#astrology readings



Y'all! Please help me!

I promise I won’t be this pitiful person, I am just someone in the need of help. I will of course be making more pick a cards and astrology posts, but I really need money, and I will be even telling you why.

This is really personal to me, so I will be deleting as soon as I reach a secure amount. So, a few days ago I was charged for multiple things I have not made purchases for and it takes a while to get refunds. I have to pay some actual important bills and purchases to be able to live without anxiety. I cannot take care of myself or anyone else for that matter like this.

I am ashamed to admit it, but due to this I have only 10$. That’s it, not more.

So please if you are in a financially stable situation where you can donate, even if it’s only 1$ please do so. If not, please reblog, likes do not help.


If you feel like you should be given something for donations I am willing to provide both tarot and astrology/chart readings.

Please help a WOC out

Hey don’t be hard on yourself, it’s ok to need help every once in awhile! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, be proud of yourself for having the courage to say something. Some people will avoid a topic such as this one all together and suffer in silence, ya know? Stuff happens, life throws random mystery boxes at you to figure out and solve, best of luck

It’s Not So Bad. Do you get uneasy and nervous when you are in situations that are not comfortable?

It’s Not So Bad.

Do you get uneasy and nervous when you are in situations that are not comfortable? When a situation is out of your comfort zone, do you automatically want to retreat?

Post link
No. Start saying no, and see who stays.What am I talking about, you ask? When you say no, some peopl


Start saying no, and see who stays.What am I talking about, you ask? When you say no, some people will be understanding and others will get mad and leave.

Post link
It Isn’t Over Yet. Self love is always important, especially. During a time period like this. We can

It Isn’t Over Yet.

Self love is always important, especially. During a time period like this. We cannot lie, 2020 has not been kind to anyone and I wish I could tell you that things will magically get better.

Post link
Mercury Retrograde – My Time Of Year! It is my favorite time of year! Now, listen. I know this is pr

Mercury Retrograde – My Time Of Year!

It is my favorite time of year! Now, listen. I know this is pretty suspicious coming from someone who loves the Tower card, but retrograde periods can be very beneficial for us!

Post link

Hello ^_^ 
I am currently conducting a research project and will be selecting about 30 charts to do a video chat reading on. Usually I would only offer a free reading to someone I know personally, but the particular aspect I want to look at requires that I’m reading a stranger. 

If you’ve always wanted to try an astrology reading but had doubts about doing so, this would be a great chance to try one out. Whether you’re a long-time believer or a skeptic, I want to hear from you!

I have a brief screening survey to see if you fit the criteria I’m looking for. If you do, I’ll send you an email (within about a week, give or take) to schedule your reading. 

To be considered, please fill out this survey. I will be selecting eligible participants on a first-come-first-serve basis. 

I can only do this project if I have a minimum of 30 eligible participants (preliminary results show that about 1 in 5 people meet the criteria I need), so please share or send the survey to people you think might be interested in a free reading!


I’m the type of person who can drive myself mad trying to look at the future. Frankly, I try to avoid using astrology to predict events as much as possible. I do, however, find it super duper helpful for looking for analyzing conflicts between people. 
Perhaps its my humanistic streak, but I tend to believe there are no winners in an argument, and that the only way to “win” is to find solutions that work for both people. Sometimes it can’t be done, but I think that more often than not, it can, and a little synastry analysis can provide just the insight needed to make it happen. 

Now, one way to look at a synastry chart is two people, each with complimentary and conflicting desires. This is the type of synastry you’ll find if you look at pre-done interpretations, and will follow a similar format to “Having person A’s planet in person B’s house means xyz for person B…” or “Having person A’s planet aspecting person B’s planet means xyz for person A…” and while these interpretations are accurate, they miss one of the fundamental aspects of synastry: When two people are together, they’re acting as one unit. 

Yes, they are individuals, but when they’re together, the other’s presence can’t be ignored. A battery and a light bulb have their own identities, but take on entirely new ones when combined. A light bulb is more or less a piece of glass, and only exists as a potential light source by itself. Similarly, a battery is just a potential power source and has no electricity flowing through it without a circuit. 

People are much the same. Sure, we have our own properties, but most of our motion comes from the influence of other people. In fact, most of the traits you exhibit and ways you build your sense of identity are in relation to the other people around you. 

In astrological terms, when you are with someone, their planets are shared with you, and your planets are shared with them, as if they are your own. The separation is nominal at best. When you’re with someone else, it is impossible to ignore the effect their planets have on yours. They can put tension into your chart that wasn’t their before, or relieve internal conflicts by merely interacting with you. 

Now, I’m sure you’re thinking something along the lines of “But I’m my own person, no matter who I’m with,” and to that I will say: proclaiming your own identity is a reaction to the existence of something you can compare yourself to. That sense of identity doesn’t occur unless you have something to separate yourself from. 

There’s a saying in conflict management: “It takes two to tango”. Both parties have to be involved for a conflict to happen. I’ve found that by looking at problems as a competing desires within the same chart, rather than two charts competing against one another, it’s much easier to find solutions that provide overall satisfaction because when it comes to relationships, one person’s problem really is a problem for both of them. 

Hello all! I hope your astrological journeys are going swell. 

If you want to skip my explanation and go straight to the synopsis, it’ll be bolded towards the bottom. 

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably noticed that reading natal charts has a bit of a flaw in it; people grow up!  While it’s true that a natal chart represents the energy we are born with, most of us have significant changes in our personalities in a matter of weeks, much less a matter of years. 

In fact, some people hardly act like their natal chart at all, especially as they grow. 

Now, of course, some things in people never change, but what about the things that do? Do we attribute them to a person’s transits? The unknown? Flexibility within a sign or aspect’s behavior?

All of these answers are valid, but personally, I dispel a lot of the mystery of why people don’t act exactly how their natal chart says they should, especially as they grow up, with progressions. 

Progressions, a short definition: The movement of your natal chart against itself as you age. 

Progressions, a long definition: 

One SUPER important thing to remember about human beings (and really, our whole universe but in this case we’re focusing on living things) is that we are constantly in motion. As humans, we have the extraordinary ability to store the logic of that motion in the tiny copy of the universe we build through our senses and recall it to adjust our course. This is the mechanic behind our memory, and it drives us to acquire new information so we can more accurately understand our universe and fulfill our role in it. 

Naturally, our behavior is going to change over the course of our lifetime. As with most things in astrology, there is a logical, relative progression in which events tend to happen, but the chaotic nature of our natal shape causes these somewhat linear patterns to run into, cross over, and warp each other into the beautiful and unique experiences that we are. 

For now, we’re going to focus on the logical, relative progression bit. 

Over time, each of your planets is going to seek a new way to express itself. It does this by, at its own pace, changing positions. Even small changes in a planet’s position can send aspects into or out of play, drastically altering how a person acts. The crazy part, however, is that a person with a progressed planet has access to all the potential aspects within that progression, all depending on what part of that person’s memory is triggered. 

*Note, progressions are stored in a person’s MEMORY, and therefore, any permutation of the progression has the possibility of being expressed. 

In other words, say you have a planet, such as Mercury, that has moved from 15 degree Aries into 15 degree Taurus. That Mercury could exhibit any of the behaviors within that 30 degree span. Furthermore, say it natally trines a person’s moon in 15 degrees Leo, but now it has moved to square that natal moon. The person’s progressed moon could now be conjuncting their progressed Mercury. That’s a LOT of aspects to consider!

If you follow this logic of thinking, you can start to see where adult emotions get really complex, really quickly. Personally, I have found the simplest way to look at progressions is this: The planet’s original DESIRE is that of its NATAL placement, but it tries to ACQUIRE its desire using the progressed METHOD. 

While there is the possibility that any permutation of a progression CAN be expressed, when a planet progresses, it coincides with a move forward in a person’s emotions. This is often in the form of them “working through” whatever the progression causes them to feel, and they tend to operate out of the END of the progression more than the beginning. Think if of it like the planet saying, “Well, I already tried that, let’s do this new thing” and it rarely goes back to an OLD METHOD to ACQUIRE its NATAL DESIRE. 

Hopefully looking into progressed charts helps you understand some of the new METHODS (behaviors) you or others you know have acquired!

In short:

The planet’s original DESIRE is that of its NATAL placement, but it tries to ACQUIRE its desire using the progressed METHOD. 

A person with a progressed planet has access to all the potential aspects within that progression, but they will tend to operate out of the END of the progression more than the beginning. 


Finally working on all the personal readings from last week! You should have them on your emails by tommorowevening

May Sale - Natal Chart and Career Readings

Synastry and Composite Readings:

1. Synastry Reading – 25$ 30$. Romantic or platonic compability between two people. Analysis on aspects and overlays in the synastry chart.

2. Synastry with asteroids – 30$ 35$. Includes asteroids Juno, Lilith, Chiron, Ceres, Eros, Amor, Psyche. You can add up to five more by your choice for free.

3. Composite Chart Reading – 20$ 25$. Analysis of the midpoints of two people’s chart, an inside look of the relationship dynamics and characteristics.

4. Ideal Partner/Love Reading - 20$ 25$. Focuses on the client’s romantic life, qualities of their ideal partner, likely dynamics or habits in their romantic relationships. Includes asteroids: Juno, Ceres, Innanen, Lilith, Groom, Bride, Lust, Bella, Aphrodite, Vesta.


1. Astrocartography Reading - 30$.

The Astrocartography reading offers you to find out how different parts of the world would personally affect you - where you may find love, where you may receive opportunities, the places to avoid and the places you may learn a lot from - and others. It can be used for relocating, travels and to learn your overall connection to different parts of the world.

Natal Chart Readings:

1.Natal Chart Reading – 15$ 20$ Classic natal chart reading. An inside look of someone’s personality, traits and characteristics and where they show up. Includes description of each house, planet and house it’s in, aspects between the planets.

2. Natal Chart Reading with asteroids – 20$ 25$. Natal chart with asteroids chosen by you. Includes description of each house, the planets and asteroids (Lilith, Eros, Chiron, Ceres, Vesta) and the houses they are in, the aspects between them. For all readings with asteroids the client can add up to 5 more for free.

3. Natal Chart Reading with House Rulers and asteroids – 25$ 30$ Chosen asteroids and analysis of each House, the ruler of each ruling sign and where it is in the chart. Includes description of each house, it’s ruler and the house it is in, the planets and asteroids (Lilith, Eros, Chiron, Ceres, Vesta) and the houses they are in, the aspects between them.

4. Career and Investments Reading  - 20$ 25$. Focuses on houses and aspects that have to do with finances, income and work.

Synastry and Composite Readings:

1. Synastry Reading – 30$. Romantic or platonic compability between two people. Analysis on aspects and overlays in the synastry chart.

2. Synastry with asteroids – 35$. Includes asteroids Juno, Lilith, Chiron, Ceres, Eros, Amor, Psyche. You can add up to five more by your choice for free.

3. Composite Chart Reading – 25$. Analysis of the midpoints of two people’s chart, an inside look of the relationship dynamics and characteristics.

4. Ideal Partner/Love Reading - 25$. Focuses on the client’s romantic life, qualities of their ideal partner, likely dynamics or habits in their romantic relationships. Includes asteroids: Juno, Ceres, Innanen, Lilith, Groom, Bride, Lust, Bella, Aphrodite, Vesta.


1. Astrocartography Reading - 30$.

The Astrocartography reading offers you to find out how different parts of the world would personally affect you - where you may find love, where you may receive opportunities, the places to avoid and the places you may learn a lot from - and others. It can be used for relocating, travels and to learn your overall connection to different parts of the world.

Transit Readings/Personal Horoscope and Solar Return:

1. Transit Reading/Forecast.(1 year) – 50$. Predictive astrology. Analysis on current and future overlays and aspects. Includes the aspects the transiting planets are making to the natal planets, transit planet overlays in the natal chart for the time period wanted.

2. Transit Reading//Forecast (3 months) – 40$

3. Transit Reading//Forecast (3 months) – 30$

4. Transit Reading/Forecast (1 month) – 20$

5. Solar Return Chart- 20$. Analysis of the Solar Return chart - themes of the year between the client’s birthdays, can show areas of life they might be more focused on throughout the year.


1. Consultation by chat - 50$/hour. Booked at least 5 days or a week in advance.

For any orders or questions, you can message me here on Tumblr or by email at [email protected]

I use PayPal or bank transfer as a payment method. The readings are sent through email as PDF files within two weeks (I message in case there is a delay due to many orders).

February Sale - All synastry and love readings

For the month of love, February, there will be a sale on all readings connected to love and romance :)

1. Synastry Reading – 25$ 30$. Romantic or platonic compability between two people. Analysis on aspects and overlays in the synastry chart.

2. Synastry with asteroids – 30$ 35$. Includes asteroids Juno, Lilith, Chiron, Ceres, Eros. You can add up to five more by your choice for free.

3. Composite Chart Reading – 20$ 25$. Analysis of the midpoints of two people’s chart, an inside look of the relationship dynamics and characteristics.

4. Ideal Partner/Love Reading - 20$ 25$. Focuses on the client’s romantic life, qualities of their ideal partner, likely dynamics or habits in their romantic relationships.

Other readings I offer:

1.Natal Chart Reading – 20$ Classic natal chart reading. An inside look of someone’s personality, traits and characteristics and where they show up. Includes description of each house, planet and house it’s in, aspects between the planets.

2. Natal Chart Reading with asteroids – 25$ Natal chart with asteroids chosen by you. Includes description of each house, the planets and asteroids (Lilith, Eros, Chiron, Ceres, Vesta) and the houses they are in, the aspects between them. For all readings with asteroids the client can add up to 5 more for free.

3. Natal Chart Reading with House Rulers and asteroids – 30$ Chosen asteroids and analysis of each House, the ruler of each ruling sign and where it is in the chart. Includes description of each house, it’s ruler and the house it is in, the planets and asteroids (Lilith, Eros, Chiron, Ceres, Vesta) and the houses they are in, the aspects between them.

4. Transit Reading/Forecast.(1 year) – 50$. Predictive astrology. Analysis on current and future overlays and aspects. Includes the aspects the transiting planets are making to the natal planets, transit planet overlays in the natal chart for the time period wanted.

5. Transit Reading//Forecast (3 months) – 40$

6. Transit Reading//Forecast (3 months) – 30$

7. Transit Reading/Forecast (1 month) – 20$

8. Solar Return Chart- 20$. Analysis of the Solar Return chart - themes of the year between the client’s birthdays, can show areas of life they might be more focused on throughout the year.

9. Career and Investments Reading  - 25$. Focuses on houses and aspects that have to do with finances, income and work.

10. Consultation by chat - 50$/hour. Booked at least 5 days or a week in advance.

For any orders or questions, you can message me here on Tumblr or by email at [email protected]

I use PayPal or bank transfer as a payment method. The readings are sent through email as PDF files within two weeks (I message in case there is a delay due to many orders).

June Sale - Synastry Readings, Composite Readings and Love/Partner Readings

Synastry and Composite Readings:

  1. Synastry Reading – 25$ 30$. Romantic or platonic compability between two people. Analysis on aspects and overlays in the synastry chart.
  2. Synastry with asteroids – 30$ 35$. Includes asteroids Juno, Lilith, Chiron, Ceres, Eros, Amor, Psyche. You can add up to five more by your choice for free.
  3. Composite Chart Reading – 20$ 25$. Analysis of the midpoints of two people’s chart, an inside look of the relationship dynamics and characteristics.
  4. Ideal Partner/Love Reading - 20$ 25$. Focuses on the client’s romantic life, qualities of their ideal partner, likely dynamics or habits in their romantic relationships. Includes asteroids: Juno, Ceres, Innanen, Lilith, Groom, Bride, Lust, Bella, Aphrodite, Vesta.

Natal Chart Readings:

  1. Natal Chart Reading – 20$ Classic natal chart reading. An inside look of someone’s personality, traits and characteristics and where they show up. Includes description of each house, planet and house it’s in, aspects between the planets.
  2. Natal Chart Reading with asteroids – 25$. Natal chart with asteroids chosen by you. Includes description of each house, the planets and asteroids (Lilith, Eros, Chiron, Ceres, Vesta) and the houses they are in, the aspects between them. For all readings with asteroids the client can add up to 5 more for free.
  3. Natal Chart Reading with House Rulers and asteroids – 30$ Chosen asteroids and analysis of each House, the ruler of each ruling sign and where it is in the chart. Includes description of each house, it’s ruler and the house it is in, the planets and asteroids (Lilith, Eros, Chiron, Ceres, Vesta) and the houses they are in, the aspects between them.
  4. Career and Investments Reading - 25$. Focuses on houses and aspects that have to do with finances, income and work.


  1. Astrocartography Reading - 30$.

The Astrocartography reading offers you to find out how different parts of the world would personally affect you - where you may find love, where you may receive opportunities, the places to avoid and the places you may learn a lot from - and others. It can be used for relocating, travels and to learn your overall connection to different parts of the world.

Transit Readings/Personal Horoscope and Solar Return:

  1. Transit Reading/Forecast. (1 year) – 50$. Predictive astrology. Analysis on current and future overlays and aspects. Includes the aspects the transiting planets are making to the natal planets, transit planet overlays in the natal chart for the time period wanted.
  2. Transit Reading//Forecast (3 months) – 40$
  3. Transit Reading//Forecast (3 months) – 30$
  4. Transit Reading/Forecast (1 month) – 20$
  5. Solar Return Chart- 20$. Analysis of the Solar Return chart - themes of the year between the client’s birthdays, can show areas of life they might be more focused on throughout the year.


  1. Consultation by chat - 50$/hour. Booked at least 5 days or a week in advance.

For any orders or questions, you can message me here on Tumblr or by email at [email protected]
I use PayPal or bank transfer as a payment method. The readings are sent through email as PDF files within two weeks (I message in case there is a delay due to many orders)

Aries: not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until its faced

Taurus: you can tell how angry a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly

Gemini: the circle of an empty day is brutal and at night it tightens around your neck like a noose

Cancer: experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. my god, do you learn

Leo: in the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary

Virgo: often I wonder where i would be if i put all of that faith and hope i put into others, into myself instead

Libra: my life is a struggle between my need for acceptance, my fear of rejection, and a desire to not care at all

Scorpio: at my funeral the priest will throw my corpse into the crowd and whoever catches it, will be the next to die

Sagittarius: stop talking about the problem and start thinking about a solution

Capricorn: how long should you try? until

Aquarius: i am living art; created and creator

Pisces: i would rather die of passion than boredom

New Moon in Aquarius Feb 2022 Astrology Report

For the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius in February 2022, I have written a thorough report on the astrological chart of the new moon itself, and broken down how the astrology applies to your spiritual practice and to your life!

It is available for anyone subscribed at the Moon Child ($4.44CAD/month) tier or higher. Subscribing to my Patreon helps support my work so I can continue creating unique content on magic, the occult, religious polytheism, and astrology.


Full Moon in Cancer Readings for Every Rising Sign January 2022

Do you want to know what this upcoming Full Moon in Cancer has in store for you? Join my Patreon at the Moon Acolyte tier for $8.88CAD/month and you’ll receive the full moon readings for every rising sign, PLUS my video debut discussing the astrology of the full moon!

Mage of Aquarius invites you on an esoteric journey to discover the secrets of the moon, divine celestial timing, and moon magic with the Moon Acolyte tier.

Astrology portrait: Kris Wu

So today I’ve tried to find his time of birth and it wasn’t easy at all. When I try to do rectification of famous people first thing I do is read their interviews and I was impressed how honestly he was answering to questions, so it helped my research a lot. But still there was a big problem: he’s lived in 3!! countries. I already wrote about relocation in astrology so I think I don’t need to explain it again. Let’s start with Korea because I found approximate time thanks to this country (I was using Pladius system):

By my research he was born about 10:00 in Guangzhou, so his natal chart placements for Korea are:

Sun and Venus in 10th, Moon in 6, rising in Capricorn in 1st, Saturn/Neptune/Uranus in 1, Pluto in 10, 2nd house in 1

The best place for becoming famous. Hardworking and persistent - qualities every idol should have and he had them all. His mother tried her best to raise her son in good conditions and spent most of her time at work but he doesn’t blame her for this what’s more he respects her for all she has done for him. As result, he grew up as hardworking as her (and tries to earn a lot of money to show how grateful he is ). He wanted to be the center, a person people would respect, but he didn’t expect that they would like him for his visual not for who he truly is (asc opp moon).That’s why he didn’t want to be an exo member because he felt that this work was destroying him as a personality. He also found hard to find like-mined people, so we can come to conclusion that Korea is a place he could get everything he wanted but he had to play a role SM gave to him (however, I’d say that was a good deal, but that’s just my opinion though)

Talking about China, he probably wouldn’t return there if not SM, but even if he did he still won’t be that successful. China is a good choice only if he’s already famous.

When I found such suitable time of birth I had to check out Vancouver:

Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in 6, Moon and Mars in 1 plus Mars sextile Jupiter, asc in 6:

A lot of routine work, and actually I don’t think he would be able to get out of this home-work circle As for sport, he really had a good potential for basketball plus he was afraid to live such a boring life, but that wouldn’t be easy for him. I also want to admit that his karma in Canada is to explore this world, but before he has to become famous and for start just barely introduce with it (he’s travelling around the world now but only because of his concerts, so he doesn’t really travel yet). Plus he has to develop his Mars for this life’s karma but, I guess, he already did it, although, I’d recommend him not to forget about sport.

At the end I want to write about his Sun square Pluto. This world is an unsafe place for people with such placement and there’s two options: you let this world to be a big “monster” and let it “eat” you or you will have enough energy and power to make this “monster” your favorite pet. Did he become powerful? Well, he’s millionaire now and has a great influence on many people via his music, so we can say he developed this aspect enough.

That is all for this post:) I could write more but it would be too long


All prices in USD; I am more than happy to accommodate custom orders or to negotiate prices. I use paypal (message for email) and kofi.com/sa_tur_n . 


Full detail chart reading - $15
Includes the ascendant and all planets, major asteroids such as Lilith and Chiron, all house placements, up to 5 major aspects and how they affect the individual, and elemental influences on the chart. Takes 2-5 days to complete and is around 3-4 pages long.

Simple chart reading - $5
Includes the ascendant and inner ring planets, which are the most influential (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) and house placements for the planets covered. Takes 1-3 days to complete and is around 2 pages long. Excellent for those wanting a snapshot of the most important parts of their natal chart.

Basic chart description - $1 - 2
Includes a simple description of an individual’s personality based off their Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. For an additional $1 will include an analysis of the houses the signs are in, and the elemental influence on the chart. Answered within 24 hours and will be roughly a paragraph in length through your choice of messaging service, or email.

Natal chart drawing - $5 - 8
A pen drawing of your natal chart, including as many of the planets, major asteroids, houses, aspects, and signs as you would prefer. Optional single-tone watercolor background for no additional charge. This can be purchased by itself or as an add-on to any chart. The drawing can be sent as a picture for $5, scanned and sent (for higher quality) for $6, or sent via mail for $8. The image is roughly 5”x5” or 13cm x 13cm. Details can be adjusted according to your personal taste. (Sample shown). Delivery time will vary. Open to suggestions.


Tarot Readings

Simple card readings $1+
$1 per card. You can ask one question per card or use multiple cards per question to receive a more detailed answer.

Past Present Future reading - $4
Uses 4-5 cards to summarize your past, present, and future situations as well as the common theme or recurring energy between them.

Celtic Cross Reading - $8
A 10-card reading that analyzes your past, present, and future energies, sources of conflict or tension in your life, your hopes, fears, resources, and a potential outcome for your current course.

Custom Spreads
See a spread you like but not sure how to use it for yourself? We can discuss a price based on the question and number of cards! Feel free to contact me.

Past Life Reading - $15
An intense and moving reading about one of your past lives, as well as the common themes between them. Answers questions such as how long ago the life took place, what you were like, any soulmates or important relationships you had, how you died (can be removed if you prefer), and any lessons you failed to learn or should continue to focus on in this life and any in the future. Uses between 12 and 15 cards, is roughly 2-3 pages in length, and can be customized based on questions you want more detail on.

Decks available: Rider-Wait Tarot, the Wildwood Tarot, the Ostara Tarot



Yes/No/Maybe - $1 per question
Answering simple yes/no/maybe questions that can be done all at once or in a series of questions that build upon each other.
