

i don’t know what’s wrong w/ me but It Sure Is Somethin

any creepy straight guy to come within a two meter radius of any lesbian minor can count on a punch to the fucking face from yours truly

it’s like my head knows that people saying they care about me is a desirable thing to have happen, so in turn i wantpeople to say they care for me, but when they do i don’t feel much of anything

like. it’s. incredibly hard for me to process that people genuinely care for me? and i don’t mean that in a self-pitying way, i mean i actually can’t.people say “i care!” and my brain goes “oh that’s nice” but… i don’t have any emotionalreaction?

it’s like people caring for me is an abstract concept that i can’t feel. like people care for me in theory and my brain knows that, but i don’t actually feel anything

i can’t feel that people love me the way “normal” people do and that scares me
