#new moon gemini



Happy New Moon, little babies. Gemini season. Time for another month of celestial changes brought to you by our one and only Moon. Gotta love her. Here’s what you should keep in mind as you drag yourself though the next four weeks:


Shit builds up over time - behaviors, beliefs, activities. When we’re repeatedly exposed to the same experiences and information, they slowly solidify into our reality and we just accept that shit as “the way things are” (thanks, Taurus). But, before we all hate like, “yeah fuck conditioning reality is an illusion,” hold up. Bitch, we still gotta live on the Earth. A life with no clear structure or underlying beliefs or moral code or rootedness in reality is a gaurenteed shit show. The only problem with having unshakable beliefs is that when your rigid-ass mindset is whack as fuck, you can end up being crazy unhealthy forever just because you never learned to be anything different.

The Gemini goal is to get its exploration on so it can discover all the shit that’s out there, learn different ways to be, and create the life (and behavior) it wants for itself. However, none of this beautiful shit is possible without the starting point Taurus provided. It doesn’t matter how whack that starting point was - without it, Gemini has no way to check its progress or gauge its direction.


All these lunar cycles connect to each other (shocker). Last month was all about considering the information you consume - literal info, yes, but also emotional information from your friends and family and the information you feed yourself about yourself. (Self worth is conditioned over time, bitches.) This month, you got solar support to make a move and start exploring different information and ideas. We’re all in this place where we know we wanna change, we’re ready for it, but all we got is a hazy idea about what post-“change” looks like and means for us in our lives. Not there yet.

The best thing you can do for yourself over the next month is to think about who you want to be and then seek out information that can help show you the way. You’re not the first bitch to change your life; go learn from all the others out there, and let them learn from you. Put yourself in a position to have new experiences - spend time with people who don’t treat you like shit for once in your life, read a fucking book. Whatever. Your life, your particulars.

Also, think about where you started and how far you’ve come. Change is all good and well, do it up do your thing, but appreciate the moves you’ve made so far. Recognize that any time you even attempt to change a conditioned belief you have about yourself or the world, you’re doing hard work and you’re making serious progress. Get it, babies.

In short: get out there and do the damn thing. If you want to change your mind - if you want to change how you respond and feel about the world - then get the fuck out there and learn a different way of doing things. Doesn’t mean you should blindly adopt a new set of behaviors, it means you should start to explore new ways of living and then take all the little pieces you like, put them together, and create your very own dope ass life.

Peace, people. Happy New Moon.
