


Please be aware I’m discussing something “revealed” in chapter 47. 

Full disclaimer: I don’t care if Doumeki is dating a woman. It’s been four years, he’s a full-grown man that’s no longer impotent, he was rejected (not just rejected but “forgotten”) by Yashiro, etc etc. He has every right to pursue a physical relationship with someone else (I don’t say romantic, because let’s not be absurd; he’s not in love with anyone else except Yashiro). However, I was a bit surprised by the shockwave reaction from the fanbase (both western and Japanese), because it seemed to me like this was…kind of a ruse by sensei, although it took me some time to parse out why. So. I will elucidate. Spoilers under the cut. 


(303): friends with benefits? more like friends with awkward sexual tensionMy first BR manga TFLN!


friends with benefits? more like friends with awkward sexual tension

My first BR manga TFLN! I want to try to make more of these, but I don’t have any scans; I’m just using whatever I find on tumblr, ha.

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(817): This is one of those situations that make me think to myself “what life decision did I


This is one of those situations that make me think to myself “what life decision did I make to get here”

Sorry for the impromptu hiatus guys! I lost power for a few days thanks to Hurricane Sandy. I hope to get these TFLNs out on a regular basis once again!

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