#nesta archeron


In Defiance of the Stars Chapter 4




She pulled back. Night was a Court of conquerors, her mate included.

But Nesta was not a battle to be won or a territory to be claimed.

In Defiance of the Stars Chapter 3




“Helion was right about you,” Cassian said quietly. “You are extraordinary.”

“I am,” Nesta nodded, unashamed. “I am also not so easily won by simple flattery.”

“I accept the challenge with everything I am,” Cassian smirked.

“You come between a male and his mate, Nesta Archeron, and you’re going to learn about the consequences the hard way.”

And I think we can all agree. Nesta did indeed get between a male (Cassian) and his mate (her) and learn about the consequences the hard way (being locked in a house and forced to eat only bland oatmeal and also hike for days until she gave in)

In Defiance of the Stars Chapter 13

What up Nessian demons, it’s me, ya girl who “writes like someone who doesn’t know how to write” back to bring everyone another “way too short chapter” that will no doubt “get boring fast”




“I’ve never had to,” Nesta admitted quietly. Perhaps the first time since she learned of the mating bond that he had seen the female look uncertain. She recovered quickly, “Why train for close combat when anyone who tried to attack me can be taken care of from across a field.”

“You are that precise?” Cassian asked, eyebrows raising. “To take out an opponent at a fields length?”

Nesta straightened her spine. “If I can see them, I can kill them.”

In Defiance of the Stars Chapter 12




“Powerful people wind up trapped by their own arrogance all the time,” Cassian said with a not so subtle look at Eris. Despite the jab to her High Lord, Nesta found herself in complete agreeance. And slightly surprised that her general of a mate was aware of such a thing.

Random antis: Gwyn and Emerie would never love Nesta if they new how awful she had been to Feyre!!!

Me: oh wow. It’s kinda like … you missed … the whole point … of like … everything.

I simply don’t believe that Nesta Archeron and her canonically epic titties have ever paid for a drink in a bar. If you wanted to give her debts then at least find something realistic smh

In Defiance of the Stars Chapter 11




Cauldron, he had an ounce of pride at some point, hadn’t he?

He had led armies and made full grown warriors beg. And now he was a breath away from begging. From falling to his knees for a taste, a touch of her skin.

But she wasn’t here for him. And the male who stood behind her, tall and straight as an arrow, glared daggers at Cassian.

me, having never read an adult-rated novel before, reading this

I fucking screamed.

a quote that means a lot to me :)

a court of silver flames, sarah j. maas

i keep remembering this quote when i’m struggling, and it means the world to me to have a character like Nesta that i can relate too <3

these two scenes will never not make me cackle

a court of wings and ruin, pg. 485

a court of silver flames, pg. 83

nesta archeron supremacy!!!

some ACOSF quotes that are very important to me

pg. 505

pg. 573

pg. 575

no matter what, remember that your story is worth telling.

ps. this book meant a lot. i have never met a character who i relate so much to or has faced the same mental (and physical) challenges that i have. Nesta means so so so so much to me, and these quotes helped me heal some things inside myself that i hadn’t been able to face yet. i hope (like the dedication of this book) that every nesta out there climbs that mountain.

I hope nesta is having a good day in acotar world<3


@lucienvanserraweek my favorite brotp: Lucien and Cassian, but also Lucien and Nesta

1. Lucien x Cassian: my long haired babies whom I love I so dearly, every interaction between them is top tier. So here are my favorite moments

- when Lucien calmed Cassian down oh my GODD

- both of them discussing sports on solstice ugh I love that for them

- Cassian naming Lucien “Fireling” is literally one of the best things to come out of ACOSF

2. Lucien x Nesta: okay I cannot WAIT to see this friendship develop more bc I’m already obsessed with the few moment they’ve had

- Nesta noticing he’s one of the few who have a visible scar

- Nesta ignoring the IC and talking to Lucien first on solstice

- Nesta calling Elain a wretch for ignoring Lucien I’m sorry but that was so funny

- and this last on combines both the brotps, Lucien saying “cauldron save whoever her mate is” when he met Nesta in the library  it’s literally such in law vibes idc

My babies

@blissdrawls on Instagram

Every word emptied from Cassian’s head as Nesta, too, emerged from the water, as if lifted on a pillar from beneath. A golden mask sat upon her face, primitive but embossed with whorls and patterns so ancient they’d lost all meaning.

Water sluiced down her clothes, her hair had been ripped from its braid, and in her hand, clenched there…

A kelpie’s head dangled by its sheet of black hair, torn-up face frozen in a scream. Exactly as the King of Hybern’s head had hung from her hand.

Only silver fire burned behind the eyes of the Mask.

- Sarah J Maas, A Court of Silver Flames, page 371
