#my hobbies






I just came across this post from a crafty whumper! It got me thinking…. We have lots of community members who write and draw… but what other hobbies do you all enjoy?

Me, I like to sing, crochet, scrapbook, and take pictures (I like to consider myself an aspiring amateur photographer).

I do a little cross-stitch/embroidery, some calligraphy, and the occasional efforts at knitting and crocheting. I also dabble in scrapbooking sometimes, and occasionally try to draw. My roommate and close pal also taught me how to do Viking wire weaving a year or two ago, and that’s VERY fun! It comes out looking like this picture:

a picture of a silver bracelet made via Viking weave, a way of weaving metal wire to make jewelry with a kind of braided lookALT

In the past, I’ve also sometimes messed around with woodburning and leatherwork. (I’d love to do some leatherwork again, but a relative across the country owns all the tools I learned on. :p)

As for other crafters around, I know @whump-it makes many lovely crafts, and @newbornwhumperfly does some cool things with miniatures! (No pressure to reply if you don’t want - just wanted to offer. ☺️) Edit: Also, @orchidscript does some gorgeous historical costuming I think!

I sew fancy outfits for art dolls, I used to be a set dresser and props builder, and I do art and play several different instruments.

Working on Lute Music transcribed for the Ukulele. No really- it works. (insert long spiel about history of stringed instruments, the Portuguese guitarra, and the uke, vs renaissance music)

I am also a Medieval Reenactor when the Plague permits me to be, performing music, sewing and embroidering, some light leatherwork, and Domestic History in general.

I spin wool now! With a lot of various spindles, Viking Style to Txoatile to Turkish. Gotta try them all.

I’ve ALSO joined the “reptile keeping hobby” with an incredibly tiny snakeling.

I knit, spin yarn from roving (have tried most fiber types), do the medieval reenactment as well, sing, do some sewing and weaving, play video games, and collect ball-jointed dolls. And like Red I have also recently adopted a tiny snakeling, though not the same species.

We’re besties for a reason, with all the hobbies we share. XD

Why is it so many whump writers/people in the community do stuff with yarn? It’s a fun commonality, I love it. I also crochet, mostly amigurumi, and I’ll knit, cross-stitch, or sew on occasion. I make jewelry and have started polymer clay stuff as well, and I play piano and sing
