#my policeman

While filming My Policeman, Harry was pictured wearing a long-sleeved Dryrobe change robe in black a

While filming My Policeman, Harry was pictured wearing a long-sleeved Dryrobe change robe in black and red.

Long sleeve Dryrobe change robe ($210)

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Harry Styles didn’t end up playing Elvis but he should absolutely play David Bowie in the eventual Oscar-bait biopic

This Was Home ; Harry x Brin

Description: In this apocalyptic world, you can’t go out at night due to Crawlers that lurk in the shadows. But 23 year old Brinley has to set off to get supplies for her younger sister and sick mother. She has everything planned out and knows to stick to what her mother has told her. But what happens when not everything goes to plan? No one warned her about bumping into a snarky, arrogant man who ends up saving her life. So what happens when this forces them into a bond that neither of them asked for? It’s purely for survival, right? At least that’s what they keep telling themselves.

Content warning: mentions of graphic scenes, blood, guns, death/violence

General tags: slow burn, angst, apocalypse, dystopia, smut


what is everyone currently reading

Styles’s limited experience as an actor worked well for this part, says Grandage. “Because he hasn’t done much, he hasn’t developed the ability to work out tricks or even lie. He can only do it truthfully and as he knows it,” he says, likening his naturalistic work to that of a young Albert Finney or Tom Courtenay. “They just bring themselves to the role, and it seems to be very uncomplicated in the way they achieve it and Harry had that,” he says.

hlupdate: Film Updates via twitter (x) - 09/06/22


Film Updates via twitter (x) - 09/06/22

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Think about it.

Think about the amount of effort Harry Styles put into getting a role as a closeted character in a queer movie that was struggling to be green lit (8 years!) and wasn’t even originally going to get a theatrical release.

Think about the fact that he connected to the story that much that it didn’t even matter that the novel wasn’t particularly commercially well-known; that there have to have been other, more high profile, easier roles he could have gone after to establish himself as an actor, and yet he sought out this one. Wanted this one.

Think about what this meant to him.

Think about why.

Just…think about it.

Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021

Harry on the set My policeman May 20th 2021

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Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021

Harry on set My policeman May 20th 2021

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Harry on set My policeman May 13th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 13th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 13th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 13th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 13th 2021

Harry on set My policeman May 13th 2021

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Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021

Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021

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Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021

Harry on set My policeman May 14th 2021

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This is late but i’m so excited wtf- another movie? How is Harry gonna tour ahhhdjfhsjdh
