

dream story time

i remember this vividly, im walking down the street with my old driver and we go to a restaurant nearby my house and we manage to get into the VIP tables. we see kathryn bernardo and daniel padilla being lovely dovey; thats cute i love kathniel. all of the sudden, im not with my driver, but im with my best friend and we’re sitting down on one of the tables and then i hear it. i hear win metawin’s voice laughing with bright vachirawit’s. i turn around i see them and their crew, sitting next to us, and i screech to my best friend “HOLY SHIT ITS WIN AND BRIGHT”. they hear me,  of course they do, they’re right beside me, and they turn to face me and smile. i cry. im actually crying, and they come to sit on our table, and suddenly im stoic. i dont want to weird them out because im an uncontrollable fan. so you know what i do? i start talking fast and praising their acting skills and telling them how much i love their delivery of lines, especially to win. 

“i can say that loving you is easy, j don’t need to prove a single thing. somewhere along the way i guess you got under my skin”

easy by mac ayres

Friends spending time together

(Aka crossover that’s even more ambitious than avengers endgame)

Unpopular opinion:

Sorry but they just remind me sooo much of eachother I cant…

they always enjoy each other’s company ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

i really appreciate pink..( ꈍ .̮ ꈍ)

bonus..my brain told me to draw this, and i couldn’t resist..

We’re back at it again with a new react video - we finally got to our favourite episodes (10 & 11), so sorry in advance for any eardrum damage. Hope you have as much fun watching it as we did making it ~

All of us after ep12: *try not to cry* *cries a lot*

After such a heartbreaking and disappointing episode, I think we can all use a little reminder of the good times. With some more memes as a bonus~

Hope this new crack react of episodes 6 and 7 can cheer you all up a bit!

We back at it again with more freak outs, memes and quality screams.   This show is literally holding us 2gether in this quarantine. Have we   lost a bit of our sanity in the process? Yes. Enjoy our reactions for episodes 4 and 5.

My friends and I decided to explore the amazing world of thai BLs, so we chose 2gether as our gateway into it. Needless to say, we have fallen in deep and have no intention of ever getting out. Chaos ensued and this was the result - screaming, memeing and losing our collective sanity more with every episode. And oh, how we love it!


  • Most followed of the year
  • Most hearted content of the year
  • Best rising star (Win)
  • Series of the year

Line TV Awards 2021
