#new fic idea


Okay but a no caps au where Jason works at a library and Roy is one of the tech people who fixes their computers and Jason keeps having to come up with flimsy excuses to get Roy to fix his computer because he doesn’t know how to ask someone on a date

Roy meanwhile thinks Jason’s an idiot who should read a book about how computers work and one about how to ask someone on a date cause this is super cute but everyone at the library is in a betting pool now but if he asks Jason out then he won’t get a cut and Lian wants a new bow for her birthday.


Roy tackles Jason’s long list of “must read books” for two reasons:

1. He’s in love with Jason and likes knowing more about his interests


2. He wants to know what the fuck Jason is talking about half the time. Seriously, that guy quotes so many books and Roy doesn’t know what is going on. Literally why is Jason like this. Watch a movie, Jason


1. I’m dying.

2. Why would you present me with such inspiration for a fic @booknerdjason?

2a. Is it cool if I write a fic? (please?)

3. Roy’s going to be pissed when he reads Lord of the Rings.
