#my dogs


My goldfish did a thing & I’m proud & nostalgic because it’s so similar to a thing that Basco did ❤️

Puppies in flower crowns #WildlingWanders


Okeedokees, inbox is closed whilst I finish up these requests!! Ive got like 30+ and some I’ve already culled so pls be patient while I whip em up :>

I’m very grateful to all the kind words, new follows, and old follows that have stuck around this silly blog! We almost up to 1.5k which is rlly neat ~☆

For my asoiaf/GoT friendos!!! ->

I’m brewing up a little secret as thanks for letting me chill in this community and bringing me wonderful ideas, inspiration and lovely words If you have a few minutes, please fill out some questions so I can better prep my Super Secret Project! (No personal info will be recorded or kept, like emails/names).

Once I have enough data, I can better create and then reveal my little secret~! I think yall will really like it!

I love taking pictures in the hay

so uhhhh life has been crazy but i am alive and also in june i got a puppy! HERE HE IS the day i bro

so uhhhh life has been crazy but i am alive and also in june i got a puppy! HERE HE IS the day i brought him home. his name is Jean-Luc after Captain Picard although we really shouldve gone with Fizzgig (name choice 2) because THATS WHO HE IS.

He is a Toy Poodle and he is The Devil. I made A Mistake.

He is extremely hard to photograph because he likes to race towards whatever phone or camera anyone is holding and try to eat it and he is CONSTANTLY MOVING.

i thought having a bc puppy previously would prepare me for the energy levels here and i was WRONG.

he is crazy smart but also not interested in food almost at all and has zero attention span and is STILL NOT TOILET TRAINED.

harley and he get along quite well, by which i mean jean-luc thinks the sun shines out of harley’s ass and wants to be near him or doing exactly what he’s doing at all times and harley tolerates him and occasionally plays bitey face and wrestling.

but he is enormously cute and enjoys being carried around like baby and i can’t wait to put him in halloween costumes this year.


Post link

Penny doing her part

Please look at how my dog sits


Nina Caliente adopted a dog, Boston terrier Jagger after @skittlessims beautiful Boston terrier Jagger

My baby

Dea (right) & Jagger (left)

When someone says it’s time to go WALKIES

Callie is so problematic but it kinda makes me love her even more. Awww you did a crime and you’re being yelled at come here my perfect little villain yessss I see your wiggly smile of appeasement I will defend you

egan says i is a snow dog

the best friends without brain cells

ryker with a ball in his mouth looking at me holding another ball in my hand

milo is on his way to be a good boy at estes park for the first time


having a great time not unpacking <3

omg also ranger did That to his nose and no one knows how

hello friends i have my dogs and we don’t have to be separated anymore (: we leave for colorado (TOGETHER. AS A FAMILY) tomorrow <3

took this picture of my sweet old man last time i was home. bunny ears

12 days until the big move but who’s counting

stop they’re moving at the same time in the same directions

two more weeks y’all <3

you got any games on your phone


my “mixed bag”
