#my dreams are wild yo


dream story time

i remember this vividly, im walking down the street with my old driver and we go to a restaurant nearby my house and we manage to get into the VIP tables. we see kathryn bernardo and daniel padilla being lovely dovey; thats cute i love kathniel. all of the sudden, im not with my driver, but im with my best friend and we’re sitting down on one of the tables and then i hear it. i hear win metawin’s voice laughing with bright vachirawit’s. i turn around i see them and their crew, sitting next to us, and i screech to my best friend “HOLY SHIT ITS WIN AND BRIGHT”. they hear me,  of course they do, they’re right beside me, and they turn to face me and smile. i cry. im actually crying, and they come to sit on our table, and suddenly im stoic. i dont want to weird them out because im an uncontrollable fan. so you know what i do? i start talking fast and praising their acting skills and telling them how much i love their delivery of lines, especially to win. 
