#ncis drabble


Pairing: Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: pregnant reader, pregnancy symptoms, age gap between reader and Gibbs, mentions of anxious/nervous feelings, fluff! (Wow! It’s been a while)

Word count: 1104

Request: anonymous
“can i request an “im pregnant” au with gibbs?? And how good father he is!!”

A/N: I know you requested an au, which in my head means a headcannon, but this idea is actually in my list of fics to write , so I decided to give you a one-shot Enjoy!!


It feels like your whole body is jittering as you wait in front of the small vanity in your bathroom. The cheerfully bright pink and white pregnancy test sitting on the marbled countertop is the only thing keeping you from knowing whether your life had just changed forever. Or rather, the three minutes until the test is complete is all that stands between you and the unknown.

You start drumming your fingertips along the edge of the porcelain sink, trying desperately to find some way to release your anxious energy without somehow catching the attention of your NCIS agent husband, who was known for knowing exactly what was going on at all times. The drumming of your fingers turns into tapping your feet which leads to you nervously hopping around the small bathroom, trying to distract yourself from the seconds that are slowly ticking by.

As you impatiently wait, your energy pouring out into short, vigorous strides as you pace the length of the bathroom, you can’t help but wonder what a baby would do to your life, to Jethro’s life, and the life the two of you shared together.

You hadn’t thought that children were ever going to be in the cards for you. At first, you’d thought that it was because you hadn’t found the right guy, only stumbling upon Jethro after years of dating one wrong guy after the other. In fact, you’d only met Jethro because the guy you were supposed to be meeting for a blind date stood you up. Your frustration and disappointment had led you to the ice cream aisle in the grocery store, where upon leaving, you’d accidentally bumped in a certain silver-haired, blue eyed man. You had apologized profusely, even insisting on buying the man’s groceries (a sparse selection of items that made up a bachelor’s dinner if you’d ever seen one). He had quietly refused and before you could even protest, he was asking you out to dinner that night. You had said yes without thinking, something within you calling you to get to know this man.

Then, as the two of you moved forward in the relationship, you hadn’t thought much about children because Jethro was a good twelve years older than you. You figured he’d had the chance and decided not to go that route in life.

Then, you’d learned about Shannon and Kelly and you’d buried deep within yourself that part of you that had started fantasizing about having a little boy or girl with Jethro. You couldn’t ask that of him knowing he’d lost his first, his only, child and had effectively closed the door on that part of his life. You wouldn’t ask him to confront the demons that came with having a second child that lived long past the life of his first.

As you fell deeper in love with Jethro, you began to view your dwindling chance at children as something of a sacrifice to keep Jethro in your life. It hurt, but the thought of living life without him, after you’d seen just how great life was with him, hurt more. So you threw yourself into the lives of the children around you, the number of nieces and nephews (many of them honorary) making it easy. You attended plays and concerts, ball games and parties, and freely offered up your babysitting services to all of your friends. And although Jethro raised a few eyebrows at the number of events you went to for the children in your life, he never asked why you’d started throwing yourself whole-heartedly into their lives.

A loud beep echoes throughout the bathroom, pulling you from the downward spiral your mind had been sucked into. You take a deep, slow breath before looking at the test. Two faint pink lines stare back at you, ripping the breath away from your lungs.


In an instant, a new life flashes before your eyes…

Tiny hands grasping your finger.

Bright blue eyes staring up at you.

Tottering steps taken towards outstretched hands.

A small body cradled between you and Jethro as Jethro whispers fantastical nighttime stories of dragons and knights in shining armor.

Chocolate chip pancakes and Saturday morning cartoons.
Ball games in the yard, little feet chasing after a wayward ball as Jethro’s rich laughter fills the air.

You realize with a start that you’re crying, the tears rolling down your cheeks, the pregnancy test long since forgotten on the bathroom floor. The need to tell Jethro seizes you and you’re up off the bathroom floor and into the hallway before you even have time to process what you’re doing.

“Jethro?” You call, your voice echoing out in the lowly lit house. He doesn’t answer, so you head towards the basement. The steeps creak as you make your way down into the cool basement, the heavy smell of wood calming your nerves even before you make it to the bottom.

“Jethro?” You ask, standing awkwardly at the bottom of the steps as your eyes scan over the room.

A head appears from behind the wood planks of a half finished boat, the yellow light making his silver hair shine. “Y/N? Is everything okay?” His voice is rough as he steps around the front of the boat and closes the space between the two of you. His hands are outstretched, reaching for your face as he wipes away the remaining tears with his fingers. “What’s wrong Y/N?” He asks quietly, his blue eyes searching yours for some sort of answer.

“I’m-we’re…” You stumble over the words, another lump rising in your throat as you try to form a proper sentence. “I’m pregnant Jethro.” You whisper, your gaze dropping to the floor as anxiety rises in your chest. You had no way of knowing what he would say, after all, you’d avoided the topic your entire relationship with him.

A warm, rough hand slides down your cheek, to your jaw as he delicately lifts your chin until you’re looking at him. “You’re what?”

“I’m pregnant.” The words are a little easier to say the second time but the look in his eyes prevents you from saying any more. He stares at you a beat longer, his ice blue eyes boring into yours, the emotional tides within them threatening to pull you under. Then, his arms are wrapped around you, bringing you in close, his lips pressing a faint kiss to your temple.

“Best news I’ve heard all day.” He murmurs and you let out a laugh of relief as you lift your lips up to his, giving him a long kiss.

“Me too.”


