you didn’t have to do those.” She giggled at him, “no, it’s alright. I just needed something to occu…” she paused, searching for the word, “um, well, something to keep me busy. I’m been pretty, you know… out of it, lately. Maybe I’m sick.” She hugged him back, “You wouldn’t happen to, like, know anything about that?”

He smiled, embracing her, “No, babe, I haven’t the faintest idea.”

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Daenerys Targaryen - A Bimbofication Tale Dany was relaxing in the warmth of the Mereen sunset, watc

Daenerys Targaryen - A Bimbofication Tale

Dany was relaxing in the warmth of the Mereen sunset, watching the ships leave the bay, silhouetted against the orange and purple sky. It had been a long day, listening to the complaints and requests of the city in her hall. Being an occupying ruler was pretty difficult, she had learned quickly. She wondered if she really ever could get home to Westeros at this point. Perhaps it would be better to simply stay.

She often wondered how life might’ve differed for her if she hadn’t been born a queen – if she had been just another simple girl living her life. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. She opened them gently when she heard footsteps approaching, but it was just a servant refilling her bowl of dates. Reclining again, Dany enjoyed a few, savoring their flavor, then began to nap.

She awoke to the sound off Daario humming. She couldn’t place the tune, but it made her smile. Turning around and placing her feet on the cold, hard rock, she watched him approach with a flower in hand, backlit by the torches surrounding her courtyard. “Your Grace,” he said with a surprised smile, “I was not aware we were already on such friendly terms!” When she gave him a quizzical look, he motioned with the flower to her body – specifically, her gown. Her tokar was hanging loose around her waist, exposing her breasts, and the cool breeze made her nipples tingle. She pressed an arm against them, ready to be angry at Daario’s intrusion, but instead a grin came upon her face and the only word she could muster was, “Oops!”

This even took Daario aback, although he didn’t stop his stride. “Are you feeling alright?” Dany’s mind suddenly started racing: why had she reacted like that? Her body didn’t seem to want to obey her mind. But her mind was quickly feeling farther and farther away, as though she had to desperately reach out and grab each decision – a fog that slowed any problem-solving down. She looked at Daario and shook her head, “I’m… not sure if I’m alright.” As she pondered this she put her finger to her lips, letting her breasts go free again.

Daario sat down beside her, somehow bemused by the situation, and tried not to stare at the topless queen. He offered her the flower: “Perhaps this will help?”

“Oh my god! It’s so pretty!” Dany exclaimed as she took it. Once again, she wondered why she had reacted in such a way. It just felt so right to behave like that, despite the nagging feeling she had. A brief thought came to her: was it the dates? She had heard tale of warlocks who could create enchantments that would strip women of their wits. Was that what she was experiencing?

However, that thought was indeed brief, as she looked at Daario again and everything left her mind. “You like flowers, no?” he said. She giggled at him, “of course! And I love, like, the ones with the little pricklies on them!” She honestly couldn’t remember the name. He looked over the bridge of his nose at her, “You mean roses?” Dany clasped her hands together in excitement, “yes! Those are them! They’re so pretty!”

Daario rested a hand on her thigh. “Are you sure you’re not ill? Or perhaps you’ve been drinking?” Dany swatted his hand away, “No way! I haven’t had any wine at all, silly! I’m just… like…” she paused, trying to think of the word she wanted. Nothing came to her.

“Perhaps all this work has gotten to you, your grace,” Daario smirked. He began to reach his arm around her back, and when she leaned into it, pulled her close. Gently, he kissed her, and flicked his thumb across her nipple, watching for her reaction. Dany giggled, and pushed into him harder. “You know…” she said, tracing her finger around his tenting pants, “maybe you’re right. Maybe I just need to… like, relax a bit more.”

“I know a great way to unwind,” Daario said, barely hiding his grin. Dany drifted down to the floor, resting her head on his thigh. She giggled as she pulled at his belt, “so do I.”

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