

Buffy: That was Dawn’s school calling. Apparently, she’s been using some very creative language today.

Spike: Oh. Do tell.

Buffy: Well, she called her math homework a “cluster duck” and her teacher a “mother flunker”.

Spike: [amused] Did she call anyone a “sock sucker”?

[Buffy looks at him, pissed]

Spike: What? It’s just someone who sucks socks.

Buffy: I can’t believe you’re teaching my sister loophole swear words.

Spike: In my defense, “mother flunker” was entirely the little deviant’s creation. And very clever of her, I might add.

Buffy: Spike, you have lost your mind!

Spike, riding a children’s train in circles around the magic shop: YUP AND I DON’T MISS IT

Original: That 70s Show

Buffy: See what we can do when we work together? With my swordfighting..

Willow: And my scientific know how..

Xander: And I’m also here.

Buffy: We can do anything!
