
 lo mas bello es esto que conservaron nuestros abuelos.. Pamparios.the most beautiful thing is thi

lo mas bello es esto que conservaron nuestros abuelos.. Pamparios.

the most beautiful thing is this that our grandparents conserved..than you.

#Wixarika #NativePride #NativeBeauty

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#Pakal’s afterlife #jade #bling #game is .. #NativeBling #9repeatAllele #NativeBeauty #NativeM

#Pakal’s afterlife #jade #bling #game is ..

#NativeBling #9repeatAllele #NativeBeauty #NativeMade #NativeAmerican #Maya

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..me traje esta obra maestra de #Nayarit hecha por el tío #CristobalGonzales que representa la #Cere

..me traje esta obra maestra de #Nayarit hecha por el tío #CristobalGonzales que representa la #CeremoniadelMaiz que los niños de la cultura #Wixarika #Huichol pasan a los 5 años..

..I brought home this masterpiece from Nayarit made by uncle Cristobal Gonzalez which represents the Corn Ceremony children in the Wixarika culture go through when they turn 5 years old..

#NativeMade #NativeBeauty #NativePride

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