#my opinion i don’t want to offend anyone


After looking through some TOA things, I need to get something off my chest…

It’s kinda frustrating to see how divided this fandom is.

Ever since…well by yesterday three years ago, the fandom got so divided. Especially with all these opinions about Jim I found:

  • “They turned Jim into a troll?! I’m leaving the fandom”.
  • “I like just human Jim”.
  • It doesn’t matter to me what he is, he’s still Jim no matter what”.
  • “I like just troll Jim”.
  • “They turned Jim back into a human?! I’m leaving the fandom”.

Like jeeezzzzz after everything, it just frustrates me.

In my opinion, it makes me mad that some people are only gonna watch the movie to see if a different version of Jim will be in it! Tbh, that’d be so cool if there was a finale battle that all his forms were brought back for some scenes to do, but it makes me sad that some people only wanna watch it for that. I mean I know he most likely won’t turn back into a troll since it’d be just too much changing for one teen in a year or less, I mean I’d be making memes on them making up there mind, but it would be nice to see him again like that before the saga ends, but please don’t say that if that happens that’ll be the only good thing in the movie. The amazing writers and creators of this film put their hearts and souls into making this for you guys that know you love watching it as much as they loved making it. Maybe I’m just getting mad about this since I’ve watched Trollhunters since only a few weeks after season 1 was out and a lot of people didn’t know about it till a few months or years later, but that shouldn’t matter. There’s so many other things to look forward to other than the one thing some people may look at negatively. There’s somehow a new heartstone in Arcadia, Douxie’s magic looks like it’s upgraded some, they’re travelling to New York and maybe other places too, and Aja is the freaking queen of Akiridion-5 now! Those are just a few other things that sprang to my head writing this. This isn’t to offend anyone, this also isn’t about hate on any form, that’s not what this is about. I’m just saying, don’t let one thing that you didn’t like happen in a show, affect you watching something you’ve loved for years in a film that already looks like it’s going to be incredible to see. (If I misunderstood anything at all though, please let me know).
