#karl mordo


Chiwetel Ejiofor is so underutilized in the MCU. It’s sad. He’s such a great actor and they don’t give him anything to do. I have no idea what his character’s about. Besides killing wizards, which is a bizarre hobby and not at all relatable.

This time they gave him a terrible wig to add insult to injury. (It’s like Natasha Romanoff bad.)

At least they didn’t kill him in the main continuity, which was apparently the plan. For Wanda to kill him. Without letting him do anything ever! Thanks, I hate it.

theavengers:New stills of part of the Illuminati in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”theavengers:New stills of part of the Illuminati in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”theavengers:New stills of part of the Illuminati in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”theavengers:New stills of part of the Illuminati in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”


New stills of part of the Illuminati in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”

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Stephen: I want to be mysterious and cool and sexy but I just CANNOT shut up sometimes

Wong, TAO, Mordo: WE KNOW

obsessed with that weird sequenced in MoM where Mordo is explaining dream walking to Strange and America and there are just weird transitions to Wanda preparing to dream walk and spooky music

sometimes i think about this scene from doctor strange 1 and eye—

the doctor strange group chat was discussing how wong and the rest would have a group chat to roast stephen. i am ashamed to say i spent entirely too long on this. pov is wong

multiverse of madness spoilers




all i’m saying is that if mordo was around when stephen and wong met america, he would have physically restrained stephen from seeking out ms wendy because, “stephen, we shouldnot go seeking answers from a witch who was on the news just a few months ago for holding an entire town hostage.”

i am shocked that wong did not point out the same thing but this also tells me wong probably doesn’t watch or care about us news lol. king behaviour

but yeah if mordo was in the movie the scales would’ve been balanced perfectly. i hope the ~big threat clea needs help is some unholy alliance mordo struck up with her idiot uncle

multiverse of madness thoughts. spoilers obviously

1. i think critics are insane for the way they’re ignoring benedict cumberbatch’s performance. he gave each of the four stranges nuanced, distinct personalities that allowed them to shine through. even supreme strange and his “i’m ready” comment when facing death — a nice call back to stephen’s “i am not ready” comment in the first movie.

2. wong had some good scenes but i am angry at how much they nerfed him. even if the scarlet witch is a super op character, wong is the sorcerer supreme ffs. he is supposed to be powerful and he didn’t even get a single hit at wanda, just got thrown around a lot and it was frankly insulting.

3. they did mordo so dirty. first by not even including mcu mordo in the film, then by retconning his backstory. waldron is a fucking demon because one of the reasons why mcu mordo was so appealing was because his enmity with strange had a logical starting point versus the comics mordo. but of course waldron retconned it into the comics verse where mordo is just a bitter jealous man. i fucking hate this. chiwetel doesn’t deserve this rat man’s nonsensical writing.

4. master mordo was a cutie tho. my favourite bit was when stephen put that magic dampener cuff on him and they started throwing hands at each other. lol dumbasses.

5. the Illuminati were boring except captain marvel. i refuse to believe that she is dead given she literally is one of the most powerful beings in every universe. it was so good to have lashana lynch back ❤️

6. the sorceress sara was done so fucking dirty. they gave her a funkopop, they chose her name to tease sara wolfe (wong’s interest) and then they killed her off so horrifically. i hated that so much. this film somehow relished hurting and killing bipoc and ofc you can’t expect anything different when you consider the people in charge. it was nauseating and the more i think about it, the madder i get.

7. wendy was surprisingly good as a villain but then marvel did its thing and tried to excuse her actions every step of the way. like sorry u lost your imaginary kids. maybe seek therapy instead of trying to kill a literal child for your gratification. plus the justification she gave for wanting to kill America? nauseating.

8. i really liked america chavez. she may have lost her moms in the multiverse but I’m return she gained two incredibly tired dads

9. one day marvel is gonna respect reed. one day. but let’s talk about clea. one of my legitimate fear was that they’d cast some 20 year old to play her and it’d be just as iffy as their ambiguous age difference in the comics. idk how charlize will do as clea but im happy that she’s at least bc’s age

10. overall a very mid film that was both a doctor strange film but it also wasn’t. i’ll have more thoughts later but one thing is clear. waldron is a demon. doctor strange 3 should be about doctor strange characters so pls no wendy or loki or anyone else. jericho drumm, more mordo, clea and wong pls. would love to see america too and maybe vvd.bye

i want to kick michael waldron’s ass. why the fuck would you ignore doctor strange continuity and completely butcher a doctor strange character like that. fuck off.

and just like that my interest in this movie is back. the bald man made the right call to not waste mordo like that, esp. as a plot device for wendy.

still have hope that we get the classic strange v mordo showdown in DS3

i am tired

every time ive been trying to convince myself to watch this movie in theatres, the universe keeps giving me signs not to lol.

Strange’s first movie came out in 2016 and was used mostly to set up the mystic arts. since then he had a series of glorified cameos where he didn’t win a single fight (im still mad about nwh).

wong, thankfully, got some character development between infinity war and shang chi.

marvel’s forgotten mordo even exists or that the first movie set him up to be the main antagonist. and if the leaks are true about prime mordo then that’s a fucking travesty

it’s unlikely we’d be getting clea and jericho drumm in this film

back to strange — the comics have an incredible amount of lore that makes him a very weird, interesting character. but all i see is people saying in the mcu he’s tony stark with magic and it’s sadly true because marvel’s been using him basically to fix other people’s shit

wanda just had a massive character arc in wv and is prob going to have her solo movies soon. even if she’s the villain in this film, her getting the same amount of screen time + all of the rumoured cameos mean there’s very little room left to tell strange’s story

and it’s basically a self defeating cycle because how would you expect new mcu fans to care about the character or the franchise if you don’t give them proper arcs?

like wong being made sorcerer supreme was HUGE but it was done off screen, almost as a throwaway idea. we’ve never even seen strange talk about his encounter with dormammu. say nothing of strange’s tragic family history with his siblings’ untimely deaths. and marvel had as talented an actor as chiwetel ejiofor on payroll to rebrand comics mordo (who is still dull as dirt) but they didn’t do that either

this movie would’ve been a lot more enjoyable if it was the third one in the franchise. the sequel should’ve been more intimate and about stephen and other doctor strange characters. the reason crossover movies like ragnarok, civil war, nwh worked is because the sequels took the time to set up the characters so that we’d care about them

but that’s unlikely to happen with multiverse and we’ll have to keep reading bad takes about how stephen is just iron man with magic

i miss them being stupid together ‍


New strordo fic by Zenkitty just dropped!

Heya folks!!!!

Please show her some love and support! She’s been creating fic for the fandom all these years. And what a treat right before the sequel!

yesss she’s been talking about this on the discord. can’t wait to dive in after work

i want someone to look at me the way mordo looked at a man he had just met and was already planning their wedding. (✿ ♡‿♡)

i am such a whore for this man


Stephen Variants: How can I fix my problem if my problem has my face?!

mordo variants: your problem is perfect the way it is

wong variants: have you considered killing it with fire?

wong, strange, mordo and their shared brain cell.

Mordo: My hair is getting too long.

Wong: I could cut it for you.

Mordo: You could?

Wong: Sure. I cut Stephen’s hair all the time.

Stephen: When do you ever cut my hair?

Wong: You take a lot of naps.

Mordo: [after thoroughly explaining his plan to de-power sorcerers] Are you nodding because you agree with me?

Stephen: [lost in Mordo’s eyes] Yes, I do agree with you. I agree with you on all things. Throughout history and until the end of time, forever.

(Mordo is winning at poker.)

Stephen: Damn! This is kinda hot.

Mordo: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss hot.

Stephen: Uh… no. I do not.

Mordo: Sorry for having a great arse and correct opinions on everything. As if that’s my fault.

Mordo, staring at the steering wheel: I’m a bottom. I can’t do this.

The Ancient One: For the last time, I don’t know what that means. I’m just trying to teach you how to parallel park.

[Mordo and Wong scolding Stephen]

Mordo: We are not mad, just disappointed.

Wong: No, we are mad.

Mordo: Yes, we are mad. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide because you are a good man.

Wong: No, we are not. And no, you are not.

Stephen: Now I’m just confused.

Mordo: I am uncomfortable when flirting.

Mordo: I never know when it’s the right time to show my man that I can fit an entire fist in my mouth.


: “dumbass” except we’re friends

: “oblivious idiot” except we’re in love

: “you make my life a living hell” except i actually care about you

: wow i feel so loved in this house

Kaecilius: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up the room.

Mordo: It’s called arson and those people are called witnesses.

The Ancient One, whispering at Stephen: Tell him, “You have beautiful eyes.”

Stephen: That’s good. Okay.

Stephen: [turns to Mordo] I have beautiful eyes.

Mordo: Yes, they’re lovely.

The Ancient One, whispering: Not your eyes! His eyes!

Stephen: Oooohhhh… [turns to Mordo] Your eyes. Your eyes are beautiful, not mine. Mine are okay, but yours, I bet you can see right through them.

The Ancient One: [throws her hands in the air] Good enough, I guess.

Mordo: Oh, please, when have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible for a man?

Wong: I keep a list. It’s alphabetized.

Mordo: That’s a really small folder.

Wong: This is just the letter A.

Wong: You’ve literally dated every single letter of at least four different alphabets.

Mordo: I feel ill. Do you think you could give me your thoughts as a doctor?

Stephen: Karl Mordo, as a PhD in neuroscience, I diagnose you as too damn beautiful for this world.

Stephen: The cure is going out on a date with me.


Mordo: That’s sweet and of course I will, but I literally have a fever.
