#nct mark drabbles


4:08pm: author!mark frantically texts neurosurgeon!jaemin.

Mark: HELP URGENT what do i need to damage to prevent facial recognition???

(Read at 4:10pm.)

Jaemin: Amygdala


Mark: YOU

mark pushes his glasses higher up his nose bridge and pulls himself in his wheelie chair closer into his desk. his fingers find the keyboard in front of him and resume an excited pace, his eyes darting across his screen, getting lost in his own story.

Y/n has one goal and one goal only. To make a gingerbread house. It shouldn’t be hard right? When Mark walks in to Y/n’s place though he’s not sure what to think when he sees what you’ve been working on.

Part of the long term couple series. Can be read as a stand alone.

           Scooping out another large glob of frosting you are determined this time to make sure that the walls of your gingerbread house stay up. When you had gotten the brilliant idea to make a gingerbread house for Christmas you didn’t think that it would be this hard. But it was proving more difficult than you thought it would be. Every time you got three walls standing the last wall would somehow fall and you knew that if you couldn’t get the walls to stand on their own there was no way that they were going to stay up when you put the roof on. Carefully adding frosting to the bottom of your stand and the gingerbread wall you move it into place once again.

           Holding your breath, you push the wall up against the other two walls hoping that they’ll all stay standing this time. Slowly moving your hand back, you pump your fist in the air when the walls stay standing. It had only taken you four tries, but you finally managed to get the walls to stay standing. Now all you had to do next was get the roof on and then you could really start to decorate. Glancing over at the clock on the wall you knew that Mark would be to your place soon and while you had hoped that you would have the gingerbread house done before he got to your place you didn’t think that was going to happen anymore.

           Turning your attention back to the gingerbread house you focused on getting the roof on without any of the walls collapsing. Somehow you had managed to get the roof on with all of the walls standing up. Maybe the hard part was over and everything after this was going to be easy.

           “Are you kidding me why are you falling!” Mark hears as he opens the door to your apartment.

           “Y/n?” Mark calls as he walks further into the apartment. He wasn’t sure what was going on but from the sound of your voice whatever was happening was making you upset.

           “In the kitchen,” you call back to him. “Why are you leaning to the side?”

           Mark enters the kitchen and sees your kitchen table is covered with a variety of gumdrops, m&m’s, frosting, and other candy. He also sees what he is assuming is supposed to be a gingerbread house though it looks more like a pile of cookie, frosting, and candy. Mark then looks at you. Your hair is thrown up into a messy bun, pieces of hair are falling out of it. You have frosting on you and some red dye smeared across your face.

           “Do I even want to know what is going on?” Mark is approaching you like you are a wild animal and that any sudden movements by him will cause you to either bolt or strike out at him.

           “I’m trying to make a gingerbread house,” you tell him barely giving him a glance as you try to shift the leaning house back into an upright position. “But the stupid house won’t stay standing, the roof is collapsing in, and I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten my weight in chocolate because I’m getting stressed out from this stupid thing.”

           “Okay why don’t you just calmly set down the frosting and butterknife and we can figure out a way to fix this.” Glaring at Mark you can’t decide if he’s being serious or if he is teasing you.

           “Mark, I swear if you’re teasing me about my gingerbread house, I’m going to throw it at you.” What you don’t do is set down the frosting or the knife. Instead, you focus back on the leaning house and wonder if you could use pretzels to support the house and keep it upright.

           “I’m not teasing. I’m being serious just set everything down and take a step back. Maybe what you need is a break and when you come back with a fresh mind, you’ll be able to get it to stand upright.”  Mark does have a point. You have been working on this house for hours maybe you should step away for a bit and come back to it later.

           “You might be right,” Setting the frosting and knife down you really look at your boyfriend and while you know he is being serious you can see it in his eyes and the twitching of his lips that he wants to laugh but won’t.

           “Making a gingerbread house is harder than it looks!” You defend yourself. Though you’re probably the only person on this planet who has struggled as much as you have with getting a gingerbread house made.

           “I’m sure it is,” Nods Mark. He moves towards you and leans in to wipe the frosting from your face. “I think even with your gingerbread house leaning to the side and the collapsing roof it still looks great.”

           “Really?” You question because glancing over at the house you think that it looks like a mess, and you don’t think would give Mark the same complement if your places were reversed.

           “Maybe it’s not great but I like it because you made it.” Mark admits causing you to laugh and Mark joins you. It’s as the two of you are laughing that the house leans even more and eventually the whole thing collapses into a pile of cooking, frosting, and candy.

           Your eyes widen and you look over at Mark who is looking at the pile with wide eyes as well before he turns to face you. He’s waiting for your reaction your sure of it. He probably doesn’t know if you are going to laugh, cry, or scream. And while you want to do all three laughter wins out. You throw your head back and laugh. Mark joins you once again and moves towards you to pull you into his arms.

           “Still think my house is great?” You laugh into Marks chest. You can feel Mark’s body shaking and you look up into his laughing face. He leans down to kiss you while the two of you continue to laugh.

           “I think anything that you do is great. Even a collapse gingerbread house.” Mark reaches out to the gingerbread house and picks up one of the pieces that is covered in frosting and candy and holds it out to you to take a bite. The house may not have turned out, but it sure does taste good.
