

Reaction Junkie is moving in with me!

We’ve already started moving his stuff into my place, and the weekend after New Year’s, we’re renting a truck and moving the furniture that doesn’t fit in my car (With help from The Unknown Quantity, who, according to Reaction Junkie, asked to ravish me as payment. Hee.)

I’m so excited! The place he’s living right now is fine, but they won’t let him have overnight guests more than three times a week, which is reasonable but cramps our style. He’s moving in because we want to spend more time together. It’s the first time either of us has lived with a partner, so it’s somewhat scary/intimidating, but I’m ready to take this nervcited-making step towards commitment with him.

We’re having such fun looking forward to little scenes of domestic bliss. Sitting on the couch doing work together, me getting to receive beatings more frequently and consistently, me cooking for him, practicing rope while we relax after a day at work, sharing parts of a commute, me getting drowned in the shower until I’m thrashing and sobbing, taking bike rides together, making each other exercise and eat right, watching TV together on the couch with him bound and gagged, going grocery shopping as a couple.

I can’t wait!

I’m meeting My Boss today! He’s in my area, and we’re going to get lunch, and, depending on timing, maybe something else. ;)

I’m super excited (and nervcited) to meet him!

Eeeee! I’m on the train to see MLAM for the first time since the Fourth of July weekend. We’re gonna get dinner with Reaction Junkie at am excellent vegan place, and then MLAM and I are heading to happy hour.

So nervcited!
