


any other borderlines find their impulsiveness getting worse on a higher dose of seroquel ?? i upped my dose recently on recommendation from a psych but my impulsive symptoms have been wreaking havoc on me- is this normal ? does it go away ? 

yeah so uh. question answered. i was just in a hypomanic episode- anyways now my hair is green and i have 30 whole dollars left in my bank account- 

side note: i might have bipolar 2 as well as bpd 

any other borderlines find their impulsiveness getting worse on a higher dose of seroquel ?? i upped my dose recently on recommendation from a psych but my impulsive symptoms have been wreaking havoc on me- is this normal ? does it go away ? 


that moment when you stop reading a book because you’re getting too emotionally attached to the characters and you won’t be able to handle it when the book ends


Depriving yourself of sleep, food, showering, and all the necessities a human needs because you’re punishing yourself. Why? Because you feel like you don’t deserve any of it because you’re a shitty human being


Borderline personality disorder? More like big penis disorder. No wonder we all suffer so much, all the blood flow goes from our head to our ginormous penis

Pros of weaning off some of my meds:

  • Spending less money ✅
  • Feeling Progress in Recovery ✅

Cons of weaning off some of my meds:

  • It’s almost 5am I’ve been trying to sleep for 3 hours but one of my meds I’m no longer taking used to make me sleep in 30 minutes and it seems I’ll need to get used tl falling sleep without them ❌

I’ve been clean for almost two years but the fact that I hit 25 years of age and am still a virgin makes me feel an urge to cut myself again

Pedicure: wow, you really have a high tolerance for pain, don’t ya!

My self-harmer ass:

“These scars long have yearned for your tender caress”

My self-harmer ass:

Things that make me feel loved 

( ) Friends 

( ) Family 

( ) Significant other 

(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) Ola Gjeilo’s music

I honestly just wish I could erase my existence from people’s minds

I hate remembering that people, like, have thoughts and opinions and judgements about me and/or my actions

Can they just



Tell me to “ask you” for your attention again. Tell me.

Offline “friends” are only disappointments after disappointments
