#my personal drama



I can stay in my home! I was worried I was going to have to move in with my sister until I can get my house in my name (it’s the family home and the utility company wants it to be in my name to continue service). I was sweating bullets, waiting to see if I would get a utility bill this month or if the utilities would just be turned off. The end of the month came and went with no bill, so I called the city. They said the bills had gone out late and I should be getting it this week. They even told me how much it was! I can stay!

I’ve also got a Murdad doodle in progress! My work schedule changed, so it leaves me no time during the week to draw like I want, but I am squeezing in a few minutes here and there!

Getting just a bit frustrated with how things are going right now…

I was starting to get back to a semblance of normal, adjusting to not having my Aunt around, getting arrangements made, bills figured out, etc, and now I have one more thing to deal with.

We are having a four day freeze that started Wednesday night, and on that night, when the temperature was going to drop to 24°, the wiring in my house decided to try to catch on fire! I smelled the coating start burning/melting in my Aunt’s old room, so I turned the electricity off, grabbed some things and went to stay with my sister at about 2:30am. Nothing caught fire, the house is ok, but now I have to deal with a repair bill I probably won’t be able to afford, especially since the house is so old, it will probably require a full rewiring. I know things will work out fine, and I will find a way to get things done, but I am seriously at a point right now that I am 100% ready to literally BITE someone!
