#racism cw



ok so. hi everyone! i’m making this post today about the treatment of chinese people within the genshin fandom. in particular, i’m going to be talking about an altercation regarding @hopebunnywrites and one of her headcanons that have some antiquated and racist ideas.

unfortunately, both her og post and her non-apology have since been deleted, but i do have screenshots of the posts, as well as other people’s responses of it as well.

additionally, she has failed to post any of the anons anyone has sent her regarding this matter, I had sent in one myself, so I’m making this post to give the asks a chance at being fairly read by the public and not her choice summaries of the events.

i do hope you will take the time to read this post - this is something that needs to be talked about, and not in a way op can run away from. from our interactions, it’s evident that op isn’t going to give an apology, and the fearful part of me is that she’s going to keep writing in an oppressively white-washed way without ever acknowledging how much she’s hurting the chinese genshin writers in doing so.


last night, @dulcesiabits and i had seen this post floating around regarding zhongli and his culture.

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Haven’t Native Americans suffered enough without this garbage?

Haven’t Native Americans suffered enough without this garbage?

Post link





“trans men don’t experience misogyny because they’re men thus cannot experience women’s oppression”

I hate to tell you this but even cis men experience misogyny if they step a toe over the line of what our incredibly sexist society sees as “proper” for a man. You really don’t think that a man with interests or expression the world sees as “female” aren’t treated with violence?

“would you say that of other privileged groups? do you think white people experience racism?”

I mean sometimes they do yeah. I know a white guy with monolid eyes and zero known Asian ancestors and he absolutely experiences anti-Asian racism on a fairly regular basis because people think he’s mixed Asian/white. I know a woman who was told throughout her life that she was Native as an adoptee with no known history or background who experienced incredibly violent amounts of anti-Native racism until she discovered as an adult through DNA test that she is 100% white. I know white people who tan incredibly dark in the summer comparatively that are constantly accused of being mixed race and experiencing racism due to that, usually anti-Mexican racism perpetrated against white people with Greek or Italian ancestors.

Their ability to make it stop by saying “hey, I’m white actually” only goes as far as the person enacting violence on them is willing to believe them. They still have to live with the trauma and physical scars from the altercations. We live in a racist world and thus there will be violent people who force all others to pass a whiteness test and eliminating or harming the rest.

Got an ask that I just block/deleted but it was basically “so you think cis people experience transphobia!?!?!?!?” and uh

If you think cis butches don’t experience both transphobia and misogyny and homophobia for daring to be women who break gender roles while still holding onto their womanhood you’ve sorely misunderstood just how bad butches have it in this world sorry. If you don’t think cis queens experience transphobia and homophobia and misogyny for daring to be men who break gender roles while being loud and proud about it and still holding onto their manhood then you’ve sorely mistaken just how bad they have it in this world as well.

Not to mention all of the cis men who wear dresses and skirts and makeup and nail polish and heels simply because they like them who experience all of these things. All of the cis straight women who simply just exist but something about them doesn’t pass society’s “woman enough” test, leading to them being caught in bathroom bills and sporting rules and being attacked by people who mistake them for being transgender or gay.

Just like how straight people experience homophobia to such a degree that they literally beat their children out of any potential deviance from rigidly upheld gender roles and let politicians make jokes on national TV about how they’d drown their pre-teen kids if they came out as LGBT. Do you really think a straight kid still figuring themselves out hears that and doesn’t internalize that homophobia? Doesn’t rigidly hold themselves to some impossible standard so that no one could ever possibly think they’re gay? You don’t think straight teenage boys who maybe don’t pass some bully’s straightness test are getting the shit kicked out of them for “being gay” when, surprise, they aren’t? You don’t think all those kids being attacked by their priests and coaches and teachers are being told “this wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t gay” when they’re literally not gay? Do you know how many straight kids had close calls at my school that famously expels all gay kids, because someone made up a believable enough rumor? Do you know how many of them still got their shit kicked in even though administration ultimately decided to let them stay?

All bigotry is violent and all bigotry catches people it doesn’t “intend” to and hurts them as well. It doesn’t matter what someone’s label is, or if they even have one. It matters if the person enacting the violence is doing it because their victim didn’t pass whatever “acceptable enough” test they didn’t know they were being subjected to.

Everyone is at risk. Oppression doesn’t care what your label is. Some people are more visible targets than others, and as a result those people are the more common targets. That doesn’t mean no one else experiences it.

My first post to reach 2k without people clowning in the notes I feel so proud


This is probably going to make people unfollow but w/e.

I really want to do a couple stories, especially one about Alice as a queen and Arthur as her twin brother, Duke of Wessex.


Keep reading

I was going to send individual replies to the kind and sweet folks who replied to this post, and while I may still do so– and those of you who replied, if you want to DM me to chat I’m ALWAYS down–

I received another comment that was absolutely outraged at speaking ill of the dead and how the sun shone out Prince Philip’s ass. (Not really, but that’s the impression I got.) 

(Shown above. Pardon the discoloration, I’ve got Flux going.)


**CW/TW FOR RACISM, XENOPHOBIA, MENTIONS OF WAR, DEATH, FAMINE, R*PE, ETC** Click & read the links at your own risk! 

However, as one of the oldest (now formerly) living vestiges of an empire whose systems, prejudices and corruptions are still alive and well–within Great Britain as well as globally–the late Duke of Edinburgh was a symbol of the bloated and overwrought stodgy system that waste(s/d) money like it’s going out of style. (Fun fact: While the British Empire’s territorial reach peaked in the 1920s [source] I have seen it argued that its actual economic/”strength” peak of influence seems to have been between 1870 and 1913.)

If I were to espouse on the legacy of the British Empire, we’d be here all day and I don’t have the time/energy for that. Nonetheless, I want to touch on things that are actively happening in Britain still: Passive historical revisionism (largely by omission) regarding the true scope and consequences of British imperialism, nationalism, and colonialism; and of course, the perpetuation (in no small part stemming from the cultural habit of understating things) of casual racism.

Sources & Discussions:One|Two|Three|Four // And literally every single British friend I’ve ever had.

As for the casual racism? How about the active, systemic racism? Really, must we go over the entire debacle with Meghan Markle a g a i n ? Just because racism doesn’t manifest quite the same on a cultural level as it does in the United States, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The particular extra special insidious nature of British xenophobia is that, when it is not obvious, it is understated, toned down. The obvious shit in the US is already difficult enough to deal with because of centuries of gaslighting and ignorance, but Britain has its own brand of bigotries that often get ignored or brushed aside in the shadow of American drama. And it SHOULDN’T.

The best example of this is the referral to Prince Philip’s bullshit as “gaffes.” 

Here’s the definition of “gaffe”:

(Asking a person of color if they’re still throwing spears isn’t a fucking gaffe, you absolute knobs.)


Now let’s see some things Ol Phil has said…

Actually, fuck it, I’m tired. You get the whole shebang (if you’ll bother to read it) and I even did the legwork. Here’s some good reading I bothered to dig up regarding systemic abuse, racism, and other dumb bullshit surrounding the BRF, with a healthy dose of historical context.

Sources & Discussions:One|Two|Three|Four|Five |Six|Seven |Eight 

Also here’s some interesting reads on things like the toxic masculinity of the Empire and its incompetency that stemmed from concepts of personal honor. And just general Empire history.

Sources & Discussions: One |Two|Three


TL;DR: The BRF is an economic drain and an albatross on the future of the UK.

Don’t come at me saying I’m ~speaking ill of the dead~ and ~haven’t done my research~. Definitely don’t come at me like I’m ~hating~ on Brits either. I absolutely adore British history and I adore studying its culture, past and present (though I am hardly any kind of expert). It is because of that love that I have an obligation to observe not only the historical context, but also the less glamorous side of what that history and culture represent. Love may be blind, but in and of itself does not cause nor excuse blindness. 

You, my dear Reader, are allowed to be proud of where you’re from–what really matters is what exactly you’re proud of, and how willing you are to try and understand what it all means.

If, after all of that, you still don’t want to follow this blog, I promise it’s very easy to click the button and go.

Man never catch a New York vibe so

Seen on the main road parallel to the street my house is on. The neighbourhood: Black. That coffeeshop/juicebar: Black. The person who wrote that, probably black if we bein hones.


Jewish voice for peace : (description in alt, link for the full post)

a picture posted on instagram by jewish voice for peace divided in 3 frames the first showing israeli kids saying death to arabs the second showing also a kid screaming may your village burn and the third showing an israeli man with an israeli flag saying you will end up in recugee campsALT
a tweeg by @/jvplive saying : Jews who have been mourning the destruction of our temple in this exact location for thousands of years are now *cheering on* destruction at this profoundly holy site. This is what Zionism does to our religion and our community. We need Judaism beyond Zionism." below is a picture from 2021 where israelis were cheering as an old tree burned next to the Aqsa mosqueALT
a picture of an article by middle east eye the title reads "Israeli far-right group calls for dismantling Dome of the Rock on 'Jerusalem Day'" and beliw is a picture of a bulldozer tearing down the dome of the rock in Al Quds with writing in hebre and the date 28.5ALT

This Sunday 5/29, far-right Zionists will rampage through occupied Jerusalem on a route designed to assert dominion over Palestinian space in the city. Backed by police and the state, they will hold Israeli flags, yell genocidal slogans, and commit violence and destruction against Palestinians. The “Flag March” happens annually on “Jerusalem Day” the anniversary of Israel’s 1967 military occupation of Jerusalem and the West Bank. It celebrates Jewish supremacy and control over Palestinians and their land. Marchers advocate for Palestinian genocide and attack Palestinian passersby.

This year, the far-right Zionist group Lehava is openly advocating for the destruction of Muslim holy sites. This is horrifying, but unsurprising. Swipe left for a scene from last year’s “Flag March” of marchers delighting in a fire set in the area. Some will try to write off the genocidal views and violent actions of far-right Zionists in the “Flag March” as “extreme”. They are “extreme” in their inhumanity and their audacity, but they aren’t fringe. They are actively protected by Israeli police and enabled by the state. In fact, Israel has already deployed over 3,000 police officers and preemptively arrested over 100 Palestinians, mostly youth. They have also increased restrictions on Palestinians’ movement, cancelling most permits - including for medical reasons - for West Bank residents.

This Israeli-state-backed “Flag March” also comes in the wake of a month of Israeli police violence at Muslim holy sites during Ramadan as well as at the funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh, where police clubbed mourners to remove Palestinian flags from their hands and Shireen’s casket.

This weekend, keep your eyes on Jerusalem and your hearts with the Palestinians there as they endure and resist this horrifying march.

They also literally said the second Nakba is coming. This flag march is going to be a major factor in what happens in the next few days. Last year’s war started after this march. This year and if you’ve been following the news, tensions are extremely high, and in case religious sites are harmed, people are talking about an explosion in the region, the Palestinian Resistance factions have said that: We hold the enemy government responsible for the responses that will accompany these attacks.

Keep an eye on Al Aqsa (use the hashtag #AlAqsaUnderAttack) follow these accounts, whatever happens, remember that Palestinians have every right to defend themselves against these aggressions, remember that they are the ones occupied and subjected to systematic violence every single day, with the world casually watching, just a couple hours ago 15 years old Zaid Ghniam was murdered by the IOF,the fifth kid in a month, remember the raids on occupied Jenin and in other cities in the West Bank, remember that the Palestinian struggle has been ongoing for 74+ years, and in case things don’t escalate on sunday, remember all that when they do, because according to everything going on right now, israel is writing it’s own end with everything it does every day, and liberation, sooner or later, is coming i’A.

فلسطين حرّة

Brad Wilcox like “you think Black people couldn’t have the priesthood because what, Brigham Young was a JERK?” And it’s like, yes, historically that is what happened. Joseph Smith can go fuck himself, generally, but he did ordain Black men. Black men held the priesthood under his leadership. And then he died and Brigham Young took over and banned Black men from holding the priesthood.

Like this is all documented historical fact, we don’t have to speculate, so yes, Black men were barred from the priesthood because Brigham Young (as well as every Mormon “prophet” up until Spencer W. Kimball) were, to put it lightly, jerks.


Tonight (March 17 2021) in Atlanta, at least eight workers are dead after a series of targeted shootings in massage spas.The shooting is the latest in escalating Anti-Asian hate crimes, which have increased nearly 150% over the past year alone.

Below are a few links to organizations to consider supporting, all of whom are fighting for the rights of AAPI, as always feel free to add on any (credible) links or updates:



On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was slowly and mercilessly killed by 4 Minneapolis police officers while being videotaped by concerned citizens begging them to stop. Floyd was surrounded and brutally dealt with by the police as Derek Chauvin’s knee pinned down his throat. Floyd kept screaming “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” but they didn’t listen. He then became unresponsive but was continually choked until his nose began to bleed, and his lifeless body was shoved into a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance.

The officers involved have been fired and the FBI has been called to investigate. But we must do our part to ensure that George Floyd receives the justice he deserves. Please sign these petitions addressed to the FBI, The President, The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, The Minneapolis Police Department, & DA Mike Freeman. An email on your behalf will be sent to all of the above. The lawyer representing Floyd’s family, civil rights attorney Ben Crump, urges us to call DA Mike Freeman (612-348-5550) and tell him to arrest and charge these officers for the Murder of George Floyd, I encourage you to do so.


if you cannot sign without american postal codes, feel free to use these:

90015 - Los Angeles, California
10001 - New York City, New York
75001 - Dallas, Texas


TEXT “FLOYD” TO 55156!


If you want to be educated and informed more, refer to the official page for #BlackLivesMatter:


Tonight (March 17 2021) in Atlanta, at least eight workers are dead after a series of targeted shootings in massage spas.The shooting is the latest in escalating Anti-Asian hate crimes, which have increased nearly 150% over the past year alone.

Below are a few links to organizations to consider supporting, all of whom are fighting for the rights of AAPI, as always feel free to add on any (credible) links or updates:


I think it’s interesting to see the reactions to today’s Dracula Daily that are like, “He did a racism! He used the g-slur!” and don’t go deeper than that. I was born in the early 80s and didn’t know the g-slur was a slur until like between 5 and 10 years ago. I mean, there was a whole Disney movie that used the word like it was no big deal when I was in middle school. I’m not saying Disney wouldn’t do a racism, I’m saying Disney wouldn’t have put language in a 90s kids’ movie that wasn’t considered “politically correct” in mainstream America at the time. Anyway, my point is that until sometime in the mid 2010s, I honestly thought G****** was just what that group of people were called, or was a term for nomadic people in general. I guarantee there are well-meaning Americans in the year 2022 who aren’t tuned into online antiracist discourse who still think that. Stoker could’ve easily used the word thinking it was no different than calling someone an Englishman or a cowboy.

The blatant racism here is how the Romani are portrayed. They are “without religion, save superstition,” i.e. Godless heathens, i.e. their religion isn’t a version of Christianity so it isn’t a legitimate religion. They’re ignorant for only speaking their own language, even though Jonathan doesn’t speak or understand it and doesn’t understand most of the foreign language he’s encountered on this trip. They act overtly deferential and subservient to Jonathan. They take his money and then sell him out to the Count.

If this narrative had only used the word Romani or the name that this particular group of Romani used for themselves (I’m seeing meta that Szgany is a slur, too, but I haven’t looked into it), this depiction would still be racist. While it is important to update our language as we gain better information, I think terminology is ultimately less important than whether a marginalized character or group is being portrayed as an offensive racial stereotype. I see all kinds of writing by modern writers, professional and amateur, that uses all the correct 2020s terminology but still portrays characters as the invulnerable black woman, the submissive Asian woman, the predatory brown man, the Jewish moneylender, etc. Again, I’m not saying terminology doesn’t matter and shouldn’t be critiqued in older writing, I’m just saying we shouldn’t let terminology distract from content.

the-real-eye-to-see: Racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis in America Photographer Kiythe-real-eye-to-see: Racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis in America Photographer Kiythe-real-eye-to-see: Racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis in America Photographer Kiythe-real-eye-to-see: Racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis in America Photographer Kiythe-real-eye-to-see: Racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis in America Photographer Kiythe-real-eye-to-see: Racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis in America Photographer Kiy


Racial microaggressions you hear on a daily basis in America

Photographer Kiyun asked her friends at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus to “write down an instance of racial microaggression they have faced.”

#Black Lives Matter

Post link


doug walker should be driven offline, not lindsay

Seriously people, if you hated on Lindsay pointing out the fact that…”Avatar: The Last Airbender” has become so influential that even the most powerful entertainment conglomerate on Earth wants a piece of its audience, the jokes Douglas Darien Walker told in his “review” of “Sailor Moon” (Magical Girl Squad Robo Dance Yes, my beloathed…and he also misrepresented Japanese culture immensely) would probably make you want to bludgeon that man to death with a sock full of rocks. 

@cynicalclassicist​ @cwonicdepwession​ @dachi-chan25​ @whencartoonsruletheworld​ @ladiesofwinterfell​ @flightsofwonder​ 


monolith: a comic for aapi heritage month 2022


hey, this is a reminder that flippantly using aave for a meme is pretty weird…. i’m not getting into the debate of what can and can’t be said as a white guy, but i do think it’s a bare minimum to at least give it proper respect and maybe be careful with how you’re using it /nm

I sort of glossed over it in the Maeglin post but the fact there are Sindarin lords of Gondolin on apparently equal standing with the Noldorin ones is kind of a big deal. The Silmarillion is supposedly written by Gondolin historians, and they wrote this: 

In many parts of the land the Noldor and the Sindar became welded into one people, and spoke the same tongue; though this difference remained between them, that the Noldor had the greater power of mind and body and were the mightier warriors and sages, and they built with stone, and loved the hill-slopes and open lands.

It goes on to say that the Sindar are better at singing, which is great, but seriously - can you imagine the person who wrote that passage, or people who believed it to be true, appointing the Sindar to lordships in their kingdom? It literally says that the Noldor are smarter and stronger (”greater power of mind and body”), that they’re better warriors and better sages - basically, that they’re better at every skill we would expect to be relevant to ruling an isolated kingdom in wartime. I would expect the sort of society that wrote that passage to be super racist against its Sindarin citizens.

And yet there are multiple politically important Sindarin or half-Sindarin Elves in The Fall Of Gondolin and in the Silmarillion. In fact, it looks like the Gondolithrim took the opposite track, elevating musical ability to the equal of valor and combat skills as a basis for glory as a House of Gondolin.

One possible explanation for this is that, when Tolkien wrote the account of the Houses of Gondolin in the Book of Lost Tales, he hadn’t yet settled on the interpretation of the Noldor/Sindar relationship which shines through in the published Silmarillion; certainly in the earliest drafts the kinslaying at Alqualondë, the biggest driver of Noldor/Sindar tensions, didn’t happen.

Another possible explanation is that the historians were bitter and essentializing and behind the times, and that society as a whole didn’t actually think the Noldor were superior in body and mind.

Another, which is uglier but consistent with the character biographies we know of, is that having a Noldorin father and Sindarin mother (like Voronwë) made you respectable enough for high society but that other Sindarin heritage wouldn’t get you very far.


something that i think most leftists fundamentally do not understand is this: the basic seed of white supremacism is not and has never been“white people are good and everyone else is bad”. the basic seed of white supremacism has always been “white people are capable and everyone else is incapable”. when explicit arguments in favor of white supremacy are put forth, they are almost always take this form. never “white people are the kindest and the most virtuous” always “white people have achieved, they have conquered, where no others have”. this is why the liberal idpol thing of “all badness in the world is the result of european imperialism” actually more or less supports a white supremacist narrative. sure, the value judgements are different, but the basic belief that white people are the driving force of history is almost identical. stop it! this shit is not helpful!

I agree that the rhetoric attributing all badness in the world to European imperialism is pretty absurd and plays into a lot of white supremacist narratives, but I think it’s reductive to say that “white people are the kindest and most virtuous” doesn’t play a central role in a lot of white supremacist thought. A lotof racism in the United States involves viewing black people as dangerous violent criminals and white people as their innocent victims, and this is very frequently extended to include a larger group of nonwhite people as aggressors. I don’t think you can look at racist arguments around policing and immigration and say that white supremacism is all about attributing power and agency to white people and denying then to everyone else, and not at all about white people as virtuous victims and everyone else as evil aggressors.





I recommend blocking lgbt-stims

their harassment of poltergeist-the-anti lead to them having to forcibly out themselves and they have ‘mogai sexuality’ a purely reactionary term, on their dni 

they also claim that it’s homophobic to ask if someone’s blog is safe for ace people 

but like more importantly they are targeting someone for correcting misinformation 

so I try not to have this kind of stuff here but literally everyone who has even liked the post correcting lgbt-stims for misinformation has received anon hate, suicide baiting, and often worse 

please be careful and block without interacting 

To add to this, Mod Jen (formerly Mod Sal) has made numerous posts with gifs from @/clearslime. He has also put female My Little Pony characters in front of the she/her gay flag.

@/clearslime, for those who don’t know or are unaware, is extremely violent and aphobic. When an anon told him about it, Mod Jen responded with “that’s a dead stim blog”. 

Under the cut are the @/clearslime related asks.

Keep reading

Mod Jen is also a demisexual exclusionist. 
