#ncis fanfiction


Pairing: Gibbs x F!Reader

Warnings: Military, Violence, Gunshots, Death, PTSD, Angst

Summary: You had been brought into Gibbs team without anyone speaking to him first.  He was also not impressed with the gaps in your personal file, but after your first few cases with the team he is starting to understand and respect you.

As you waited in the hanger the aerial images that Vance had shown you in MTAC played through your mind. You ran through your plan again, each timing, each distance, every move you were going to make when you hit the ground to get to Gibbs.  You needed to make sure there were no mistakes it had been a while since you had done anything like this.  Running through the plan in your head also was helping to calm your nerves, you had felt them start to jangle as soon as you had put your uniform back on, the familiar feel and smell.  You were sacred this would trigger your PTSD but you had to get through this, you had to get Gibbs home.

It was meant to be a quick in and out, home by the end of the week, Gibbs was experienced enough to know that things rarely went to plan but he was also experienced enough to know he was in real trouble right now.  He has no comms, no weapons and was not even sure that Vance knew what had happened to him and were he was.

But of all of the stupid things running through his mind, was the fact that he had finally asked you over for dinner only to stand you up.  To be honest he thought about the rest of the team too, but it was thinking of you that made his heart ache.  When he had held you as you fell asleep the night you stayed at his he has felt things he hadn’t in a very long time, and when he woke up with you entwined with him, he had thought to himself he could do that every morning for the rest of his life.  These feelings for you scared him more than the situation he was in right now, but god he knew if he got out of this he wasn’t going to waste a minute more.  There was a time that nothing scared him, the arrogance he had had when he was younger, he shook his head as he thought back.  But looking forward he could just see you, neither of you had spoken about the night you had stayed at his, he didn’t want to embarrass you, he understood how much it had taken for you to open up and share what had happened with him.  He knew that sort of hurt, what it was like too loose colleagues.  Leaning back, he rested his head on the wall and tried to move his arms into a more comfortable position, they had dragged him in here and cuffed him to a metal bar on the wall.  They had given him water and some scraps of food but other than that they had left him alone.  He had to come up with a plan, if he was getting out of here, he needed to do it himself.  First thing he needed to do was to try to find some way of getting them to uncuff him, he could go from there.

It almost felt like your heart stopped as the engines of the aircraft started up, the sound, smell and feeling that were so familiar to you, taking you back.  The last time you were on a Herc you had been coming home, just, not with all of your team with you.  Smiling at the loadmaster you unfasten your seatbelt and made your way to the back of the aircraft,  jumping up onto the pallets you lay down and closed your eyes and were transported back to another time.  But this time it was not an uncontrollable flashback, it was you controlling it remembering it because you wanted too.  The loadmaster gave you a call as we started our descent, strapping on your vest and helmet you made your way to the back ramp and clipped on just as it started to open.  You stood on the ramp watching the ground speed by below you, the aircraft was coming in low and you knew as soon as it hit the ground you would have move quickly.  The nerves still jangled but now you had to job to do, it was like you flicked a switch as you unclipped and left the safety of the aircraft.

Gibbs was starting to lose patience, he just needed someone to come back into the hut, give him a chance to either get them on side or take them down.  He needed to get out of here, he had heard an aircraft pass over and that made him nervous, something was happening out there at the minute all he could do was sit and wait and that was not what he was used too.  Before he could gather his thoughts, he heard gunfire, his gut flipped, he was a sitting duck, unless it was his own out there, but how was that even possible.

Keeping low you headed towards your location sweeping your arcs with your weapon as you moved.  As you approached the small compound where you suspected Gibbs to be, there was no perimeter fence, and you skirted the left-hand side of the small huts to find the one you wanted.  As you went to step out of cover you saw two men with AKs walking towards you and you retreated quietly.  You couldn’t make out everything they were saying but you got enough to make out they were holding someone they had been told to get rid of before moving on from the compound.  You knew this changed everything, raising your weapon you removed the safety catch and took them both out with a double tap each.  Checking to make sure they were dead and moving the AKs, you swept the area once more before heading to the relevant hut.  Taking one more quick look around you, you crouched down and slid open the bolt holding the door shut, pushing the door open slowly you pointed your weapon through the opening.

“Hands where I can see them”

You knew before the man moved his hands from in front of his face that it was Gibbs.


Keeping one eye trained one the open door you made your way across to Gibbs,

“Are you ok Jethro”

“Better for seeing you, but what the hell?”

“We can save that for later, let’s just get the hell out of here, we have helo to catch”

Pulling a universal handcuff key from your lapel you released Gibbs from his restraints, before grabbing your pack and handing Gibbs a set of body armour and a spare weapon.

“You going to be ok to extract out here Gibbs?”

“Let’s just go, where’s the extraction point?”

“Just called back in the aircraft, it will come in two clicks to the east”

“Ok, what we need to do….”

“Gibbs, you’re not in charge of this one, I just need you to follow my lead Gunny”

“Yes Ma’am”

You head back outside, Gibbs and you falling easily into a two-man fire team, pepper potting your way out of the compound.  As you came out of the compound you heard shouts to the left and you hit the ground as shots hit the ground in front of you.  You heard Gibbs yell at you as he dragged you into cover.  You both saw the men break cover, still firing in your direction, you took one out as Gibbs shot the other.

“Ok, we need to move, or we are going to miss the pick-up”

As you both headed back towards the extraction point, you could hear the aircraft coming in, pushing on you both knew you need to get there on time, or they would have to leave you.  You could feel your relief as you saw the aircraft land and the ramp open.

“Gibbs get yourself on that aircraft I’ll cover you”


“Now is not the time to argue Gunny get on the aircraft”

You could see that Gibbs wanted to argue, it went against everything he knew and believed in.


Reluctantly Gibbs broke into the open as gunfire started again from behind you, you lay down cover as you saw Gibbs dive onto the ramp of the aircraft and quickly take up the prone position to cover you.  You started to move back towards the aircraft, rounds were hitting the dust around you, you pushed your legs on as you saw the aircraft starting to taxi.  You could hear Gibbs yelling over the noise of the engines and gunfire, slinging your weapon you jumped for the ramp.  As you hit the ramp you felt the aircraft lift of the ground, and someone dragging you back inside the aircraft as the ramp closed.

“Kat, you ok there”

“Never better, you?”

“You going to tell me how the hell you ended up here”

You propped yourself on the pallets and slowly pulled off your body armour, as you did you felt a sting in your side.  Reaching your hand down you felt the warm, damp patch on your clothes, looking down at your hand you saw blood.  It must only be a scratch, if you had been hit you would have known about it.

“Your bleeding, Kat did you get hit”

“Gibbs I’m fine, must only be a scratch I wasn’t hit”

“Let me see, Kat I need to have a look at it for you”

You leant back and let Gibbs gently lift your shirt, it was throbbing and you flinched as Gibbs touched your side.  

“Your right it did just graze you, but I need to stop the bleeding, you got a first aid kit in that bag?”

“Of course,”

You shrugged off your bag, wincing in pain as the adrenaline was wearing off and you could start to feel the pain blossoming through your side. You held your breath as Gibbs cleaned up the wound and dressed it.

“How’s that?”

“Good thanks Gibbs”

“Should get you to a hospital as soon as we get back”

“Not needed as you said just a scratch and you are in no position regarding attending hospital”

“Kat, you came to get me, I take it this was Vance’s doing?”

“He was in a difficult position, that’s why he asked me to come get you”

“He sent you on your own”

“Only way we could keep it under the radar, it worked, didn’t it?”

“You got shot Kat”

“Grazed and there was no other option, I couldn’t just leave you out there”

“What did we say about you putting yourself in danger for me”

“Thought we had gotten past that, seeing as I keep saving your life”

Gibbs shook his head and smirked at you as waited for the aircraft to touch back down.  Part of you didn’t’ really want to go back to the Navel Yard, Tony and McGee were going to ask so many questions and you knew Gibbs was not going to let it go with Vance for sending you in alone.

As you and Gibbs stepped out of the elevator you could feel eyes on you, the pair of you were still in uniform and filthy.  But you were both up the stairs to MTAC before anyone could say anything.

“Kat, thank you for what you did, anything you need to let me know?’

“No director, went smoothly, it will all be in my report”

“No report needed on this one, thank you.  You can go now, take the rest of the day off, long weekend”

Heading back downstairs you steeled yourself as you saw Tony and McGee hovering around your desk.

“So, training at Quantico, really Kat you couldn’t have told us you were sent to help Gibbs?”

“I was told to keep it to myself, it was a little sensitive”

“So now you can fill us in”

Gibbs paced back and forth in Vance’s office,

“Leon, you sent her on her own, what were you thinking?”

“That you were in trouble, and she was the only option I had to get you out of there with the resources I had available”

“Since when do we send agents in on their own?”

“She has a lot experience in this field and was more than happy to do this for you”

“You’ve obviously read her file, so you will also know what happened to her team, how could you put her in that position again?”

“I am aware, and I told her she did not have to do this Gibbs, but she would not leave you out there”

“Whatever Leon, I’m taking the rest of the day off too, long weekend”

You saw Gibbs coming back down the stairs, he walked over to your desk sending Tony and McGee scurrying back to their desks.

“Come on I’m taking you home”

“Gibbs you don’t have to do that”

“Yeah, I do”

Pairing: Gibbs x F!Reader

Warnings:  Explosions, Swearing, Mentions of PTSD, Angst, Military.

Summary: You had been brought into Gibbs team without anyone speaking to him first.  He was also not impressed with the gaps in your personal file, but after your first few cases with the team he is starting to understand and respect you.

Things had changed since that night, you hadn’t spoken about it but the way that you and Gibbs worked together had changed.  You became partners and worked so intuitively in the field, Tony kept joking it was like you could read each other’s minds.  All the benching you and treating you like a probie had gone, there was a mutual respect and understanding now.  You hadn’t been back to his home, there had been no more episodes of PTSD, and nothing had triggered you, so you had not taken him up on the offer that his door was always open even though you had wanted to.  You wanted to be back on the sofa with his arms around you, you wanted to be in his bed, falling asleep with him.  You knew your feelings were developing for him, but you also knew about rule 12 and even if there wasn’t a rule you knew that he didn’t see you in that way.  Also, you were enjoying working with him, honestly, he was probably the best partner you had ever worked with, and you didn’t want to do anything to ruin it.

“Tony would you please just leave it, there is no way in this world I will go on a double date with you.”

“I’ll write all of your reports for the next month, please, I need a wing man”

“Well take McGee with you and leave me out of this”

“I need your feminine wiles”

“Pretty sure I have none of those and I would rather spend my evening writing reports”

Gibbs walked through the bullpen, dropping a cup of coffee on your desk before sitting down at his.

“Thanks boss, what strings are attached to this coffee?”

“Now why would there be strings, just a coffee Kat and what is so bad that you would rather spend an evening writing reports?”

“A double date with Tony”

“When is this date meant to be happening?”

“Tomorrow night boss”

“Sorry Dinozzo but Kat is busy tomorrow night”

“I am?”

“Yep, I need you at my place after work”

“Ok, sorry Tony guess you will have to find another wingman”

You spent the rest of the day thinking about Gibbs and why he wanted you over at his place tomorrow night. You waited until everyone else had left the office and went and stood in front of his desk.

“Gibbs thanks for getting me out of that nightmare date with Tony, great idea saying I was coming over to yours”

“You are coming over to mine”

“What, I thought you just said that to get rid of Tony”

“I did but you are still coming to mine for something to eat”


Smiling to yourself you collected your things and headed home.  So, you were going to Gibbs house tomorrow for dinner, this was unexpected but it did make you smile for the rest of the evening.

As you entered the office the next morning you were surprised to see that Gibbs was not at his desk, he was usually always the first in.  You dropped a cup of coffee on his desk, smiling as you did and went to sit at your own desk.

“So, Kat ready for your date night with Gibbs tonight”

“Tony it is not a date night”

“Really I have never been asked over to his house”

“Probably good reason for that”

“Dinozzo, my office now”

Looking up you saw Director Vance on the stairs,

“Tony what have you done now?”

“Nothing, honest”

You went back to your computer as Tony worriedly headed up to Vance’s office.  After five minutes he was jogging back down the stairs.

“Ok Tony spill, what did Vance want”

“To tell me Gibbs has been sent on a last-minute op and I’m to deputise for him until he gets back”

“What, he’s already gone?”

“Yep, early hours of this morning, Vance hopes he will be back by the end of the week.  But looks like that is date night cancelled for you”

“Funny Tony real funny”

You did feel disappointed though, it surprised you how much you were looking forward to spending the evening with Gibbs.  The week dragged, no cases came in and by the time you got into work on Thursday morning Gibbs was still not back.  As you sat down at your desk you heard footsteps above you and saw Vance stood outside his office.

“Morning Agent Bond I need a word in my office”

“Morning Director, what can I do for you?”

“I need your help, well more specifically Gibbs needs your help”

“What I thought he was away on an op and due back today”

“He is and he was, but we have a problem”

“What do you need from me?”

“Just remember you can say no to this, but I think you are the only person I can ask this of”

“Is Gibbs in trouble?”

“Yes, the op went sideways, and we need to get him out of there”

“Where is he and when do I leave?”

“Look I need you to understand what I’m asking of you before we go any further?”

“Ok, but you know if Gibbs needs me, I’m not going to say no”

“I can give you an aircraft to get you in and extract you out, but you will be on the ground on your own”

“Sir you have read my file and that’s obviously why you’re coming to me, so you know that is not a problem”

“Ok, go get your kit and I’ll brief you in thirty minutes in MTAC and Kat you are not to discuss this with the rest of the team, do you understand?”

“Understood, I’ll tell them you’re sending me for training at Quantico, take it I need my kit for dry, sandy places?”

“How did you guess”

Gibbs x F!Reader

Warning:  None just fluffy Christmas one shot.

Summary:  Gibbb celebrating Christmas just to make you feel better.

You had to admit this year you were not feeling any Christmas spirit, you were not sure how you felt about this year at all.  It was going to be your first Christmas since you had lost your mum and the memories were swirling around your mind, some making your heart ache.  Half of you was hoping for a case to come in, then at least you could work through Christmas and maybe forget about it.  You had always loved Christmas but all you could do at the minute was think back to your Christmases as a child and remember how lovely they were, how happy, but also how they were long gone. 

You sat there all day listening to Dinozzo moan about his family Christmas with his dad and McGee making plans for his first Christmas with his girlfriend.  The only one not talking about the holidays was Gibbs, you couldn’t imagine he was one for fairy lights and eggnog.

He must have picked up on your mood though as after the others had left for the day leaving the two of you alone, he broached the subject.

“So, Kat what are your plans for Christmas”

“Nothing really, just thinking about letting this one pass me by”

He had left it at that, he was not one for big conversations and knew when not to push you.  It was now the day before Christmas eve and still no cases, even the bad guys must have taken the holidays off.  Ducky had asked if you had wanted to spend Christmas day with him and his mother, but you had politely declined.  Everyone else who asked you managed to fob them off by just saying you were up to the usual and no one pressed you further.

You had all headed out to the bar once you had called it a day at work and before everyone headed their separate ways.  As you sat at the table looking at the decorations you almost felt the stirrings of a festive feeling.  You missed your mum, but you knew that she would not want you to be alone and unhappy at Christmas, but it was too late now.  As you pulled yourself out of your thoughts you noticed Gibbs watching you across the top of his glass of  bourbon.

“So, what are you really doing tomorrow. Kat? And don’t say the usual, that may work with the others but not me”

“Honestly, nothing I thought I wanted to ignore it all but now I’m kind of wishing I had made more of an effort”

“Well, it is probably not going to be what you are used to but be at mine tomorrow afternoon, your spending Christmas with me”

“Gibbs you don’t have to do that, I’ll be fine.  I don’t want to intrude”

“Nothing to intrude on, just make sure your there”

Now there you were on Christmas eve standing in front of Gibbs door, you had been out this morning and picked him up something for him.  You couldn’t have pitched up empty handed, you knocked on the door and waited. Gibbs opened the door and waved you in, you couldn’t believe your eyes as you walked into his living room. There was a beautiful tree in the corner of the room, fairy lights twinkled around the room and a fire burned in the hearth.  As he took your coat you could feel a lump rising in your throat, he had done all of this to make your Christmas just a little special.

“You ok there Kat?”

“It looks lovely in here”

“Thought you would like it”

“Thank you, Gibbs,”



“Please call me Jethro”

Smiling you remembered the present you were holding in your hands.

“For you, it’s not much”

Smiling he took it off you and placed it under the tree, you could see one other present nestled under there too.


“Thank you”

Disappearing into the kitchen her came back with two glasses of eggnog and handed one to you as you sat on the sofa in front of the fire.

“Now I didn’t take you for an eggnog drinker”

“It’s Christmas and I wanted you to enjoy it”

“Why Jethro, you didn’t need to do any of this”

“I get what it’s like to be alone at Christmas after losing someone.   Didn’t want to you to be alone”

“It means a lot to me, thank you”

“Save the thanks until you see if I can manage to cook at Christmas dinner tomorrow, been a while”

When you woke up the next morning for a minute you could think where you were, but then you remembered sitting with Jethro last night drinking eggnog in the glow of the fire.  As you made you way downstairs you could smell coffee and hear sounds coming from the kitchen.  Smiling you stood in the doorway and watched Gibbs bustling around the kitchen while listening to Christmas music.

“Morning, you sleep ok?”

“Good thank you”

You spent the morning helping Gibbs in the kitchen and you both sat down to a lovely turkey dinner.  After as you both sat on the sofa drinking wine, you saw Gibbs look over at the tree.  Getting up he reached for the two presents under the tree and handed one over to you.

“It’s nothing much, just thought you may like it”

Smiling you gently unwrapped the parcel to revel a beautiful wooden jewellery box.  It was hand carved with a soft velvet lining.

“Jethro its beautiful, you made it yourself?”

“I did, its nothing”

“Stop saying that, it means a lot to me, open yours, sorry it is not nearly as thoughtful”

Gibbs pulled off the paper and turned over the bottle of bourbon in his hands.

“Kat you didn’t need too, but nice choice.  Shall we open it?”

“Would be rude not too”

Gibbs poured to glasses and passed one to you,

“Merry Christmas Jethro”

Chinking your glass against his you lent forward and kissed his cheek.  Taking your glass and placing it down he gently cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips gently to yours.

“Merry Christmas Kat”


NCIS Imagine

AN: Thank you so much for this request, I really enjoyed writing this <3


Request: Imagine being an agent and you get a call from an insurance company giving you the name of suspect and it’s Russian, you try to spell it but you keep asking them to say it again. Before you just have them spell it out, meanwhile the team is just staring at you.

You were exhausted. You hadn’t slept in…yeah. You didn’t know. Your body was running on black bitter coffee that wasn’t even hot anymore. You collapsed on the chair behind your desk, exhaling loudly. Tony looked up immediatly and smirked. “Already tired?”

You just shot him a glare which made him duck his head before he would die.

He shouldn’t make such a comment. Sitting in the office all day, pretending to work on his computer when he did not have a single idea how to solve this case. He had probably used the time where Gibbs and you were away to check a potencial suspect to close his eyes and enjoy the quiet hours before the boss came back. At least he looked like he had just woken up. Good for him Gibbs didn’t return with you because he promised to bring a new cup of coffee.

“Leave her alone, Tony. She’s been working, you know.”

McGee snapped back.

You turned on your computer. Your eyes protested at the bright light and you closed your eyes shortly to ease the burn. Leaning back you tried to figure out your next steps. All leads had resultet in a dead end and you wouldn’t wanna risk Gibbs mood to turn bad any longer.

Ziva came back from what has probably been the toilet.

She came to a stop in front of your desk, watching you curiously. “Anything successfull?”

You shook your head. “No. She didn’t do it. But there was something-”

It must’ve looked to Ziva as if a lightbulb just lightened up above your head. Your eyes widened and you couldn’t hold back a satisfied smile. Zivas eyebrows lifted.

“Y/N. What is it?”

Your fingers immediatly found your keyboard and suddenly your burning eyes were glued to the screen.

“The insurance number…” You murmured. The web told you the number of the insurance company and your fingers reached for the phone typing in the number quickly.

As you listened to the nerve-dying waiting-music and impatiently tapped with your fingers on the top of your desk Gibbs returned from his coffee-run, placing a cup of your favourite liquid on your desk and slipped out of his coat before taking a seat behind his desk.

Gibbs had just started interrogating Tony about his progress when finally a female voice appeared on the other end of the line.

“Good Morning, how can I help you?”

“Hello, this is Special Agent Y/L/N from NCIS. I need to assign an insurance number.”

“NCIS? What does that stand for?”

You sighed. “Naval Criminal Investigative Service.”

There was a moment of silence. She was probably searching the Internet to see if this authority actually existed. Sad.

“Okay Agent Y/L/N. If you could tell me the number?”

You told her everything she needed to know whereupon she politely told you to “Please wait a moment.”

Your whole attention concentrated on finding that voice in your ear again. You nervously chewed on your lower lip. A bad habit.

“Okay Miss Y/L/N. The number is assigned to a certain  AndrejKudrjawzew.”

Your heart skipped a beat. Russian. Now it all made sense. You rushed to grab a piece of paper and a pencil.

“Could you repeat the name please?”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite understand. I think there was a noise in the line. Please repeat another time.”

“An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.”

You huffed. “I’m really sorry. One last time please.”

“His name is An-drej Ku-drjaw-zew.” From the tone of her voice you could tell that if you’d ask her to repeat one more time, she would simply yell it into the speaker.

You allowed yourself a moment of rest and looked upward. You almost felt from the chair when ypu were confronted with four pairs of amused eyes. You instantly felt your cheeks heat up and you avoided being under their emberassing watch for any longer. Focussing on the empty piece of paper in front of you again it was almost painful to ask again.

“Could you just spell it out for me, please?”

An annoyed sigh from the other end of the line made you cringe. The women spelled it out for you extra slowly and you could tell that she was more than relieved when you wished her a good afternoon and said goodbye.

You teared your note from the blog and jumped up your chair. “Good news?” Gibbs blue eyes pierced into yours. Still that damn smirk on his face along with DiNozzos.

“Got him. His name is-” Before you could emberass yourself any further Gibbs stole the note out of your hands and read it out loud. “Andrej Kudrjawzew.”

You cleared your throat quietly. “Exactly.”

Smirking he grabbed his coat. “Let’s go.”

The team grabbed their stuff and rushed to the elevator.

Tony bumped into your side softly and grinned.

“Troubles getting the name right, doll?”

“Shut up, DiNozzo.”


Pairing: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of weapons, nonexplicit mentions of rape, pregnancy, doubts about pregnancy

Word count: 1506

Request by: anonymous

“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”

A/N: Hey you! I’m finally getting to your request, sorry it has taken so long! I want to remind everyone that this story has triggers, so please read the warnings before continuing. 


Keep reading


Pairing: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of weapons, nonexplicit mentions of rape, pregnancy, doubts about pregnancy

Word count: 1506

Request by: anonymous

“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”

A/N: Hey you! I’m finally getting to your request, sorry it has taken so long! I want to remind everyone that this story has triggers, so please read the warnings before continuing. 


Keep reading

Pairing: Leroy Jethro Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: mentions of weapons, nonexplicit mentions of rape, pregnancy, doubts about pregnancy

Word count: 1506

Request by: anonymous

“Hey you! I really liked your Tony x Reader one were he comforts her bc she found out she’s pregnant from rape? I was wondering how Gibbs would react to the same?”

A/N: Hey you! I’m finally getting to your request, sorry it has taken so long! I want to remind everyone that this story has triggers, so please read the warnings before continuing. 


You fumble with the lock for a minute before the door swings open, revealing a rustic, sparsely furnished interior. You step inside, dropping your bag off by the doorway and pushing the door closed behind you. For the first time in what feels like weeks, you breathe out a sigh of relief. 

The chill of the unwarmed room forces you to keep your jacket on as you search around the semi-dark room for the pack of matches you knew Jethro kept around. After a few minutes of stumbling around, you find the matches and proceed to light the few candles scattered around. You knew you’d have to go charge to the generator to get the electricity on, but you couldn’t find the energy to go back outside in the cold fall rain and do so. 

You whisper out a soft breath of thanks upon seeing the small stack of firewood next to the fireplace. Several failed attempts later and you finally manage to get a small fire going, the heat of which steadily starts warming the cabin. After pulling off your shoes, you climb into the sagging bed, wrapping the thick quilt around yourself and letting the exhaustion pulling at you take over. 

The night passes uneventfully as the nightmares remain at bay for the first time in weeks. You wonder briefly if it had to do with the lingering scent of Jethro on the sheets or the quiet security of the cabin. Whatever the reason, you wake up feeling truly refreshed, the coolness of the air helping to wake you up. You take a moment to make the bed before heading to the bathroom to change out of your clothes from the previous day. You bend down, putting on your sneakers, and just as you are lacing them up a knock on the door stops you. 

The sound sends your heart racing through your chest, your hand instinctively going for your hip, where you typically get your holstered weapon. Your fingers grasp at nothing and you realize with a start, that you’d left your sidearm locked up in the safe back home. You cautiously move to the door, standing mostly behind it as you crack it open, revealing a casually dressed Jethro. You step back, fully opening the door as you feel your face heat up with embarrassment. You loosen your grip on the door, stepping to the side and moving back into the cabin, taking a seat on the bed.

Jethro slowly follows you in, pushing the door closed behind him. He pulls off his jacket, haphazardly laying it on a wooden chair before regarding you with knowing eyes.

“How did…uh, how’d you find me, Jethro?” You ask softly, your fingers tracing the worn squares of the handmade patchwork quilt covering the bed as you try not to dwell on the fact that you’d just called your boss by his first name.

Your question goes unanswered and after a few long moments, you lift your eyes to his. His piercing blue eyes are on you, his gaze unwavering as he speaks. “You told Abby you were going to clear your head, someplace off the grid where you could find peace.” He pauses, taking a step closer to you. His voice is rough with an unreadable emotion when he continues. “You told me once that you felt a true sense of peace out here, away from everything.” 

His words hang in the air, suspended on the unasked question of why you’d come up here alone. He doesn’t force you to speak and a part of you feels that he probably already knows the answer to that silent question. The silence stretches out between the two of you as you struggle to find the words to tell Jethro the truth.

“We need firewood.” He says simply, shrugging his worn Carharrt back on before tugging open the heavy wooden door and stepping out into the chill of the fall night. You suck in a deep breath, trying to slow the rapid pace of your heart. You knew you’d have to tell him the truth, no matter how much the thought alone left you feeling queasy. 

Leroy Jethro Gibbs was the single most important in your life; he had been since the day you’d walked into that dated orange bullpen. The first time he’d looked at you, it felt as if you were been seen for the first time, as if he knew everything you’d ever be. He quickly became the one you trusted the most on the team, aside from maybe Abby. As completely cliche as it was, you couldn’t stop yourself from falling in love with him. And although the two of you completely shied away from the topic of feelings, you had this strange notion that maybe he felt the same for you. But how do you tell the man you loved something that would altogether change your life, and possibly even his?

Jethro pushes the door open with his shoulder, a load of split logs in his arms. A cold blast of air hits you and makes you shiver, only stopping when he shoved the door closed again. He moved effortlessly to the fireplace.

“I’m pregnant.” You blurt out, your words hitting Jethro like a bullet as he freezes in place. He is still for a long moment before he slowly sets down the logs, turning around to face you. His blue eyes are ice cold, devoid of any emotion as he flatly says, “Is it his?” 

You can’t bring yourself to hold his gaze, your eyes dropping to your feet as you give a small nod of your head, a lump of emotions rising in your chest that you try to fight. An overwhelming tide of shame washes over you, coupling with a growing feeling of anxiety that leaves you breathless. The moment his rough hand brushes yours that tenuous wall you’d built comes tumbling down, a rush of tears springing to the surface. His strong arms are wrapped around you before you can even take a step closer to him. You bury your face in his neck, trying to stop the tears that are now rushing down your face. You find comfort in his arms, feeling for the first time in a long time like things were maybe going to be okay. You pull back just enough to look him square in the eyes for the first time since you’d spoken. 

He brings a large, rough hand up to gently cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb tracing a soft line up your cheekbone. “Just tell me what you need Y/N.” His voice is thick with emotion, telling you far more than his words were. 

You can feel the tears rising within you at his words, but you force down the surge of emotions, not ready to cry again only moments after you’d just stopped. “Jethro…I-I don’t know what to do.” You roughly wipe a hand over your eyes, brushing away the remnants of tears. “I’ve never felt so completely helpless in my life. It feels like every decision is being made for me, faster than I can even comprehend.” You lean into his hand, closing your eyes as you continue in a broken whisper. “This isn’t how I wanted this to go, Jethro. I wanted to do this right. I wanted this… with you.” You trail off, having said what had been on your mind for the last day and a half.

“Just because it didn’t happen the way it should’ve doesn’t mean it can’t happen Y/N. I’m here now and I’ll be here through the whole thing. I can promise you that Y/N.” His hand slides from your cheek, down your face to under your chin, gently lifting it until your eyes meet his again. He gives you the softest smile, one you can’t ever recall seeing on him before. “I can be whatever you and the baby need Y/N.” 

That wildly desperate feeling that had been seizing control of you starts to slowly fade away at his words and you find yourself leaning in, the distance between the two of you disappearing as you softly press your lips to his. His hands come up to tenderly wrap around each side of your face as he briefly deepens the kiss before leaning back and placing a kiss on your forehead.

“I just need you, Jethro.” You whisper in a moment of complete honesty, that feeling of safety that you only ever felt around him washing over you. 

“I’ll be here as long as you want me to be.” He responds, his voice thick and heavy with emotion.

“I’ll always want you.” You breathe out. He doesn’t say anything in response, instead, he leans down, giving you another kiss before he wraps his arms around you. And as uncertain as your future was, you could trust in the fact that the one constant in the days, months, even years, to come would be Jethro.

Tagging: @madamsnape921@fanf1ctionwrit1n@thisiscalm-andits-doctor
@leroyjethrogibbsgirl@captainxholmes@alesaab​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp 

Pairing: Gibbs x fem!reader

Warnings: pregnant reader, pregnancy symptoms, age gap between reader and Gibbs, mentions of anxious/nervous feelings, fluff! (Wow! It’s been a while)

Word count: 1104

Request: anonymous
“can i request an “im pregnant” au with gibbs?? And how good father he is!!”

A/N: I know you requested an au, which in my head means a headcannon, but this idea is actually in my list of fics to write , so I decided to give you a one-shot Enjoy!!


It feels like your whole body is jittering as you wait in front of the small vanity in your bathroom. The cheerfully bright pink and white pregnancy test sitting on the marbled countertop is the only thing keeping you from knowing whether your life had just changed forever. Or rather, the three minutes until the test is complete is all that stands between you and the unknown.

You start drumming your fingertips along the edge of the porcelain sink, trying desperately to find some way to release your anxious energy without somehow catching the attention of your NCIS agent husband, who was known for knowing exactly what was going on at all times. The drumming of your fingers turns into tapping your feet which leads to you nervously hopping around the small bathroom, trying to distract yourself from the seconds that are slowly ticking by.

As you impatiently wait, your energy pouring out into short, vigorous strides as you pace the length of the bathroom, you can’t help but wonder what a baby would do to your life, to Jethro’s life, and the life the two of you shared together.

You hadn’t thought that children were ever going to be in the cards for you. At first, you’d thought that it was because you hadn’t found the right guy, only stumbling upon Jethro after years of dating one wrong guy after the other. In fact, you’d only met Jethro because the guy you were supposed to be meeting for a blind date stood you up. Your frustration and disappointment had led you to the ice cream aisle in the grocery store, where upon leaving, you’d accidentally bumped in a certain silver-haired, blue eyed man. You had apologized profusely, even insisting on buying the man’s groceries (a sparse selection of items that made up a bachelor’s dinner if you’d ever seen one). He had quietly refused and before you could even protest, he was asking you out to dinner that night. You had said yes without thinking, something within you calling you to get to know this man.

Then, as the two of you moved forward in the relationship, you hadn’t thought much about children because Jethro was a good twelve years older than you. You figured he’d had the chance and decided not to go that route in life.

Then, you’d learned about Shannon and Kelly and you’d buried deep within yourself that part of you that had started fantasizing about having a little boy or girl with Jethro. You couldn’t ask that of him knowing he’d lost his first, his only, child and had effectively closed the door on that part of his life. You wouldn’t ask him to confront the demons that came with having a second child that lived long past the life of his first.

As you fell deeper in love with Jethro, you began to view your dwindling chance at children as something of a sacrifice to keep Jethro in your life. It hurt, but the thought of living life without him, after you’d seen just how great life was with him, hurt more. So you threw yourself into the lives of the children around you, the number of nieces and nephews (many of them honorary) making it easy. You attended plays and concerts, ball games and parties, and freely offered up your babysitting services to all of your friends. And although Jethro raised a few eyebrows at the number of events you went to for the children in your life, he never asked why you’d started throwing yourself whole-heartedly into their lives.

A loud beep echoes throughout the bathroom, pulling you from the downward spiral your mind had been sucked into. You take a deep, slow breath before looking at the test. Two faint pink lines stare back at you, ripping the breath away from your lungs.


In an instant, a new life flashes before your eyes…

Tiny hands grasping your finger.

Bright blue eyes staring up at you.

Tottering steps taken towards outstretched hands.

A small body cradled between you and Jethro as Jethro whispers fantastical nighttime stories of dragons and knights in shining armor.

Chocolate chip pancakes and Saturday morning cartoons.
Ball games in the yard, little feet chasing after a wayward ball as Jethro’s rich laughter fills the air.

You realize with a start that you’re crying, the tears rolling down your cheeks, the pregnancy test long since forgotten on the bathroom floor. The need to tell Jethro seizes you and you’re up off the bathroom floor and into the hallway before you even have time to process what you’re doing.

“Jethro?” You call, your voice echoing out in the lowly lit house. He doesn’t answer, so you head towards the basement. The steeps creak as you make your way down into the cool basement, the heavy smell of wood calming your nerves even before you make it to the bottom.

“Jethro?” You ask, standing awkwardly at the bottom of the steps as your eyes scan over the room.

A head appears from behind the wood planks of a half finished boat, the yellow light making his silver hair shine. “Y/N? Is everything okay?” His voice is rough as he steps around the front of the boat and closes the space between the two of you. His hands are outstretched, reaching for your face as he wipes away the remaining tears with his fingers. “What’s wrong Y/N?” He asks quietly, his blue eyes searching yours for some sort of answer.

“I’m-we’re…” You stumble over the words, another lump rising in your throat as you try to form a proper sentence. “I’m pregnant Jethro.” You whisper, your gaze dropping to the floor as anxiety rises in your chest. You had no way of knowing what he would say, after all, you’d avoided the topic your entire relationship with him.

A warm, rough hand slides down your cheek, to your jaw as he delicately lifts your chin until you’re looking at him. “You’re what?”

“I’m pregnant.” The words are a little easier to say the second time but the look in his eyes prevents you from saying any more. He stares at you a beat longer, his ice blue eyes boring into yours, the emotional tides within them threatening to pull you under. Then, his arms are wrapped around you, bringing you in close, his lips pressing a faint kiss to your temple.

“Best news I’ve heard all day.” He murmurs and you let out a laugh of relief as you lift your lips up to his, giving him a long kiss.

“Me too.”


