

I got sucked into the Stanley x Narrator ship so I present to you: A falling in love fic collab with ai dungeon

Stanley and The Narrator Have Feelings

WARNING: Very cheesy, I was just having fun with it so yeah

This is the story of a man named Stanley. Stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee #427. Employee #427’s job was simple: he sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on a keyboard. Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk, telling him what buttons to push, how long to push them, and in what order. This is what employee 427 did every day of every month of every year, and although others might have considered it soul rending, Stanley relished every moment that the orders came in, as though he had been made exactly for this job. And Stanley was happy. And then one day, something very peculiar happened, something that would forever change Stanley, something he would never quite forget. He had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one, single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow. No one had shown up to give him instructions, call a meeting, or even say hi. Never in all his years at the company had this happened, this complete isolation. Something was very clearly wrong. Shocked, frozen solid, Stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time, but as he came to his wits and regained his senses, he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office. All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean?

This is what Stanley had thought of around a month ago. He was now fully aware of his situation and in figuring it out, he got to know the Narrator. The Narrator was the one who had given the orders, who had told Stanley exactly what to do, when to do it, and in what order. Stanley didn’t always obey, but that kept things interesting, when the Narrator ordered him around that was. Nowadays, Stanley and the Narrator decided on adventures together, as their fondness for each other had grown.

One day, the Narrator told Stanley that he had a surprise for him. “I have a delivery for you today,” he said. “From a friend of mine.” “The adventure line?” Stanley guessed with a smile. The narrator chuckled, “You’ve guessed it”.

Stanley was led to a giant shipping container, just like the ones on the docks. The container was at least fifteen feet tall and as wide as a house. “Can I open it?” Stanley said excited. “I’ve never seen it opened!” The Narrator gave in and told Stanley he could open the container.

Stanley looked at the container with wonder. “How do you open it?” he asked. The Narrator laughed, as he had expected the question. “I made you a button,” he told Stanley with a grin. Stanley fidgeted excited, awaiting the button.

A platform slid away on the ground and a pedestal rose up to Stanley’s abdomen. A red button the size of Stanley’s hand shone in the light of the storage room. Stanley looked up at the ceiling, as if waiting the narrator’s permission.

“Don’t wait up on me, dear boy! Go ahead,” the Narrator said. And with that, Stanley gently slammed the button and the container opened. He was surprised to see a pile of boxes stacked at the top, but he was even more surprised when he opened one and saw a robot the size of a refrigerator inside. “He could keep us company!” Stanley exclaimed to the Narrator, “Or maybe you could posses him so we can do a hand shake!” The Narrator agreed and told Stanley to do whatever he wanted, as he always did.

Stanley looked at the robot for a moment and said, “I’ll play with him later. For now, I need to find a power switch, or else…”

“Go ahead and move him around,” the Narrator said, “I trust your judgement."The narrator would never admit it, but Stanley’s remark about the handshake had him thinking. Wouldn’t it be nice to meet Stanley’s eyes and hold his hands and sit beside him. He spoke up saying, “You can still do whatever you want, Stanley, but I would not be opposed to a handshake.” And once again, Stanley was surprised. "That’s not a big deal, is it?”

“Oh no, not at all,” the Narrator said. Stanley tried to contain his joy as the narrator possessed the robot. The narrator was much taller than him now, but he was not afraid. “Oh goodness,” the narrator joked, “You still have to look up at me even now!” And with that he gave the robot a test run. It didn’t move, and he laughed. Stanley pulled him towards him, giggling as well. Stanley thought the narrator’s hands were pleasantly cool and the narrator thought Stanley’s were pleasantly warm. “I like this,” Stanley whispered. The narrator nodded for the first time in his life. Stanley laughed with glee. As the narrator got used to his new body, he was also getting used to Stanley’s touch. He needed help sometimes and Stanley was there for him. Despite being of metal, it made him feel warm inside. It’s been so long since someone made him feel that way, he thought. He decided to test out a funny habit Stanley had: Pressing buttons.

He pressed the big red button from earlier. It gave him a type serotonin he never knew existed. He spammed the button saying, “I now understand why you like this, Stanley” he said. But then he pause, sulking a little bit. He apologized, “I’m sorry I made fun of you, Stanley.”

Stanley looked up at him and his eyes appeared to soften. “I know,” he said, “It wasn’t very nice, was it?”

“It’s quite all right,” Stanley said, “It’s good to have someone who can get a laugh out of me.” The two of them laughed for a bit, until the narrator realized something. He blushed as he asked, “Can I give you a hug, Stanley?”

Stanley gave a shy little laugh, and the two of them embraced. The narrator felt his cheeks warm up. He was never this emotional, he thought. He pulled away and said, “Dear boy, I think I need to sit down. Too many feelings.”

Stanley nodded in understanding, holding out his hand for the narrator to take. The narrator took it gently as they headed to the employee’s lounge. The building had been empty for many years, but the couches were still comfortable, and the Narrator enjoyed the feeling of being able to sit.

Stanley sat down as well and hummed, content to simply be in the narrator’s presence. The narrator felt nice, too. “I feel like something changed today, Stanley. I think I feel at home here,” he said. Stanley thought about this for a moment and said, “Me too. It’s kind of nice not having to talk to you through a ceiling.” The narrator’s lips turned up a bit at that and he reached over and took Stanley’s hand. They sat like this for a few minutes, hand in hand.

“I want to tell you something, Stanley,” the narrator said. He looked at Stanley’s hand in his own and continued, “I really like you, dear boy. I’m glad I met you.” The narrator continued to hold Stanley’s hand, and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. “It is very nice to be able to like someone again.” Stanley could do little other than smile at this. He let go of the narrator’s hand for a minute and went to sit next to his dear friend, wiping the tears from the Narrator’s eyes. Stanley rested his head on the Narrator’s shoulder and hugged the narrator tightly. The narrator wrapped an arm around him as well and the two of them sat that way for a long time.

After a few minutes of silence, the Narrator said, “I would like nothing more than to stay with you, Stanley, forever.”

Stanley chuckled lightly and nodded in understanding. “Me too.” The narrator went quiet before mumbling shyly, “Stanley, you make me feel things. Good things but goodness, is it strange.” Stanley laughed at that. “I’ve never had that happen before. It’s nice.” The narrator smiled at that.

“You make me feel things too, you know,” Stanley said. “How would you describe how I make you feel?” The narrator asked. Stanley blushes and stuttered, “Well, humans call it love, it’s kind of warm and it makes your heart beat fast but it’s really nice and you don’t have to feel the same and I know it’s-” “I feel the same way” the narrator said calmly. Stanley stopped rambling only to turn as red as a strawberry. He was so embarrassed. He said, “We shouldn’t be talking like this.” He didn’t know if making the Narrator feel this way was right. “And yet we do,” the narrator said, meeting Stanley’s eyes. Stanley held the narrator’s face in his hands and hesitantly questioned, “Can I kiss you?”

“Whatever you want,” the narrator replied, leaning in closer.

Stanley kissed the Narrator. It felt nice and right, and he didn’t want to stop. So he didn’t. They kissed, and it just kept getting better. As their lips parted, they smiled at each other. The Narrator placed a hand on Stanley’s chest, leaning towards him, and the two of them continued to hold one another, softly kissing. As they parted, Stanley tackled the Narrator over and his companion groaned. “You’re ridiculous. We were having a moment, Stanley,” he scoffed with no malice. Stanley said nothing as he curled up next to the narrator, half lying on him like a pillow. “Your back’s gonna hurt later, Stanley.” “I know,” Stanley said softly, “but I just want to be with you.” The narrator held him in his arms. “Fair enough. I certainly don’t dislike this.”

Stanley pondered for a moment before asking, “Will you remember this? When this place resets again?”

The narrator pondered himself before answering, “I don’t know, but I will try my hardest.” Stanley’s eyes glazed over and the narrator held his face. “I love you, Stanley. I always will. Even if I forget this. I love you.” Stanley squeezed the narrator tight, “I love you too.”

And with that, they fell asleep, and the world began anew.
