#new moon in aquarius


New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st, 2022, and this seems like a good time to kick off the New Year with our goals and dreams in mind. It could feel challenging with the New Moon squaring Uranus and conjunct Saturn, but nothing worth working for is ever easy. Although we can face the challenges from the Square, there is hope lingering in the air, especially with Jupiter in domicile. Aquarius is represented by the Star card in the Tarot, which is the perfect reminder to be fearless when it comes to our goals and to never dim our light. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries– This transit brings a new phase and, you might feel a lot more confident reclaiming your independence during this time. There is a realization that friends come and go, but you are empowered to keep pushing through it. Make it your goal to find empowerment within and prepare to achieve all of your goals.

Taurus– Your career and goals are a major focus for you during this time. Make fruitful plans since you are going to be highly motivated during this moment. Expect to meet new people, find your footing and be a lot more confident. Patience is your friend during this period.

Gemini– The New Moon in Capricorn will shift your perspective and allow you to explore any spiritual thoughts or paths you might have been considering. You could be a lot more open to meeting people that challenge your beliefs and learn a few things from them even if you do not agree with them at first. New learning experiences await.

Cancer – You will be more confident with facing anything that has been holding you back. This New Moon could bring memories from the past but Jupiter in Pisces will back you with the confidence boost needed to keep feeling strong.

Leo – With this New Moon, you are reflecting on your dynamic with other people. It could be a wonderful time to learn more about your partner and understand them on a powerful emotional level. During this period you also focus on striking a balance with the people around you.

Virgo – 2022 has made you a lot more prepared to work for what you want without any fears. 2021 has evolved you and made you (and all of us) a lot wiser. Your game plans now carry a lot more meaning for you. Jupiter in Pisces brings you support from those people you love surrounding you.

Libra – Prepare to fall in love more with yourself during this transit. You are going to feel a lot more inspired and romantic as the Aquarius Moon guides you into pushing your boundaries and experiencing new books, meeting new people, or just changing your mindset to positivity.

Scorpio – Take your time to relax and come back to your home as the New Moon brings family to your focus. Notable mention goes to the sign of Jupiter, bringing that sense of optimism to water signs. As you feel the grounding energy from the Moon, you can also experience or feel love and joy from Jupiter.

Sagittarius – Find comfort in the people around you that care and are here to help you push ahead. This New Moon shows you who your real friends are and it is also a good moment to get those creative juices flowing. 

Capricorn – This New Moon changes the game for you. It is your time to learn more about self-love and care. If you have not prioritized yourself, get ready to do so. The Jupiter transit will bring you to balance with the confidence needed to express your needs and wants as well.

Aquarius – A reflective period where your identity comes to focus. This is your moment to make your dreams the spotlight for the next six months. The New Moon in your sign is a reminder that we are all magical stars in the sky. Appreciate and love yourself.

Pisces – Your dreams become more powerful during this transit and you are preparing yourself for a lot more fruitful and wonderful things brewing in time for your New Moon transit next month. You could feel the need to connect with yourself. Spend your time taking it easy or reading a good book.

New Moon in Aquarius Feb 2022 Astrology Report

For the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius in February 2022, I have written a thorough report on the astrological chart of the new moon itself, and broken down how the astrology applies to your spiritual practice and to your life!

It is available for anyone subscribed at the Moon Child ($4.44CAD/month) tier or higher. Subscribing to my Patreon helps support my work so I can continue creating unique content on magic, the occult, religious polytheism, and astrology.


New Moon in Aquarius! ⚡️

This new moon occurs in January 31 2022 at 10:45pm mst at 12 degrees Aquarius. We need freedom to be ourselves and express who we are. There is a push. Are we hung up on something from the past that is stalling us from progressing? Could be trauma, negative thought patterns, poor planning, a person, a job. We know there will be work to do to get there. With Mars in Capricorn, it’s a good time to get in there and get it done. This moon is square Uranus. It can mean strange unexpected events can occur to get you to shift where it’s needed. Especially if you have been feeling stuck, this moon can help move the rocks around for the better. In your job, your friendships, life path. Uranus is also trine to Venus. So the solution to experienced chaos is through expressions of love, beauty, worth. What you truly value. What is worth it at the end of the day. What is your worth? We can’t sacrifice unless it’s worth it. And we need to know our own values to know if it’s worth it. Don’t be afraid to be you. This is a good time to express your most unique, authentic self and to celebrate all the differences, because that’s what makes us all connected.
