#moon magic



Moons of 2022✨

Full Moons

  • Jan 17 in Cancer
  • Feb 16 in Leo
  • Mar 18 in Virgo
  • Apr 16 in Libra
  • May 16 in Scorpio - Lunar Eclipse
  • Jun 14 in Sagittarius- Super Moon
  • Jul 13 in Capricorn - Super Moon
  • Aug 12 in Aquarius
  • Sep 10 in Pisces
  • Oct 9 in Aries
  • Nov 8 in Taurus - Lunar Eclipse
  • Dec 8 in Gemini

New Moons

  • Jan 2 in Capricorn
  • Feb 1 in Aquarius
  • Mar 2 in Pisces
  • Apr 1 in Aries
  • Apr 30 in Taurus - Solar Eclipse & Black Moon
  • May 30 in Gemini
  • Jun 29 in Cancer
  • Jul 28 in Leo
  • Aug 27 in Virgo
  • Sep 25 in Libra
  • Oct 25 in Scorpio - Solar Eclipse
  • Nov 23 in Sagittarius
  • Dec 23 in Capricorn - Super Moon

Thanks to the way the earth orbits the sun and the way the moon orbits the earth, our calendar year contains thirteen full moons and moon cycles, also called lunations. Here are some traditional correspondences from astrology and folklore.

  • January is known as the Cold Moon of the Wolf Moon. This is the time for new beginnings, for planning for and conceiving a child, and for making other goals for yourself, your working life, your health goals, and any other aspirations. You should look deep inside yourself and take this time during the Wolf Moon to think about and contemplate what is most important to you, and how you can have what is truly meaningful in your life. The Cold Moon is also when you should perform protection spells for yourself and your loved ones, and rituals of safekeeping for your home and the people and things you really care about.
  • Februaryis the time of the Wild Moon or the Snow Moon. Now you can begin growing the seeds you planted in your soul during the last month’s Wolf Moon. The Wild Moon is an excellent time for purification rituals and for cleansing old “bad” energy out of your life,your home, your psyche, and your office. The Wild Moon can be a time for great healing,especially after a ceremony for energy cleansing. One of the best cleansing rites you can perform is one for true acceptance of yourself, letting go of all self-loathing, and saying goodbye to your inner critic. A ritual of self-love and recognition would be a wonderful observance of the Wild Moon of February.
  • March is the Crow Moon or the Seed Moon. It is a time to balance your life energies. After the cleansing and goal-setting of the past two moons, now you can begin to activate your plans. This March Full Moon is also an excellent time to concentrate on prosperity. The Crow Moon is an ideal time for an abundance ceremony.
  • April is the Hare Moon or the Pink Moon. It is one of the most creative times of the year. This is the moon when you can act on what you have been dreaming of during the earlier moons. You can begin to manifest your deepest desires, both in terms of your aspirations and your amorous side, since the Hare Moon is made for love spells and other rites of romance. Pursue your passions with confidence and optimism.
  • May is the Merry Moon or the Flower Moon. It is known as the “green month” in terms of green magic and the season where “little folk” or fairies will appear. Nature has now burst into a glorious full spring. In May, your inner wisdom is at its height. Now is the time to connect with nature and explore our beautiful and sacred planet. Rites of spring are a wonderful way to commune with your spirit.
  • June is the Mead Moon or the Strawberry Moon, also called the Lover’s Moon. Now we can taste the sweetness of life and celebrate our strength and fruitfulness. It is a time of security and protection. Assess the results of all that you have planned and planted in the past months.
  • July is the Thunder Moon or the Blessing Moon. It is a time for divining meaning and focusing on spirituality. Now we can expand our consciousness and listen to the messages of our dreams. The Thunder Moon is when we receive the blessings  of the rain and feel the charged energy of the thunderstorms. The Thunder Moon is an auspicious time for a dream ritual or a divinatory rite.
  • August is known as the Corn Moon or the Red Moon. This time of year is bursting with health,vitality,and ardor. This is an optimal time to gather friends and family together and celebrate the brightest side of life. Feasting,dancing, and delight are the order of the day.
  • September is the Harvest Moon or the Singing Moon. Now we see completion of plans and ideas and the harvesting of our crops. Now we reap what we have sown earlier in the year- our thoughts,actions,words,and projects. The Singing Moon is a wonderful time to organize our lives and let go of anything that is no longer working. If something is worn out,broken,or simply does not suit your life anymore, including emotions,patterns,beliefs,and even people, this is the perfect time to let go. Declutter and simplify your life.
  • October is the Hunter’s Moon or the Falling Leaf Moon. Great transitions are taking place all around you now, and change is also taking place within. Take time to observe and feel these transformations in your life and in the world around you. Notice how the temperature changes,how the trees shed their brightly colored leaves,how the geese and other birds fly south. The Hunter’s Moon should honor the very human need for physical nourishment, warmth, and rest. Seek inner peace now after the hurly-burly of summer. This is the season for relaxation and release. It is a karmic time, during which you can seek karmic completion. You should acknowledge the changing of the seasons with ceremony.
  • November is the Beaver Moon or the Mourning Moon. At this time you should get in touch with your spirit through introspection.Many countries observe November 1 as Ancestor’s Day and remember the dead through ritual and feasting. 
  • Decemberis the Winter Moon or the Long Nights Moon. This is when we experience a metaphorical death and rebirth. We can alsolight the flame of our hearts and souls through journeys of the spirit.
  • The “Extra” or Thirteenth Full Moon of the year is the Blue Moon in the expression “once in a blue moon”,which refers to rare and special occasions. It is on that rare occasion when two full moons occur in one calendar month. The Blue Moon is to be used wisely. Take this opportunity to look at your long-term plans and goals and to give thanks for what you have, for the people in your life, and for your good health,children,a job you enjoy,good friends, a comfortable home, and opportunities.
  • The Blue Moon is also a time for prophecy. Each Blue Moon ritual you create should contain an aspect expressing thanks to the Gods and Goddesses and to Mother Nature, who gave you life.

Aries New Moon ♈️

April 11, 2021 … 6:28 am EST

[image credit: foreverconscious.com]


Aries is the firstsignof the zodiac marking a new beginning of the lunar cycle. Embrace this new chapter.


Under this New Moon our manifestation abilities will be heightened. Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and choices at this time.

Allow your thoughts to be an expression of opportunity and hope. Shift your perspective from limitationtoabundance.

You may have to take some action… you may need to follow your instincts at this time…, and make those hard choices that stem from your intuition. Know there is cosmic support on your side.

The fire sign energyof this New Moon May heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, needing additional love & support from those around us or our higher selves.


[image credit: RebeccaGordonAstrology.com]


Blessed Be!



some resources to get you started with lunar witchcraft:

lunar deities:

  • artemis
  • selene
  • cerridwen
  • hecate
  • thoth
  • the wiccan goddess


  • moonstone
  • selenite
  • pearl
  • milky quartz
  • aquamarine

plants to grow/use in your craft:

  • cabbage
  • evening primrose
  • honeysuckle
  • iris
  • jasmine
  • juniper
  • lemon
  • lotus
  • mallow
  • moonwort
  • morning glory
  • mugwort
  • myrtle
  • sandalwood
  • sweetpea
  • violet
  • watercress
  • water lily
  • white rose
  • willow

things to start doing:

  • plan your spellwork around the lunar phases and their correspondences
  • look into your moon sign (free astrology chart generator here)
  • collect moon water on the full moon
  • talk to the moon at night. tell her your worries, your dreams, your hopes and desires. tell her what you ache for most deeply, your greatest regret and your biggest fears. dissect your heart in front of her, and feel it heal.
  • buy, print or make a lunar calendar
  • get the moon app
  • do a small ‘spring cleaning’ every new moon, whether that’s cleaning out your room, inbox, kitchen, phone or whole house
  • create a lunar altar
  • learn more about astrology, in particular which sign the moon is in and how that affects your life
  • try meditating outside, in moonlight
  • research dream magick

a good blog that posts about lunar witchcraft: @lunaesteria

and a lunar witchcraft playlist.or two.

for all my witches who work with the moon!



Full Moon tonight! Charge your crystals, set out your moon water, and let the full energy of the powerful full moon into you!

Herbs/Plants: Roses, Aloe, Strawberries, Passionfruit, Bamboo, Poppies, Myrrh, Ginger, Coconut, Turnips, Morning Glory, Seaweed, Iris, Willow, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Bananas, and Hazel 

Crystals: Pearl, Opal, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, and Clear Quartz. 

Incense:Rose, Wintergreen, Dragon’s Blood, and Sandalwood. 

Day of the Week:Monday


Colors: White and Silver

1: You could use it to make coffee or tea, cook with it, drink it as is, and water your plants/animals.. 

2: Charge and cleanse your crystals with it, just make sure your they’ll be safe around water beforehand. 

3: Add a few drops to essential oils before a spell. 

4: Put a little in your bathwater or liquid makeup.

5: Leave it as offerings to the fae, your gods/goddesses, or the earth. 

6: Use it in spell workings and rituals. 

7: Sprinkle it on your third eye chakra to enhance your psychic abilities. 

8:Use it to make potions and tonics. 

9: Fill a bowl or a glass and use it for scrying. 

10: Carry some in a small bottle in your car, on your person, in your purse, in your pockets, etc.

Dark Moon: This moon phase is a good time for curses, hexes, jinxes, etc. It’s also a good time for focusing on what you want to manifest in the next couple of weeks and a powerful time to do prophetic workings. 

Waxing Moon: Bring things you want toward you. You could do spells involving growth, enchantment, money, success, etc. A good time to start on projects. 

Full Moon:  A good time for charging crystals, tools, yourself, water, etc. Some people think the energy during the full moon is more powerful than in any other moon phase. The intentions you set in the dark moon should be manifesting themselves now. You could do workings that involve divination, legal matters, protection, heightening your psychic abilities, connecting with gods/spirits, creativity, and knowledge. 

Waning Moon: A good time for letting go of people/things and doing banishment workings, You could do spells to let go of addictions, negative energy, and bad habits. It’s also a good time for cleansing and house cleaning. 

The Sun:

Your Solar placement establishes what influence the Sun has on your personality, core, soul, livelihood, artistic taste, and character.

The Moon:

Your Lunar placement determines what influence The Moon has on your emotions, subconscious, secrets, habits, and instincts.


Your Mercury placement affects what influence Mercury has on your expression, education, intellect, communication, and exchange


Your Venus placement establishes what influence Venus has on your romance, trust, romance, maternity, adoration, harmony, and beauty.


Your Mars placement determines what influence Mars has on your rage, wrath, lust, love, passion, intensity, revolution, rapid flares, and motive.


Your Jupiter placement affects what influence Jupiter has on your health, prosperity, profession, abundance, career, and achievements.


Your Saturn placement establishes what influence Saturn has on your motives, goals, aspirations, destiny, maturing, and responsibility.


Your Uranus placement determines what influence Uranus has on your imagination, development, growth, education, goal chasing.


Your Neptune placement affects what influence Neptune has on your dreams, creativity, aspirations, and possibly illusions.


Your Pluto placement establishes what influence Pluto has on your growth, development, chapters of life, beginnings, and endings.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects


Blessed Yule and Happy New Year 2021! 

I’m so happy to have so many new followers, so here’s a summary of all the posts I have written this year. Feel free to use all of theses resources for your grimoire or book of shadows 

Witchcraft 101

13 goals of a witch

Closed practices & cultural appropriation

Daily rituals using the 4 elements

Home cleansing using the 4 elements 

Tarot practice for beginners

Tips for stressed witches

Witchy Study Tips

Weekly Rituals

Witchy Reset Day

Witchy Podcasts  

Witches Sabbats

Sabbats journal prompts

Celebrating Samhain

❄️Celebrating Yule

Celebrating Imbolc

Celebrating Ostara

Celebrating Beltane 

☀️Celebrating Litha 

Celebrating Lammas

Celebrating Mabon 

Types of Magic 

Candle Magic

Sex Magic

Tea Magic

Period Magic

Water Magic 

Tech Witchcraft

Moon Magic

Full Moons of the Year 

New Moon Magic 

Waxing Crescent Moon Magic 

First Quarter Moon Magic 

Waxing Gibbous Moon Magic

Full Moon Magic

Waning Gibbous Moon Magic

Last Quarter Moon Magic

Waning Crescent Moon Magic

Let me know your posts requests for 2021, I would be happy to share the knowledge I have as a practicing witch for almost 6 years! Love you all ❤️

Credit: Unsplash - @ contentpixie

Credit: Unsplash - @ contentpixie

Post link

I salute thee and conjure thee,
O beautiful Moon, O most beautiful Star, O brilliant
light which I have in my hand.
By the light which I have in my hand.
By the air that I breathe within me,
by the earth that I am touching:
I conjure thee.

-Grimorium Verum

O Moon shine brightly, for I will sing softly to thee, O Goddess, and to
Infernal Hecate.

-Sod, The Mysteries of Adoni

Ah, Moon of my Delight who know'st no wane,
The Moon of Heav'n is rising once again;
How oft hereafter rising shall she look
Through this same Garden after me-in vain!

-Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

But oh, the night! oh, bitter sweet! oh, sweet!
O dark, O moon and stars, O ecstasy
Of darkness! O great mystery of love.
In which absorbed, loss, anguish, treason’s self
Enlarges rapture, —as a pebble dropped
In some full wine-cup overbrims the wine!

- Aurora Leigh, Elizabeth Browning

Upon the dusty, glittering windows cling,
And seem to cling upon the moonlit skies,
Tortoiseshell butterflies, peacock butterflies,
A couple of night-moths are on the wing.
Is every modern nation like the tower,
Half-dead at the top? No matter what I said,
For wisdom is the property of the dead,
A something incompatible with life; and power,
Like everything that has the stain of blood,
A property of the living; but no stain
Can come upon the visage of the moon
When it has looked in glory from a cloud.

- Blood and the Moon, William Butler Yeats

If tonight, O moon, thou hast found us
In peaceful, happy rest,
May thy laving lustre leave us
Seven times still more blest.
O moon so fair,
May it be so,
As seasons come,
And seasons go.

- Carmina Gadelica, Volume 1

Lunar Eclipse/Blood Moon Advice for Witches

Should you…
Do blood magic?

Using your blood in magic is a personal choice that some witches are more comfortable with than others. In my experience, dealing with blood is not particularly dangerous. There is this vampire-I-know-who-lives-in-a-château who once told me not to drink too much blood. A vampire was warning meabout drinking too much blood! Can you imagine? What nerve! Although to be fair, I was doing shots of one-part-bourbon, one-part-blood. My own blood, people. This paragraph is really going off the rails - but the point is that blood magic is mostly more dangerous in a mundane world toxicity-and-sanitation sense than it is in a magical sense.

It is very binding to use blood in your magic though. Despite this being a blood moon, I would not do blood magic on this day if you haven’t done it before/have a good idea of what you are doing. If you have done blood magic before and want to do it during the blood moon, you should have a very specific intention and purpose in mind. If you fall into that category, you probably do not need my advice.

If you have a specific idea of a spell or ritual you think blood would be good for during this moon, but don’t want to commit to using actual blood, I would recommend the juice of a blood-orange as a replacement.

Charge your crystals? Make moon water?

I feel like “it depends” is the most common answer I give to all questions - and it is also the answer to this question. Charging things (crystals, water, etc.) under some astrological event imbues them with the energy of that event. So, for example, if your moldavite has not been causing enough chaos in your life - then sure, leave it out under the blood moon. If you are using a crystal or your moon water for peace and tranquility… this may not be the moon for that vibe.

Create amulets?

This is kind of an extension of the previous answer - I’ve mentioned before that I’m not a super crystal-y person, but I am interested in amulets. These could be crystals, or it could be anything you want to charge with the energy of this moon. If you are using an eclipse or blood moon to mark some specific event - like perhaps you are leaving something behind, or being reborn from the ashes of something, or you are newly embracing the chaos of the cosmos - you may want to lock that energy into an amulet so you can invoke that strength whenever you need it again. Or you may want to harness some eclipse energy for a future time when you are stagnant and crave change.


Divination is one of those things that it is always safe to do. This may be a good option if you need some clarification about how the message of the lunar eclipse pertains to you or what purpose the eclipse energy might serve in your life. Of course, you may not like the answer. I asked my tarot deck about the eclipse and got The Moon, so…. yeah. Reeeeal helpful.

Do protective spells?

You can’t really protect against the eclipse - if that is your intention. It’s understandable. There are certainly things that I don’t want to lose or don’t want disrupted. My advice though is to face this kind of thing head on. You cannot really defend against cosmic energy. You might be able to fight it. However the best tactic - if you are worried about this kind of thing - is to embrace the changes that are brought about. Easier said than done, I know.

Do other spells?

Again, it depends. Don’t do a spell just to do a spell or because you think you are supposed to. If you have some business with the eclipse, you probably know better than me what that business is.


Witches commonly use the moon cycle for manifesting - and the rule is usually that waxing moons are for things you want to increase, and waning moons are things that you want to decrease. Solar and lunar eclipses have a similar split - solar eclipses bring things, while lunar eclipses push things out. Use these energies for your manifestations accordingly - lunar eclipses are not the time to manifest abundance or prosperity.

I wrote a much longer and more in-depth newsletter about this topic here: Blood on the Moon

Moon Glossary

Some words related to the moon–

apolune: The point in an orbit around the moon where the orbiting body is farthest from the moon.

blue moon: The third full moon in a three-month calendrical season that has four full moons.

earthshine:The sunlight reflected from the earth’s surface that illuminates part of the moon not directly lighted by the sun.

geoselenic:Relating to the earth and the moon, or to their joint action or mutual relations: as, geoselenic phenomena.

gibbous moon: A lunar phase either side of the full moon when the moon’s disc as seen from the Earth is larger than a semicircle.

increscent: Showing a progressively larger lighted surface, as of a planet or the moon; waxing.

lunicurrent: Changing periodically with the position of the moon.


lunisolar:Of or caused by both the sun and the moon.

lunistice: In astronomy, the moment of the moon’s greatest northing and southing in her monthly revolution.

lunitidal: Of or relating to tidal phenomena caused by the moon.

moon illusion: The optical illusion whereby the moon looks larger when it is low in the sky than otherwise.

moon-dial: A dial for showing the hours by the moon.

moonblind:Affected with moon blindness.

moonblink: A temporary evening blindness said to be occasioned by sleeping in the moonshine in tropical climates.

moonbow: A meteorological phenomenon also known as a lunar rainbow or white rainbow, well documented at Cumberland Falls near Corbin, Kentucky, Victoria Falls in Africa as well as other places such as Yosemite National Park.

moonchild: One who is born under the sign of Cancer.

moonglade: The track of moonlight on water.

moonrise: The event or time of the appearance of the upper circumferential edge of the moon as it rises above the horizon.

moonset: The event or time of the disappearance of the moon’s upper circumferential edge as it sets below the horizon.

moonwake: The reflection of moonlight on a body of water.

neomenia: The time of new moon; the beginning of the month.

new moon: The phase of the moon at which the moon, as viewed from Earth, does not appear to be illuminated by the sun. The new phase marks the beginning of a single revolution of the moon around the earth.

novilunar: Pertaining to the new moon.

old moon: The waning moon.

paraselene: A luminous spot on a lunar halo.

perilune: The point in an orbit around the moon where the orbiting body is closest to the moon.

plenilunar: Pertaining to the full moon.

plenilune:The full moon.

saros: The period of time, just under 19 years, between successive lunar or solar eclipses occurring when the sun, earth, and moon are in the same positions relative to one another.

selenography: The study of the physical features of the moon.

supermoon: a full moon or new moon, when the Earth-Moon distance is in the lowest tenth of its range

thesilverwitch: “I am at peace.” Last sigil for the night I promise!  If you’ve been in need of quie


“I am at peace.”

Last sigil for the night I promise! 

If you’ve been in need of quiet,tranquility, and freedom from disturbances, this sigil is for you. It will also help with meditationcalming your emotions,and acting logically in stressful situations. Find your inner peace!

Post link



TheEsbats, or Wiccan lunar holy days,celebrate the moon’s passage around the Earth. The Esbats offer Wiccans a chance to regularly put aside time to step away from the ordinary world and dedicate time to spiritual reflection and/or magical work. In Wicca, each phase of the Moon is noted, because different kinds of Moon energy are used for different kinds of magick. Some groups extend these celebrations to include the dark moon/new moon, or even the first and last quarters. In many traditions, the eight festivals of the Wheel of the Year (Sabbats) are considered times of celebration, while the main “magickal work” is done on the Esbats. If you’re having a hard time figuring out what phase the moon is in, there are many phone apps and websites that track it. Here are the usual basics. (Please Note: if you do not wish to practice magick for any reason at any time on any phase, you can simply meditate on the moon phases. For example, during the dark/new moon you would meditate on banishing something severely negative in your life instead of performing an intense banishment spell. If you don’t have the time or energy to meditate or practice magick for any reason at any time on any phase, that’s okay! Take a break!) 


Dark Moon/New Moon

A potent time for your most powerful destructive magick. Note, destructive does not necessarily mean ‘harmful’. You don’t have to destroy a person.

Magickal workings conducive to the dark moon include destroying or banishing very powerful things, such as unwanted entities, addictions or serious diseases. I would not use this time lightly– it’s got a little too much ‘umph’ behind it to just get rid of a whiny ex who still calls you once in a while, to break your habit of having a second cup of coffee in the morning, or if you have the sniffles. But if you were dealing with, say, a stalker, a drug addiction, cancer, etc.– something that poses a serious threat – then this is the best timing for it.

Waxing Crescent Moon

When the moon is “waxing” it appears to be growing, the period from the dark to full moon phases. It’s magnetic energy assists with bringing things to out. This entire waxing period is the best time to work with constructive magick, or magick that builds things/brings things to us.

The waxing crescent is the best time for magick on yourself (or on the subject) pertaining to new beginnings, such as starting a new project or making plans for the future. If you’re looking to conjure energies into your life such as a more positive attitude, more patience, more understanding in your relationship, this is the perfect timing for such goals. When you want to cast spells for self improvement, such as if you want to improve your psychic abilities, to absorb the information in a new class, or bring out your inner beauty, this is the time to do it. Artists or anyone artistic/creative will find this the best time to cast spells or perform meditations that will bring inspiration and passion into your work.

First Quarter Moon 

The First Quarter, or Waxing Half Moon, is the time when energies are most conducive to attraction. Unlike the Waxing Crescent, which is best for going within and bringing things out, this is the best time for magick that attempts to draw things outside of yourself to you.

Use this time for spells and meditations meant to attract things you want in your life, such as money, protection or success. It’s also an ideal time for attracting people into your life, such as friends, lovers and clients. If you’re looking for an animal companion or have one that you want to bond with, this is a good time to perform the workings.

If you’re looking for a lost object, or house hunting, etc., this is a good time to perform spells for success in that area to help you bring that which you most desire into manifestation.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 

The Waxing Gibbous is still a time for constructive magick, best used towards 'reeling in’ that which you’ve been working for already. If you started a project and it’s floundering, stalled, if you’re at the point when the thing you’re working for is coming into the home stretch and you need some extra energy to bring it home, the Waxing Gibbous will give it a boost.

This phase is a great energy for renewing your strength, will and determination to see your efforts through. If you are giving in to temptation on your diet, working hard toward something and feeling burnt out or are at the point where you’re getting lazy and distracted from completing your tasks, give yourself a power boost during the Waxing Gibbous.

Full Moon

When the Earth is caught between the moon and the sun, the result is the Full Moon bearing the most powerful energies of the lunar cycle. The Full Moon is often seen by people as 'all purpose’– it’s energies are prismatic in that it flows into all areas and needs, be it constructive or destructive.

Even more so than the Dark Moon, the Full Moon is a time you would utilize for extra power when you’re facing very difficult challenges. This is not just for minor mundane tasks, such as looking for the energy to reorganize your closet or trying to clear negativity out of the house after an argument; this is a time to reserve for those important things in your life that need major changes or major boosts.

While you can plan spells for anything, utilize this energy for your priorities that really matter in your life. If you need to win a court case, or find a new job with better pay to prevent you from losing your home,

Magicks and meditations revolving around spirituality, psychic development, dreams and divination are particularly well times for the Full Moon.

Waning Gibbous Moon

After the Full Moon peaks, we enter the waning half of the lunar cycle. Waning energies repel rather than attract, so it’s a good time to begin working on spells to get rid of things.

Minor banishings can begin with the Waning Gibbous. This is a good time for general cleansings to upkeep your home, office, garden or any of your personal spaces, etc., to keep things from mounting up. This is also a good time to cleanse any personal objects you may have, such as your jewelry or magickal tools. Think of this more like routine dusting– there’s no major build-up, you’re just trying to keep things clear to prevent problems.

If you have something for which you need closure, or if you’re ready to end something in your life (such as an unfulfilling relationship or unsatisfying business venture), this is a good time for spells to bring things to their fruition.

As for meditations and divination, rather than looking to the future or onto new things, it’s a good time for introspection. Where have your previous attitudes and actions brought you? What things in your life have been affecting you most? Are you happy with where you are? Do you need to make any attitude or behavior adjustments?

Third Quarter Moon

The Third Quarter, or the Waning Half-Moon, is the perfect timing for dealing with obstacles or leaping over hurdles that might cause you to stumble on your way. Whenever you’ve been working toward something, and there’s a roadblock in your path, the timing of this moon phase offers appropriate energies for helping you burst through it.

Temptations are the number one thing I like to deal with during the Third Quarter. If I’m finding that I often want to cheat on my life-diet, or lay in bed rather than get up and do my exercise, or watch TV and fool around on the internet rather than working, I banish that temptation with a spell.

Another good use of this moon phase’s energy is in aiding with transitions, whether these are transitions that you have to make or simply want to make in your life. It can help smooth out any wrinkles that might cause snags as you go on your way.

Waning Crescent Moon

If you need to clear your life and home of negativity, stress, strife, chaos, etc., now is the time to do it. The Waning Crescent, as it approaches the Dark Moon phase, it suitable for stronger banishing than at any other time of the waning moon phases. Get rid of whatever has been plaguing you– anything you find to be seriously annoying, frustrating or concerning (save things that are serious threats for that Dark Moon).

If you need things to end– not just to finish up and bring to a close, but things that no longer serve you that you need to just stop in their tracks– this moon phase is a good time to do it. Dropping a hopeless project, relationship, friendship, etc. is best done at this time. This is a good time to cast a spell for anything for which you wish to bring about a swift and benign ending.


January Full Moon 

The Wolf Moon, also known as the, Cold, Snow or Winter Moon, etc., is a time of protection and strength. The Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings.

February Full Moon 

The Storm Moon, also known as the Death or Quickening Moon, etc., is a time to do magick for fertility and strength. In the olden days, it was a time of true hardship.

March Full Moon 

The Chaste Moon, also known as the Seed or Worm Moon, etc., the Chaste Moon is a time to plant mental seeds- thoughts of success and hope. This is also a time of purity and newness. It is a time to mentally prepare yourself for new experiences.

April Full Moon 

The Seed Moon, also known as the Egg, Grass, or Wind Moon, etc., This is the time to sow the seeds of Magick. If you’re planting a magickal garden, you want to get out there and put things into the earth. This is a time to move your planning phase into action.

May Full Moon 

The Hare Moon, also known as the Flower or Planting Moon, etc., is a time of health, love, romance, and wisdom. It is also a great time to rekindle the romantic spark and passion in a relationship.

June Full Moon 

The Lovers Moon, also known as the Strawberry or Rose Moon, etc., the Lovers Moon brings with it energy for love, marriage, and success.

July Full Moon 

The Mead Moon, also known as the Blessing, Lightning, or Thunder Moon, etc., is a time of enchantment, health, rebirth, success and strength. It is also a time of celebration and magick. Remember that mead is the nectar of the Gods. Now is a good time for prosperity magick.

August Full Moon 

The Wyrt Moon, also known as the Wort, Barley, Corn, or Red Moon, etc., is a time of abundance, agriculture and marriage. At this time you might want to do magick to help someone else reap the benefits of the Earth’s abundance. (With their permission of course!)

September Full Moon 

The Harvest Moon, also known as the Barley or Hunters Moon, etc., the harvest Moon is a time of protection, prosperity, and abundance. The energy of the Harvest Moon will help along any magick that is geared to bring you or someone else abundance.

October Full Moon 

The Blood Moon is sometimes called the Falling Leaf or Hunters Moon, etc. It is a Moon of new goals, protection, resolution, and spirituality. The night of the Blood Moon is a great time for divination of any kind. At this time of year all of nature is making ready for winter. This is a time to reflect on what you did during the year and to evaluate your accomplishments.

November Full Moon 

The Snow Moon, is also known as the Beaver, Mourning, or Tree Moon etc. This is a good time to work with abundance, prosperity, and the bonds of family and friendship. This is also an excellent time to use divination to get an idea of what’s up ahead. Remind yourself that although winter is coming, it will not last forever.

December Full Moon 

The Oak Moon, also known as the Cold or Long Night Moon, etc., the oak Moon is a time for hope and healing. This time of the year the Moon has reign over the earth, because there are more hours of night than day. Our thoughts turn to rebirth of the light and the longer days that are promised after winter solstice. This is a great time to let go of old patterns or problems and start anew. If something has been eating at you for a long time, work to give it up at this time. Let go of the negative and let the light of longer days shine inside you.

How to Use Moon Phase Magick

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Full moon eclipse in Libra tonight! 

This is a time for:




Today is a time to forgive and forget. Think about the people in your life who recently rubbed you the wrong way. Try and find some peace today with any problems you’ve been having socially. Even if the problem itself cannot be solved with the other person, just let it go. 

Focus some time on making your world more beautiful. Clean your room, buy some new mascara, or even just buy some flowers on your way home. Libra gives you the energy to enjoy and be apart of beautiful things. 

Find the line between ‘you’ and ‘others’. Boundaries are healthy and Libra is always working on balancing the head and the heart. Realize that you are worth every second you spend on yourself and you are not selfish for participating in self-love. 

Lastly, stick to your decisions. It’s now time to be consistent in any new ideas you have. Follow through with your plans and have a great day! 



The New Moon will be in full swing at exactly 08:54 PM EST. Not only that but it’ll be a super moon eclipse!

This is a time for:






The Pisces New Moon is a powerful life altering shift. Pisces is a sweet, sensitive, and romantic time. This New Moon will be a pivotal moment for the emotions in your life. Take this time to review how you feel about your friends, loved ones, and yourself.

This is a time to press forward in your goals. This moment could make or break whatever projects you have going on. Because this solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Pisces, imagination, service, dreams, ideals, and compassion will be in focus. Let go of the old stagnant shell you’ve created for yourself. Break free from old habits and hone your skills.

The Pisces Super moon and eclipse provides a rich and powerful energy. This energy can be harnessed to support your dreams. Pisces is a mutable water sign. It is a symbol of the unlimited possibility that is your life. This Pisces energy will help you engage in your wildest dreams. This is a time to dream big and even walk a little a taller. Act as if your life is exactly where you want it to be financially, emotionally, and physically. Accept this new life as a truth and everything will fall into place.

Tonight is meant for emotions, dreams, and outlandish possibilities. Go-with-the-flow Pisces is telling you today that the world is your oyster. Today is a day for scary decision making. There might be some opportunity or life change you’ve been mulling over and holding yourself back from, today is the day to dive head first into it! It’s going to be scary, it’s going to be hard, but it’s time to make some drastic moves. Plus if this possibility doesn’t work out, there’s always more fish in the sea!


September 16th is the full harvest moon, those of you not living here in the Americas will also have the chance to see the lunar eclipse. Remember now is a good time to recharge the tools of your craft and release any negative vibes or energy you’ve been unable to let go of. Also don’t be afraid if parts of your life seem to be shifting out of balance right now. We are transitioning into Autumn, mercury is still in retrograde, and this means everything is in a flux. Things are not falling apart, change is simply inevitable, embrace it and you will find it’s much easier to control the outcome once everything finally settles down again

With the combination of the solar eclipse (March 8th/9th 2016) and the new moon in Pisces (March 8th) now is the time to turn the page and start a new chapter. This is a time for new beginnings, the eclipse is your reset button and the new moon is your fresh canvas.

Try cleansing your aura in a bath once a week. Through out our busy lives we can’t help but pick up bits of negative energy, and unless you take the time to sever those ties you can become weighed down by it. Baths are a great way to cleanse you aura since you don’t need a lot of extra supplies, water is a natural spiritual cleanser.

Start by running your favorite relaxing bathwater. This could mean adding bubble bath, bath bombs, flowers, herbs, or essential oils, whatever makes you feel the most grounded and relaxed.
Helpful Essential Oils:
Lavender- promotes peace and relaxation
Myrrh- protection from evil
Rosemary- promotes healing
Vanilla- promote happiness
Cedar- protection from misery and misfortune

Next light some candles. (Not necessary, but I always find them comforting myself)
Helpful Candle Colors:
Black- neutralize negative energy
Light Blue- promote peace and tranquility
White- protection
Dark Green- counteract feelings of jealousy in yourself and from others

Now this last step is really the most important. You are relaxing in your bath. Starting at your toes and working your way up muscle by muscle consciously relax each and every part of your body. Let your mind drift. Close your eyes. Let a white light fill your mind. Let the white light fill your body. Hold it there. This is your inner fire, purging any traces of negative energy that is piggy backing on your aura. Then slowly let it fade. Settle into yourself. Take a few controlled deep breathes. When you are ready sit up, and drain your water. It is very important to begin draining the water before you step out of the tub in order to release all the gunk you just washed away. Then pat yourself dry, slap on your favorite lotion and head back out into the world feeling light and refreshed.

https://www.eclecticenergies.com/chakras/chakratest.php Here is a great online tool for keeping trac


Here is a great online tool for keeping track of your chakra alignment. My biggest piece of advice is to try and look at yourself objectively when you answer the questions and don’t overthink your answers. Listen to your inner voice.

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Some books for witches!

You can find most of them on Z-Library, or you can click on the books you want to read in here! (only works for highlighted text)

You can comment more books I should add to this list!

People who helped me add more books to this list: @lostinthewoodskhi

Enero 2019Luna llena en Guadalajara. Imagen sin recorte. Foto: Enrique Jiménez

Enero 2019

Luna llena en Guadalajara. 

Imagen sin recorte. 

Foto: Enrique Jiménez

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Every month has a full Moon. Ancient people assigned different names for the Moons of each month. Different cultures gave the Moon different titles to express what the Moon meant to them in the given month. Some of the Moon names make common sense, while other may make no sense at all unless you know the logic behind it.


Common name: Wolf Moon

Uncommon name: Chaste Moon - calls for cleansing and renewal as the new year begins; it is a time for starting over, washing away the past, and fresh beginnings.


Common name: Ice Moon

Uncommon name: Hunger Moon - Winter’s supplies depleted, the yearning for spring is a hunger of the soul as well as the belly.


Common name: Storm Moon

Uncommon name: Worm Moon - The thawing of the earth brings a renewal of life as the earthworms break the soil and emerge from the damp earth in the moonlight.


Common name: Hare Moon

Uncommon name: Milk Moon - The birth of animals, domestic and wild, brings forth the mother’s milk, the life-giver, and first food of man and beast.


Common name: Mead Moon

Uncommon name: Dyad Moon - The Moon of the month of Gemini, this period honors twins and the sacred marriage of the god and goddess, bringing two into one.


Common name: Hay Moon

Uncommon name: Wort Moon - Wortbeing an ancient word for herbs, it is the Moon for gathering of herbs, replenishing the stores of medicinal plants, and drying them in the heat of summer for the long winter to come.


Common name: Corn Moon

Uncommon name: Dispute Moon - The earth mother gives birth to bountiful harvest; with full bellies and hope for continuation, we settle our disputes and put away old anger as we look forward to the long, peaceful winter to come.


Common name: Harvest Moon

Uncommon name: Vine Moon - the Celtic Moon of exhilaration, driven by forces of work to obtain completion- of the harvest, the wine making, and insight for the future.


Common name: Blood Moon (a time of hunting)

Uncommon name: Shedding Moon - the Moon where the deer shed their antlers and begin the rut- the compelling drive to create new life that supersedes the death of winter.


Common name: Snow Moon

Uncommon name: Tree Moon - The Celtic tree months of the Reed and the Elder tree overlap with the reed representing the Moon of silence, inner workings, and strength and the elder representing the Moon of completion; the days shorten as the end of the years draws near.


Common name: Cold Moon

Uncommon name: Oak Moon - Sacred tree of the ancients, strong enough to withstand the harshest winter, renewal of the new year, straddling the old, dark year and the new light year two worlds, as the oak tree’s roots are in the dark earth and its branches are in the sky.

Source: Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist
