#new home


Finally got settled into my new place and I have my alter set up at last. Time to get some readings done! ‍♀️

I’m so excited you guys! I have an actual house! I’m going to nerdify the entire house, I cannot wait!


I set up an instagram account for my house so if you want, give it a follow? Look me up! It’s @81_chatsworth 


July 5.

Today was the first day I felt really settled in my new home. I went for a short walk to the oven and journaled all my thoughts and feels. I think I might try and journal at a new place everyday(ish) and take a photo at each one. It was nice.

new homenew home


Reminder that you can follow me here:



 It all returns to nothing… It just keeps tumblring down tumblring down 

reblog for awareness 

Only 10 days left till the end!

Hey! So about what I posted about yesturday, you guys will probably see those posts in about a month or so. The reason why, is that when we get back home, I have family visiting the entire first week when we’re back and we will be busting our asses off trying to get jobs.

DIY Posts:
In my earlier post about the DIY’s that I’d be doing, I only put down 3 and they were food DIY’s, but I think I’m just going to do those 3 all in one post. So here is a few more DIY’s that I will be doing when we’re back in Bama and I’m able to do them:

1.) DIY Dry Erase Board - I already have one dry erase board in the kitchen of our trailer, so that will be a Grocery List/Reminder thing. I want a smaller one in the living room so I can decorate it and put cute little sayings and quotes on it so when people walk in our home they get a nice, positive vibe!

2.)DIY Sharpie Storage Jars - I just thought they looked so adorable and I want to make them so be on the look out!

3.) DIY Jar of Roses - It’s exactly what you think it is ^_^

4.) DIY Candles - I have something that I really want to do with these and I feel like it would make our home feel more like a home with something like this.

I know a lot of these things that I’m wanting to do seem really girly and kind of make wonder where “the man” of the house is, but he really don’t mind what I do with our home as long as it’s not overboard girly. I’m really excited to see how this all turns out and I can’t wait for you guys to be apart of this journey as well! Like I said, it might take a month or so before you see of these DIYs/other posts that I’ve mentioned in this post and earlier posts, so bare with me!

**As always Whit and I ask that y'all please keeps us in your thoughts and prayer as we go through this new journey of our lives!**

Cimorene’s chosen hiding place was behind the washer, helpfully excavating some serious dust bunnies.

Moved the cats down to Portland today. Phryne did not have a fun trip and has only just started to come out of her corner (having wisely chosen to hide among the books). Bless her fluffy little socks.
