#nb pos



There’s nonbinary people that don’t bind because they don’t have boobs

There’s nonbinary people that don’t bind because they don’t want to

There’s nonbinary people without boobs that want them

Stop acting like the nonbinary experience is “have boobs, hide boobs”


“Nonbinary people don’t owe you gender neutrality” means “nonbinary people can have full beards and look 110% masc and not tuck and still be nonbinary” just as much as it means “nonbinary people can have long hair and wear makeup and have boobs and still be nonbinary”

Nonbinary does not mean “feminine lite” it means “nonbinary”


Hey. Hey you. Take a break from tucking/binding. Listen to your body.

Genderfluid people are valid in all of the genders that they experience, and aren’t any less (insert any gender here) than people who are that gender all the time


You can be nonbinary and have any collection of other labels, too.

You don’t need to make “nonbinary” your most important label to have a place with us, because you already bring so much good to our community just as you are.
