


We were robbed of not only Swanfire, but frenemies Captain Swan. Those two could have had the best older sibling younger sibling kinda fighty but don’t fuck with them kind of vibe. Their conversations could have shifted from I cannot stand your ass to I tolerate your presence to I cannot stand your ass (affectionate).

Also, Hookfire.

Neal: “I’m a little stuck on an anniversary gift for Emma, it’s between something super reliable or something really sentimental.”

Hook, without hesitation: A ship

Neal: what the fuck is she gonna do with a ship?

Killian shares embarrassing stories about Neal with Emma and she laughs her ass off while Neal just grumps and occasionally exclaims that is NOT how it went down.

Alright, so here’s the deal.

After putting out a post and wondering how people felt, I have decided to bring this blog back, as most people seem to prefer having a place to remember Neal.

I know this looks a bit silly on my part, and I’m sorry for that. But after reflecting a bit I think I let my upset get the better of me, and I don’t want Neal to be forgotten as well. And for anyone who was concerned, I haven’t deleted anything, so everything that came before is still in tact.

Now, I won’t have this set up again for another couple weeks due to time restrictions with uni, but I am going to need some help. What I really really need are people willing to make creative things. And I’m not talking you don’t have to be a professional photoshopper or writer or anything, nothing super elaborate if you don’t want to/can’t. Just some nice things to keep Neal’s memory alive and the tag active. If you’re interested, or have any other suggestions, please PM me here or on my personal.

Thank you :)

Reminder that Nealfire Appreciation Week will be held from February 23rd-March 8th.

Please keep suggestions for themes/songs/prompts/discussions coming! Please help spread the word!
