#negativity cw


quelle surprise! a transphobic “comedian” said yet more transphobic shit! put it in all the news articles, big bold print letters for a bit of engagement, make it trend #1 on twitter dot com where Variety can share quote after quote of his vitriol and people can argue in the replies because trans people are always a debate and never real and worthy of respect, and then repeat the process when he gets another netflix or other major platform special in a few years with no actual repercussions. trans people will be fine, we’re used to it, as long as the edgy cishet white man gets to exchange laughs at our expense for money. he can stand and tell millions what he thinks defines men and women and soak up the praise of his fans for being such a brave boy and the companies pocket their cash-shaped approval with greedy little fucking hands. are you tired? because i’m tired.

why have I only ever seen the phrase “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” used in the context of people who have excessive work ethic to the point of disrespecting others for resting, when the phrase has so much potential as something you say with manic confidence right before bursting into tears when looking at your work schedule

ppl on here bitching abt no one online having ‘critical thinking skills’ as soon as someone has a different opinion from them are indistinguishable from centrist redditor dudebros obsessed with their own extremely shallow understanding of the concept of 'logic’, send post


everyone really just learned about the fnaf guy donating thousands of gamer dollars to trump, went “oof. very naughty ” and then went right back to buying his games and giving him free advertising by the bucketload without batting an eye huh





I recommend blocking lgbt-stims

their harassment of poltergeist-the-anti lead to them having to forcibly out themselves and they have ‘mogai sexuality’ a purely reactionary term, on their dni 

they also claim that it’s homophobic to ask if someone’s blog is safe for ace people 

but like more importantly they are targeting someone for correcting misinformation 

so I try not to have this kind of stuff here but literally everyone who has even liked the post correcting lgbt-stims for misinformation has received anon hate, suicide baiting, and often worse 

please be careful and block without interacting 

To add to this, Mod Jen (formerly Mod Sal) has made numerous posts with gifs from @/clearslime. He has also put female My Little Pony characters in front of the she/her gay flag.

@/clearslime, for those who don’t know or are unaware, is extremely violent and aphobic. When an anon told him about it, Mod Jen responded with “that’s a dead stim blog”. 

Under the cut are the @/clearslime related asks.

Keep reading

Mod Jen is also a demisexual exclusionist. 


bird site reminding me again how much I detest that stupid “lol krile fakes an echo vision to manipulate estinien into helping the scions” shit in shb

if literally anyone else did that there’d be discourse but bc it’s a tiny white woman we get “lol estinien gets bullied by lalas lol”
