#my characters

working on launch illustrations! Clown shirt pre-order is imminent…

working on launch illustrations! Clown shirt pre-order is imminent…

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Hey, can y’all rb this if it’s okay to send you messages asking about your ocs, cause on god I wanna interact with y’all but I am terrified of being annoying lol

Some changes

Henry’s name is Duncan now (Duncan Casanova, to be precise)

And his eyes are green

I wanted to do more.. but I’m already tired

Btw, Mary’s full name is Marilyn. I’m not entirely sure if this makes sense, but so be it

Also, story with good Mary is called “Harmony and Melody”, and with evil Mary is “Harmony and Agony”

So, do you know/remember that Mary is the villain in my story? In short, then I was inspired by the same stories, where the mother or father of the protagonist is a terrible villain, he/she terrorizes his/her family and the protagonist even after death, and I had something similar, and now I consider it as a cringe….

And I decided to make this part of the AU story. That is, the original story will be without murders in the family, Satanism, all sorts of terrible monsters and so on. In the original story, Mary is a strict but kind mother and wife who loves her family very much and has a peculiar personality. That is, in my world there are two Marys - good and evil, and these two Marys have a place to be in my universe. Perhaps later I will write how these two differ in character, features and some moments from the stories


Source: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

2nd-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (a hot pepper)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You touch one willing creature and imbue it with the power to spew magical energy from its mouth, provided it has one. Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Until the spell ends, the creature can use an action to exhale energy of the chosen type in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 damage of the chosen type on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Spell Lists. Sorcerer, Wizard

And here’s my half human half robo oc that I decided to draw I named him milo apparently but idk if that’s gonna stick I mean if anyone else has any better suggestions pls feel free to tell me

Guys from my story. Kin'zella “Eel” and Damira “Copper”. Partners, not really good persons, but they are totally ok with it. Both are “Cleaners”. He can generate electricity, she can transform into metal-form.

Kin'zella acts like he knows what style is, but we can see the truth: D

Пытаюсь работать с цветом. Вроде не так плохо.

Оригинальные персонажи из моего сеттинга. Кинзелла и Дамира, Угорь и Медная. Он может генерировать электричество, она - трансформироваться в металл.

Ага, у Кинза дурной вкус. У Дамиры на самом деле тоже не очень, просто из-за специфики способности много одежды не поносишь )

My character in Habitica . This app is soooo amazing, help me much. It’s interesting, when you

My character in Habitica . This app is soooo amazing, help me much. It’s interesting, when your life become something like big game

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Some creatures i made in highschool.They’re called Peeves, and liked to cause mischief and minor incSome creatures i made in highschool.They’re called Peeves, and liked to cause mischief and minor incSome creatures i made in highschool.They’re called Peeves, and liked to cause mischief and minor incSome creatures i made in highschool.They’re called Peeves, and liked to cause mischief and minor inc

Some creatures i made in highschool.

They’re called Peeves, and liked to cause mischief and minor inconveniences to humans. Cute to admire from afar but they make terrible pets.

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Vehemance Entity Case File

Entity #4

Name: Shard/Shatter

Category: Unstable

Power Ranking: 3rd


  • Gravitational manipulation
  • Shard/Glass Manipulation
  • Pressure Exertion

Shard also known as Shatter is an unstable Vehemance Entity who ranks third on the power scale behind the true form and Madmin. The entity of Heartbrokeness and loneliness causes Shatter, like most unstable class entities, to be a very easily triggered entity. Even the mention of a party will send her into a depressive state however sometimes these can become violent. At any point one of these blind rages occurs remain away from any and all glass surfaces seeing as they will most definitely break immediately.

Ok not the first character I was gonna reveal for this series but introducing


Loopy is ranked 6 on the power scale and she’s a safe class Vehemance Entity

The only reason she’s in power scale 6 is because she has powers

Loopy has the power of age regression meaning that she can go from being a child to a teenager at will if she chooses

Loopy is one of the harder to control entities seeing as she’s y'know Loopy

She basically acts drunk 24/7 and has ADHD

Loopy has a very bubbly personality and giggles a LOT sometimes at things that aren’t even funny

Weakness: she has horrid balance to the point where she falls over just after standing up for a while

Trying out something new

I’ve got my own sort of OC mini series I was thinking of introducing

First though I’ve got a character who I’m stuck with for a name

I’ve been referring to her as Madman

Now though I’m not sure if I should switch from Madman to Madmin so let me know and I can kick off this series

Will and Ethan

I present to all of you the two principal characters of my comic book✏

The 27 y.o. cyborg is William, the other one is a 30 y.o. man, Ethan.

drawing the gang, will i do this again? idk(mild spice below)she’s the shortest in the group and WILdrawing the gang, will i do this again? idk(mild spice below)she’s the shortest in the group and WILdrawing the gang, will i do this again? idk(mild spice below)she’s the shortest in the group and WIL

drawing the gang, will i do this again? idk

(mild spice below)

she’s the shortest in the group and WILL climb her like a tree

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