#real life stuff



positivity is cool and all but repressing negative feelings is toxic to yr mind and body. dont feel guilt for having an array of emotions. its corny to fake positivity when it isnt sincere, feeling stuff even bad stuff is nothing to be guilty over. its okay to feel bad sometimes


“You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them.”

E.J. Lamprey


expressing your needs, your emotions, your boundaries and your concerns will not drive away people that are committed to being in your life. wanting to be treated with respect, knowing your worth and acting accordingly is never asking for too much in any kind of safe or healthy connection.


Me: cringe culture is dead I shouldn’t be ashamed of my interests

Me also: if anyone finds out I like whump I’m going to commit dig straight down


Something I did at work! This was a lot of fun. I did the storyboards, illustrations, and the animation was a collaboration between me and one of my coworkers. Music and script by my creative director, VO by NPR’s Robin Hilton. Look ma I’m a real animator!

#real life stuff    #animation    #shiftgig    





I just came across this post from a crafty whumper! It got me thinking…. We have lots of community members who write and draw… but what other hobbies do you all enjoy?

Me, I like to sing, crochet, scrapbook, and take pictures (I like to consider myself an aspiring amateur photographer).

I do a little cross-stitch/embroidery, some calligraphy, and the occasional efforts at knitting and crocheting. I also dabble in scrapbooking sometimes, and occasionally try to draw. My roommate and close pal also taught me how to do Viking wire weaving a year or two ago, and that’s VERY fun! It comes out looking like this picture:

a picture of a silver bracelet made via Viking weave, a way of weaving metal wire to make jewelry with a kind of braided lookALT

In the past, I’ve also sometimes messed around with woodburning and leatherwork. (I’d love to do some leatherwork again, but a relative across the country owns all the tools I learned on. :p)

As for other crafters around, I know @whump-it makes many lovely crafts, and @newbornwhumperfly does some cool things with miniatures! (No pressure to reply if you don’t want - just wanted to offer. ☺️) Edit: Also, @orchidscript does some gorgeous historical costuming I think!

I sew fancy outfits for art dolls, I used to be a set dresser and props builder, and I do art and play several different instruments.

Working on Lute Music transcribed for the Ukulele. No really- it works. (insert long spiel about history of stringed instruments, the Portuguese guitarra, and the uke, vs renaissance music)

I am also a Medieval Reenactor when the Plague permits me to be, performing music, sewing and embroidering, some light leatherwork, and Domestic History in general.

I spin wool now! With a lot of various spindles, Viking Style to Txoatile to Turkish. Gotta try them all.

I’ve ALSO joined the “reptile keeping hobby” with an incredibly tiny snakeling.

I knit, spin yarn from roving (have tried most fiber types), do the medieval reenactment as well, sing, do some sewing and weaving, play video games, and collect ball-jointed dolls. And like Red I have also recently adopted a tiny snakeling, though not the same species.

We’re besties for a reason, with all the hobbies we share. XD

Why is it so many whump writers/people in the community do stuff with yarn? It’s a fun commonality, I love it. I also crochet, mostly amigurumi, and I’ll knit, cross-stitch, or sew on occasion. I make jewelry and have started polymer clay stuff as well, and I play piano and sing

I was getting a massage today at my chiro appointment, imagining whump scenarios with all my characters.

“Ah, how relaxing”

This is my Thank-You Post for all the Birthday loveliness my followers have gifted me! (this is my o

This is my Thank-You Post for all the Birthday loveliness my followers have gifted me!(this is my original post if you don’t know what this is about)

Just to say that I’m so thankful and humbled from all the delightful messages & support and things that people have sent to me, I feel so utterly blessed. I’m just working my way through . As usual I had two ‘real life person’ pressies to open and just one card - so without all these lovely people sending me messages my day would indeed have been dull and as boring as the rest of my life can be these days.

I just feel so loved & if your name is on here please be known that I think you’re wonderful and a terrific human being.

I have only just got through all the messages! everyone is SO lovely.

Click below to see all the thank-you messages:

original message: https://nixxie-pic.tumblr.com/post/680803032947212288/its-my-birthday-on-the-20th-april-and-im


Thanks to @Justmice for being lovely & sending me a load through my paypal money - I shall spend a bit of it on meds & the rest on some more fun things! x

Thanks to @khorazir for the Legolas Rubber Duck for my bathroom (I collect ducks & Have over 100 now!) - really sweet of you to buy it for me *many hugs* x

Thank to @bethmoose for the spider-man blu ray from my wishlist, I shall watch it tomorrow! - really gorgeous of you hun. x

Also thanks to @Pennypaperbrain for buying me the Doctor Who Kirikkt  book - I’ve coveted this one for ages. *huge hugs* cheers sweety! x

& thanks to Anon for the Douglas Adam Book - whoever you are thanks for being utterly lovely! xx

And also I got a wheelchair cosy but it didn’t say who it was from - so huge thanks for that, whoever you are!!

(Edit) did some sleuthing & found out it came from @gwndlyn (Amazon didn’t include any message, so well confuddled me!) Thanks so very much hun *huge hugs* I shall have cost feet next time I go out in my chair!!


Huge thank to thee folk for the mesages:


Thanks to @barachiki for the Locky-cake! https://64.media.tumblr.com/559ef5e5b63ad396dd490e73ab9d5004/9a646ab4f4fe6732-3a/s400x600/c1a908c3bccb6975892fdd3124311655a76aea21.gif

@holmesoverture for the watchalong ode! x

@satan-in-a-tea-cup for the gifs & the lovely message, really gorgeous of you! https://64.media.tumblr.com/4a1bc4bbdc04d94b1d84791c85436335/65326570d16afc41-64/s400x600/e3710ac8753400d8a9a41fffd2067f1eb2f9253b.jpg

@teandpoetry for the delightful message of support.

@thesunandherflannelcurtains for a great fun message!

@devoursjohnlock for  being gorgeous! x

@watsonmelon for the lovely message.

@galtori for being generally awesome & for the birthday message. xx

@houndofbaskerville for the gorgeous birthday tidings! x

@maeglinhiei for the love from down under! x


@missdeliadili thanks for your kind message.


Elsewhere on Tumblr

@jasombee for the birthday greetings, I hope your day of getting older ii just as nice as mine was!

@i-call-me-clarence for the stunning Granada Holmes picture.


@bbcbluebell for the lovely BBC-Lock cake piccy!

@cumbercougars for the lovely message.

@connielyplf-blog - I did indeed have a lovely day, thanks!

Post link

It’s my birthday on the 20th April, and I’m really not looking forwards to it, It’s usually pretty bad, but being disabled & having spent most of the past two years in lockdown, it’s obviously going to be even more ridiculously empty than usual & I hoped anyone reading this could help.

I’m Very disabled & I have to spend 95% of the time in bed & most of that lying down flat. I’m in immense & constant pain and my head and body feels like I have permanent flu all the time (real proper fevery flu).

As you can imagine this is not very conducive to making real life friends, I did have lots when I was fit and well and could put time and effort into keeping up friendships, but they’ve dwindled somewhat now that I can’t. I also have a very teeny family, & I’ve worked out that on my birthday I’ll have probably have 2 presents and about 4 cards to open if I’m very lucky.

So I wondered if, out of the kindness of your hearts, on the 20th April you could send me a fun message to cheer me up, or tag me in a post, or write something to me to keep me occupied, or post something nice for me to look at & take my mind off the dullness of being in bed 24/7.

I’m not doing this for any kind of sympathy or pity – it’s just that my birthday is quite utterly sad otherwise - for the past few years I’ve asked people to do this & I got a wonderful response and even last year had some amazing people send me things from my Amazon wish list, so I had actual presents to open, which was most unexpected and utterly delightful. I’ve been really ill recently with SAD as well - but I’m still posting when I can and struggling on & I’ll post as often as I can possibly do so. Recently with Covid my life has gotten even more dull, I’ve been even more cut off from the real world than ever before.

My about me page is (here) incase you’d like to read more on why I’m disabled. There are also pictures of me in my wheelchair from a few years ago.

Added my Amazon wishlist (here)& I added vouchers in case peeps prefer that to choosing things, so I can buy meds/supplements with it, bless you so much.

Oodles of Love, Nixxie

Hey, sorry that I’ve been absent lately, guys. I took a mental health leave from social media to focus on some writing projects. It’s doing wonders for my productivity, so I’ll probably not be on much for a while still.

I don’t post so much that a disappearance would be noticeable, but I won’t be able see Kenobi in a timely manner this week so I’ll be staying off of tumblr until I get a chance to catch up.

A bit less than 48 hours from now probably. Unless I cave and watch it while half asleep in 26ish hours. It’s pretty likely.

I’ve work all day tomorrow at the office not form home and then a dinner with my coworkers. And an early morning the next day. Bad scheduling all around

What a world… to completely schedule your online presence around a tv series. Don’t mistake this for a complaint.

We’re blessed.
