#source lucifer


Michael: You don’t care who you piss off, do you?

Dr. Egg: Not in the slightest, no.

Angel dust: problems are like genital warts. If you pretend they’re not there, sooner or later they will disappear.

Alastor: Husker are you even listening to me?

Husk: Huh? Oh sorry, got lost in a daydream, on the account of your problem being so boring.

Linhardt: You look like you fought 10 people and then ran a mile to get here.

Caspar: 12 people and 4 miles!

Lizzie: You don’t care who you piss off, do you?

Hope: Not in the slightest.

Buffy: That was Dawn’s school calling. Apparently, she’s been using some very creative language today.

Spike: Oh. Do tell.

Buffy: Well, she called her math homework a “cluster duck” and her teacher a “mother flunker”.

Spike: [amused] Did she call anyone a “sock sucker”?

[Buffy looks at him, pissed]

Spike: What? It’s just someone who sucks socks.

Buffy: I can’t believe you’re teaching my sister loophole swear words.

Spike: In my defense, “mother flunker” was entirely the little deviant’s creation. And very clever of her, I might add.
