#my posts


Can’t believe The Last Of Us has officially wrapped filming after eleven months of production. No more Pixel Pascal crumbs until they drop more official content

Pedro wearing a purple ND shirt is something that can be so personal



him ❤️❤️❤️

the noise i just made

i am tired

every time ive been trying to convince myself to watch this movie in theatres, the universe keeps giving me signs not to lol.

Strange’s first movie came out in 2016 and was used mostly to set up the mystic arts. since then he had a series of glorified cameos where he didn’t win a single fight (im still mad about nwh).

wong, thankfully, got some character development between infinity war and shang chi.

marvel’s forgotten mordo even exists or that the first movie set him up to be the main antagonist. and if the leaks are true about prime mordo then that’s a fucking travesty

it’s unlikely we’d be getting clea and jericho drumm in this film

back to strange — the comics have an incredible amount of lore that makes him a very weird, interesting character. but all i see is people saying in the mcu he’s tony stark with magic and it’s sadly true because marvel’s been using him basically to fix other people’s shit

wanda just had a massive character arc in wv and is prob going to have her solo movies soon. even if she’s the villain in this film, her getting the same amount of screen time + all of the rumoured cameos mean there’s very little room left to tell strange’s story

and it’s basically a self defeating cycle because how would you expect new mcu fans to care about the character or the franchise if you don’t give them proper arcs?

like wong being made sorcerer supreme was HUGE but it was done off screen, almost as a throwaway idea. we’ve never even seen strange talk about his encounter with dormammu. say nothing of strange’s tragic family history with his siblings’ untimely deaths. and marvel had as talented an actor as chiwetel ejiofor on payroll to rebrand comics mordo (who is still dull as dirt) but they didn’t do that either

this movie would’ve been a lot more enjoyable if it was the third one in the franchise. the sequel should’ve been more intimate and about stephen and other doctor strange characters. the reason crossover movies like ragnarok, civil war, nwh worked is because the sequels took the time to set up the characters so that we’d care about them

but that’s unlikely to happen with multiverse and we’ll have to keep reading bad takes about how stephen is just iron man with magic

i miss them being stupid together ‍

i want someone to look at me the way mordo looked at a man he had just met and was already planning their wedding. (✿ ♡‿♡)

honestly never forgiving marvel for reducing chiwetel and ben w’s role/character arcs in doctor strange 2 for wendy

i am such a whore for this man

wong, strange, mordo and their shared brain cell.



coming back from the dead to say i’ve been looking at some mario art on pixiv lately and i love how everyone draws mario embarrassed the same way. always hat covering eyes, incredibly flushed, almost frustrated…that’s who mario is he can’t cope with embarrassment

i would love to host/see another mario secret santa but i do NOT have time T_T

earnestly can’t get over this one

thinking about mareach heart gif at this time


I think a story where Damian met his younger self at the point where he was just about to enter the batfam would be hilarious. Like yeah yeah it would make for great metaphors about how treating your past self kindly and accepting the mistakes you made is essential to moving forward by confronting Damian with a tangeable, breating version of those mistakes, but have you considered. Damian would find his 10-year-old self INSUFFERABLE. And I think it’d be hilarious to expose him to himself for a prolonged period of time and have him go insane because absolutely nobody would have even the slightest shred of pity for him.

Damian: Younger me is insufferable! He will not listen to a single thing I say, he believes I am an imposter unworthy of the Robin mantle (because I disagree with him on practically every front and he refuses to believe he’ll grow up to be me), and he has NO respect for me even though I’m CLEARLY older! And wiser! But he’s too arrogant to listen to my advice even though I know better than him on all fronts!!

Dick: yeah imagine putting up with that
