#natal gemini moon



_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in gemini individual thinks before they feel. their life is one long thought that keeps changing through time and space. their nature is cool and detached and their emotions superficial. because of this they are acutely uncomfortable with intense emotional displays.

life can fly past them since they don’t hold on to feelings for very long. the positive aspect of their nature is that they can let go and move on after a bad experience. the negative aspect is that they can also be emotionally fickle. unless there are other influences in their chart, the moon in gemini individual has a tendency to not be very compassionate. basically, this is because they don’t have the depth to really understand other people’s feelings, and they also don’t want to get trapped by any pain.

this individual is very mercurial and can’t really understand emotional consistency. therefore, if they promise one thing in one moment and days later finds their circumstances have changed, they will change with them and most likely will not deliver. needless to say, this person is not the most emotionally dependable. usually, they also don’t feel guilt or remorse about putting people in painful predicaments. their emotional range doesn’t extend to include strong empathy. it is too fast moving and needful of freedom and space.

this is an individual who can be emotionally cool or even cold, depending on what is coming at them. any strong emotional demands or heavy emotional displays have an adverse effect on them, making them close up and cut off. on the other hand, humor and quick-wittedness expand their feelings and free them to be themself in the moment. a butterfly of sorts, they soar through mental space and settle wherever it seems convenient. emotionally, they will stay there until they get bored. then they move quickly on to a new person, place, idea, or possibility. the moon in gemini individual is in love with novelty. it brings little bursts of excitement through their heart that have a way of playing with their brain, the center of their natural focus. to get to their heart you have to go through their mind and make them feel fully alive.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

because they have a tendency to think rather than feel, the moon in gemini individual is logical, articulate, and reasonable in most situations. they will try to talk things out and make sense out of nonsense and are often amazingly successful at doing so. this can be a great plus to their personality since it can cool down an argument and create a workable compromise. in general, they are not one to get lost in the eye of the emotional storm. the moon in gemini individual does not easily lose their mind to either minor or major differences.

sometimes they can’t feel, especially if drowned out by someone else’s emotional maelstrom. raw, angry emotion can make them cut off, and teary-eyed episodes take all their patience. the moon in gemini individual can be frosty when they feel forced into places they don’t want to be. their emotional comfort zone drives them to keep things cool, light, and breezy. this emotional reaction is their escape hatch and it’s something they need to have at all times.

when emotionally involved, they’ll communicate by talking about their plans and ideas or by sharing activities that are stimulating or fun. the moon in gemini individual likes to have a good time and keep it light and lively. for them loving someone’s company means falling in love. however, they won’t get down on their knees and make dramatic declarations. they’ll just keep calling.

it must be mentioned that this individual can also be emotionally changeable and run from hot to cold in record time. if they feel bored, closed in, or that a situation is getting too predictable, this is the time when the air around them may cool and they may disappear. the moon in gemini individual can be quite ruthless about this sort of behavior and curiously devoid of guilt or compassion. their disappearing acts are knee-jerk responses to situations they find boring and unbearable. the moon in gemini individual’s emotional survival mechanism sometimes renders them so detached that they aren’t capable of making a strong connection with anyone. they tend to be a peter pan type who needs a lot of time to grow up and become comfortable feeling more deeply.

who they are emotionally


________ who they are emotionally ________

the moon in gemini individual is ruled by their head and often has a hard time connecting to their heart. by nature they need a lot of change, variety, diversity, and stimulation to keep their demanding cerebral side happy. therefore, they respond to humor, cleverness, quick-wittedness, and sparkling conversation that keeps their mind moving. emotionally detached and needing a challenge, they are most taken with a partner who can be equal to their personality and maybe even dazzle and outdistance them with their own wit.

this is an individual who might say one thing and do another, only because they feel so completely different from day to day. they might not even be aware of it but their quicksilver mind demands a wide range of stimuli or else their attention will fade away. they can be quite fickle and a challenge to pin down. however, they are also winsome and can be a charming companion for the restless sort of partner who is simply interested in having a good time with no strings attached.

they are a friendly individual who is initially most entranced by someone great to talk to. however, it might also be said that because they are so friendly, open, and curious, they find that many people usually interest them in a lot of different ways. they are capable of carrying on several relationships at the same time since they like the feeling that they are going places both mentally and physically. restless, changeable, curious, and inquisitive, they often have a large repertoire of interests that they pursue in their own haphazard fashion, sometimes merely dabbling superficially and losing their enthusiasm in midstream.

the mind here is always moving in overdrive and forever thinking ahead. the moon in gemini individual has a hard time staying in the present unless they get lost in a perfect conversation that fascinates them so much they forget what time it is. easily bored, they cannot bear belabored points, long-drawn-out detailed stories, or intense emotional scenes that they feel drains the life right out of them. when bored, trapped, or seriously confronted, this is an individual who will take flight. they are fond of the easy way out and, if compromised, won’t communicate or return phone calls.

freedom-loving and yearning to experience a strong degree of novelty and variety, the moon in gemini individual can be a trifle flighty. this individual needs their space as well as time spent traveling around in their different dimensions. anyone trying to close in on them or tie them down is in store for some serious disappointments. when it comes to commitment, they take it slow and can have a hard time when it comes to monogamy. independent and always wondering what’s around the corner, they often feel they can’t be cramped into conforming to someone else’s expectations or routine. one part of them may indeed want a relationship, but their gemini moon will still demand that they remain free.

the moon in gemini individual is best off with a partner who is a friend with whom they love to talk and share similar interests. personal respect and intellectual compatibility are on the top of their list for the perfect lover. security-seeking partners who are diminished by the capriciousness of a forgotten phone call are not for them. to enjoy a gemini moon individual you have to be able to live in the moment and like doing that. then one day you may find that one moment at a time has turned into a lifetime.

how they feel and show their emotions
