#natalia tena


life’s kinda shit these days so let’s just do a tb to this iconic video

please just look at her

We are really thrilled to have the characters for our film voiced by Natalia Tena (Harry Potter, GamWe are really thrilled to have the characters for our film voiced by Natalia Tena (Harry Potter, GamWe are really thrilled to have the characters for our film voiced by Natalia Tena (Harry Potter, Gam

We are really thrilled to have the characters for our film voiced by Natalia Tena (Harry Potter, Game of Thrones) and her boyfriend and Molotov Jukebox partner, Sam Apley.

Pictured above with some of the team (l-r): Helene Sifre (producer), Jenna Jovi (screenwriter), Jessica Jones (composer), Zoltan Juhasz (sound designer), Nat, Sam, myself (director), Tim Morrish (composer) and Andonis Trattos (editor).

Post link

Yes after 13 years (book) and nearly 10 years (film), I’m still not over Remus and Tonks’s death. Should I call her Dora technically as she was married to Lupin at the time of her death?

I don’t care how many times JK tries to justify why she had to kill them. Yes I understand you wanted the series to go full circle, starting and ending with an orphaned boy, I understand killing Arthur Weasley instead would have been awful and yes I understand it shows no one is immune from the tragedies of war but come on don’t you think Remus had been through enough?

Like he’d spend a good majority of his life feeling ashamed because of lycanthropy, he lost two of his best friends to Voldemort and the Death Eaters and genuinely believed he wasn’t worthy of love. It never crossed his mind that Tonks would see beyond his condition and love him regardless, he always felt inferior to her. I mean they had just become parents for god’s sake, they were so happy and then they get murdered?

I’ve read opinions that Remus and Tonks were neglective of Teddy for fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts. Was it perhaps safer for them to stay at home with their newborn son? Maybe but Remus had fought in the First Wizarding War and had valuable experience and no way was Tonks going to leave her husband to fight on his own.

I mean no one slates James and Lily for sacrificing their lives. Some may argue they didn’t have a choice compared to Remus and Tonks. In fact Lily was given the chance by Voldemort to step aside as requested by Snape but she refused. Her love for Harry was so strong, she’d rather die than let Voldemort kill her son. It’s the same for Remus and Tonks, they knew there was a chance they wouldn’t come out of this alive but if it helped their son live a life without fear, it was worth it.

What would people rather have, Tonks and Remus stay at home and her crazed aunt Bellatrix murder Teddy in his cot? Or Teddy safe and sound but grow up knowing how brave his parents were sacrificing themselves for him? You would do anything to keep your children safe, that’s how strong a parents love can be.

Anyway, I digress but my point is, there’s too much hate on this relationship for my liking. I mean don’t get me started on the whole ‘Remus didn’t love Tonks’ and how apparently obsessive Tonks was in her love for Remus in Half Blood Prince. Read the damn books again for fuck’s sake.

I mean I love reading fanfiction where Remus and Tonks survived and give them the ending they deserve. It’s just a shame their relationship wasn’t given more substance in the films, Nat Tena and David Thewlis shared really strong chemistry and I would have loved to have seen them obviously flirting in Order of the Phoenix and the hospital scene from HBP.

Oh and that deleted scene from Deathly Hallows Part 2? That should never have been deleted despite it not being in the book. But hey let’s not go into deleted scenes that should have been in the film like Dudley saying Harry wasn’t a waste of a space…

Molotov Jukebox @ The Finsbury

Molotov Jukebox launched their new album Tropical Gypsy at The Finsbury pub, north London on 15 April 2016, with support from beatboxer Hobbit.
